杉田 倫明(スギタ ミチアキ)


  • Change of interception process due to the succession from Japanese red pine to evergreen oak
    Iida S; Tanaka T; Sugita M
    JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY/315(1-4)/pp.154-166, 2005-12
  • Seasonal variation of surface fluxes and scalar roughness of suburban land covers
    Kotani A; Sugita M
    AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY/135(1-4)/pp.1-21, 2005-12
  • Net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange over grazed steppe in central Mongolia
    Li SG; Asanuma J; Eugster W; Kotani A; Liu JJ; Urano T; O...
    GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY/11(11)/pp.1941-1955, 2005-11
  • Composition and Chemistry-D09303-Year-round measurements of net ecosystem CO2 flux over a montane larch forest in Mongolia-
    Li Sheng-Gong; 浅沼 順; Kotani Ayumi; Eugster Werner; Davaa ...
    Journal of Geophysical Research-Part D-Atmospheres/110(9), 2005-10
  • Year-round measurements of net ecosystem CO2 flux over a montane larch forest in Mongolia
    Li SG; Asanuma J; Kotani A; Eugster W; Davaa G; Oyunbaata...
  • D251 地表面フラックス : 点での観測,線・面の推定値(複雑多様な陸面諸過程の全体像の把握はどこまで可能か?その方策を模索する,専門分科会)
    杉田 倫明
    大会講演予講集/87(0)/p.228, 2005-04
  • P356 航空機観測データを用いた混合層分散法による地表面フラックスの推定
    小谷 亜由美; 杉田 倫明
    大会講演予講集/87(0)/p.444, 2005-04
  • RAISE project: summary for the first three years' activities.
    Sugita; M.; Asanuma; J.; Mariko; S.; Tsujimura; M.; Lu; M.; Kimura; ...
    Bull. Terrestrial Environ. Res. Ctr., Univ. Tsukuba/5/p.4-6, 2005-01
  • Aircraft turbulence measurements to estimate surface heat fluxes from the mixed layer variance methods over semi-arid grassland.
    Kotani; A.; Sugita; M.; +杉田 倫明
    Bull. Terrestrial Environ. Res. Ctr., Univ. Tsukuba/5/p.37-39, 2005-01
  • Influence of grazing on surface heat balance, vegetation and carbon dioxide flux over the Mongolian grassland.
    Kato; H.; Mariko; S.; and Urano; T.Sugita; M.; +杉田 倫明
    Bull. Terrestrial Environ. Res. Ctr., Univ. Tsukuba/5/p.35-36, 2005-01
  • Some results of spectral reflectance of vegetation-soil associations in the Kherlen River basin under RAISE project.
    Adyasuren; T.; Byambakhuu I.; Matsushima D; Ganbaatar T.; M...
    Bull. Terrestrial Environ. Res. Ctr., Univ. Tsukuba/5/p.77, 2005-01
  • Modeling approach to the atmosphere-hydrosphere-biosphere interactions in Mongolia
    Sato T.; Lee G.; Lu M.; Lee P.; Cchen Y.; Kamimera H.; Ki...
    Bull. Terrestrial Environ. Res. Ctr., Univ. Tsukuba/5/p.60-61, 2005-01
  • Estimation of surface heat fluxes around Kherlen river basin by aircraft turbulence data.
    Kotani; A.; Sugita; M.; +杉田 倫明
    Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Terrestrial and Climate Change in Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia/p.147-151, 2005-01
  • Assessment of pastureland change using remote sensing data in eastern steppe zone of Mongolia.
    Adyasuren Ts.; Sugita; M.; and Erdenetuya; M.; +杉田 倫明
    Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Terrestrial and Climate Change in Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia/p.124-126, 2005-01
  • Recent Findings From RAISE Project.
    Sugita; M.; Asanuma; J.; Mariko; S. Tsujimura; M.; Kimura; F.; Lu...
    Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Terrestrial and Climate Change in Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia/p.67-71, 2005-01
  • Water balance for a Mongolian steppe and its environmental constraints.
    Li; S.-G.; Asanuma J.; Kotani A; Davaa G.; Oyunbaatar D.; S...
    Bull. Terrestrial Environ. Res. Ctr., Univ. Tsukuba/5/p.92-94, 2005-01
  • 複数の手法を用いた熱帯モンスーン域の広域蒸発量の季節変化の推定
    アサヒビール学術振興財団研究紀要/18/p.149-158, 2005-01
  • How summer season precipitation affects net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange over the grazing steppe in central Mongolia.
    Li; S.-G.; Asauma; J.; Kotani; A.; Davaa; G.; Oyunbaatar; D.; and ...
    Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Terrestrial and Climate Change in Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia/p.157160, 2005-01
  • Seasonal variation in oxygen isotope composition of waters for a montane larch forest in Mongolia
     Li S. Tsujimura M. Sugimoto A. Sasaki L. ...
    Trees-Structure and Function/19/p.DOI 10.1007/s004, 2005-01
  • Influence of grazing on surface heat balance, vegetation and carbon dioxide flux over the Mongolian grassland.
    Kato; H.; Mariko; S.; and Urano; T.Sugita; M.; +杉田 倫明
    Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Terrestrial and Climate Change in Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia/p.144-146, 2005-01
  • A301 GAME Land Surface Processes/ABL/AAN Working Group : 地表面過程(地表面・大気境界層過程・AAN,スペシャルセッション「GAMEでアジアモンスーンはどこまでわかったか?」I)
    杉田 倫明
    大会講演予講集/86(0)/p.83, 2004-10
  • A303 混合層バルク式による広域顕熱フラックスの推定(地表面・大気境界層過程・AAN,スペシャルセッション「GAMEでアジアモンスーンはどこまでわかったか?」I)
    杉田 倫明; 加藤 秀和; 戸田 求
    大会講演予講集/86(0)/p.85, 2004-10
  • 巻頭言 : 特集「水との共生のためのパースペクティブ」
    山中 勤; 杉田 倫明
    日本水文科学会誌 = Journal of Japanese Association of Hydrological Sciences/34(2)/pp.49-51, 2004-05
  • Digital Atlas of Mongolian Natural Environments, (1) Vegetation, Soil, Ecosystem and Water
    Saandar; M; Sugita; M; +杉田 倫明
    Bull. Terrestrial Environ. Res. Ctr., Univ. Tsukuba/5/p.75-76, 2004-01
  • 2001年筑波大学陸域環境研究センター(TERC)における乱流計測機集中観測 : 機器比較と校正による誤差の解析
    石田 祐宣; 松島 大; 樋口 篤志; 檜山 哲哉; 戸田 求; 浅沼 順; 玉川 一郎; 宮崎 真; 田中 賢...
    水文・水資源学会誌/17(1)/pp.43-60, 2004-01
  • さらに表示...