宇津呂 武仁(ウツロ タケヒト)


2017-12 -- 2018-06The 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics:Program Committee member
2017-03 -- 2018-03Special Issue of Terminology, “Computational Terminology and Filtering of Terminological Information"Program Committee Member
2017-06 -- 2019-05人工知能学会代議員
2016-03 -- 2017-03言語処理学会第 23 回年次大会 大会実行委員会委員
2011-06 -- 2017-05情報処理学会論文誌査読委員
2015-05 -- 2015-12The 28th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2015,The 28th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2015, reviewer
2015-03 -- 2015-09MT Summit XV 6th Workshop on Patent and Scientific Literature Translation (PSLT 2015), 2015, Program CommitteeMT Summit XV 6th Workshop on Patent and Scientific Literature Translation (PSLT 2015), 2015, Program Committee
2015-05 -- 2015-082015 International Conference on Signal Processing (ICOSP 2015),Technical Committee member
2014-08 -- 2014-12The 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Data Processing: Online Social Networks and Ehealth Data, (IDP-2014),Program Committee Member
2014-10 -- 2015-12Special Issue of Terminology, “Terminology across Languages and Domains”,Scientific Committee Member