鈴木 健嗣(スズキ ケンジ)
- 論文
- Empirical Myoelectric Feature Extraction and Pattern Recognition in Hemiplegic Distal Movement Decoding
Anastasiev Alexey; Kadone Hideki; Marushima Aiki; Wata...
BIOENGINEERING-BASEL/10(7), 2023-07-21 - Joy-Pros: A Gaming Prosthesis to Enable Para-Esports for Persons With Upper Limb Deficiencies
Hassan Modar; Shimizu Yukiyo; Hada Yasushi; Suzuki Kenji
IEEE Access/10, 2022 - Rapid and Flexible 3D printed Finger Prostheses with Soft Fingertips: Technique and Clinical Application
Hassan Modar; Shimizu Yukiyo; Kikuchi Akira; Hada Yasush...
IEEE Access/10, 2022 - Evaluation of dynamic spinal alignment changes and compensation using three-dimensional gait motion analysis for dropped head syndrome
Miura Kousei; Kadone Hideki; Asada Tomoyuki; Sakashita...
SPINE JOURNAL/22(12)/pp.1974-1982, 2022-12-01 - Passive Exoskeleton with Gait-Based Knee Joint Support for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy
Kennard Maxwell; Kadone Hideki; Shimizu Yukiyo; Suzuki...
SENSORS/22(22), 2022-11-18 - Alteration of muscle activity during voluntary rehabilitation training with single-joint Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) in patients with shoulder elevation dysfunction from cervical origin
Lafitte Margaux Noémie; Kadone Hideki; Kubota Shigeki; ...
FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE/16, 2022-04-01 - 新たな時代を迎えたつくばセンター地区の今後の展望、-リアル空間を支えるデジタル技術-
谷口 守; 鈴木 健嗣; 藤井 さやか; 茂木 貴志
TUTC Library/(49)/pp.3-26, 2023-03 - 物理学者に作用した応用行動分析学者
鈴木 健嗣; 松田 壮一郎
慶應義塾大学社会学研究科紀要, 2022 - Variable-Damper Control Using MR Fluid for Lower Back Support Exoskeleton
Kennard Maxwell; Yagi Keisuke; Hassan Modar; Kadone H...
IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS/Epub, 2023-02 - Supervised Myoelectrical Hand Gesture Recognition in Post-Acute Stroke Patients with Upper Limb Paresis on Affected and Non-Affected Sides
Anastasiev A; Kadone H; Marushima A; Watanabe H; Zaborono...
SENSORS/22(22)/pp.P1-P25, 2022 - Personal Mobility With Synchronous Trunk–Knee Passive Exoskeleton: Optimizing Human–Robot Energy Transfer
Suzuki Kenji
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2022-01 - Supporting collective physical activities by interactive floor projection in a special-needs school setting
Suzuki Kenji
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction/32/p.100392, 2021-09 - Joint Synergy-Based Rehabilitative Exoskeleton for Rodents
Takayuki M.; Luis C. A.; Hassan Modar; Sandra Puentes; Su...
IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 2022-07 - Teleoperated Probe Manipulator for Prone-Position Echocardiography Examination
Gifari M. W.; Hassan Modar; Suzuki Kenji
Proceedings of the 44st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2022-07 - A Passive Three Degree of Freedom Transtibial Prosthesis with Adjustable Coronal Compliance and Independent Toe Joint
Leon S. A. G.; Hassan Modar; Suzuki Kenji
Proceedings of the 44st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2022-07 - A Sensorized Overground Body Weight Support System for Assessing Gait Parameters During Walking Rehabilitation
Leme Bruno; Tan Chun Kwang; Nunez Eleuda; Hirokawa Masak...
Proceedings of 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2021), 2021-11 - Estimating Range of Lower Body Joint Angles with a Sensorized Overground Body-Weight Support System
Tan Chun Kwang; Leme Bruno; Nunez Eleuda; Kadone Hideki; ...
Proceedings of 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2021), 2021-11 - Locomotion Synchronization and Gait Performance While Walking With an Overground Body Weight Support System
Nunez Eleuda; Leme Bruno; Tan Chun Kwang; Kadone Hideki; ...
Proceedings of 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2021), 2021-11 - Use of Embedding Spaces for Transferring Robot Skills in Diverse Sensor Settings
Ninomiya Kazushi; Hirokawa Masakazu; Suzuki Kenji
2021 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2021-12 - Remote Communication via Huggable Interfaces-Behavior Synchronization and Social Presence
Nunez Eleuda; Hirokawa Masakazu; Hautasaari Ari; Suzuki ...
Annual conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2022-04 - Rapid and Flexible 3D printed Finger Prostheses with Soft Fingertips: Technique and Clinical Application
IEEE ACCESS/10/pp.60412-60420, 2022-06 - Joy-Pros: A Gaming Prosthesis to Enable Para-Esports for Persons With Upper Limb Deficiencies
Hassan Modar; Shimizu Yukiyo; Hada Yasushi; Suzuki Kenji
IEEE ACCESS/10/pp.18933-18943, 2022 - Personal Mobility With Synchronous Trunk–Knee Passive Exoskeleton: Optimizing Human–Robot Energy Transfer
Paez-Granados Diego; Kadone Hideki; Hassan Modar; Chen Y...
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics/27(5)/pp.3613-3623, 2022 - Parental Influence in Disengagement during Robot-Assisted Activities: A Case Study of a Parent and Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Kim SunKyoung; Hirokawa Masakazu; Funahashi Atsushi; Kenj...
MULTIMODAL TECHNOLOGIES AND INTERACTION/6(5)/pp.1-16, 2022/05 - Posture Control of the Passenger Based on Caregiver’s Wrist Motion for a Step-Climbing Stroller
Masuda Ririka; Sasaki Kai; Hirokawa Masakazu; Hachisu Ta...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters/7(2)/pp.3016-3021, 2022-01 - さらに表示...
- Empirical Myoelectric Feature Extraction and Pattern Recognition in Hemiplegic Distal Movement Decoding