日下 博幸(クサカ ヒロユキ)
- 論文
- 降水短時間予測の現状と課題
若月泰孝; 日下 博幸
ながれ/37(1)/pp.41-47, 2018-02 - Green Space and Deaths Attributable to the Urban Heat Island Effect in Ho Chi Minh City
Tran Ngoc Dang; Doan Quang Van; Kusaka Hiroyuki; Seposo ...
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH/108/pp.S137-S143, 2017-10 - 野焼き発生の時間分布調査および稲作残渣野焼きによる大気汚染物質排出量の日変動推計
富山 一; 田邊 潔; 茶谷 聡; 小林 伸治; 藤谷 雄二; 古山 昭子; 佐藤 圭; 伏見 暁洋; 近藤 美...
大気環境学会誌/52(4)/pp.105-117, 2017-07 - Foehnlike Wind with a Traditional Foehn Effect plus Dry-Diabatic Heating from the Ground Surface Contributing to High Temperatures at the End of a Leeward Area
Takane Yuya; Kondo Hiroaki; Kusaka Hiroyuki; Katagi J...
JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY/56(7)/pp.2067-2079, 2017-07 - Review of Downslope Windstorms in Japan
Kusaka Hiroyuki; Fudeyasu Hironori
Wind and Structures/24(6)/pp.637-656, 2017-06 - 局地気象学分野における数値シミュレーション:地形と土地利用の影響調査
日下 博幸; 高根雄也
ながれ/36(1)/pp.9-17, 2017-02 - 統計解析及び現地微気象観測に基づく四万十市での国内最高気温発生要因の検討
伊藤淳史; 仲吉信人; 山城拓登; 小川憲人; 髙根雄也; 日下 博幸
土木学会論文集B1(水工学)/72(4)/pp.73-78, 2017-01 - Speeding up Large Eddy Simulation by Multigrid preconditioned Krylov subspace methods with mixed precision.
TADANO Hiroto; IKEDA Ryosaku; Kusaka Hiroyuki
JSST 2016 The 35th JSST Annual Conference International Conference on Simulation Technology/pp.97-101, 2016-10 - Numerical study on regional climate change due to the rapid urbanization of greater Ho Chi Minh City's metropolitan area over the past 20 years
Doan Quang Van; Kusaka Hiroyuki
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY/36(10)/pp.3633-3650, 2016-08 - Impact of future urbanization on temperature and thermal comfort index in a developing tropical city: Ho Chi Minh City
Doan Quang Van; Kusaka Hiroyuki; Quoc-Bang Ho
URBAN CLIMATE/17/pp.20-31, 2016-06 - Factors causing climatologically high temperatures in a hottest city in Japan: a multi-scale analysis of Tajimi
Yuya Takane; Kusaka Hiroyuki; Hiroaki Kondo; Maki Okada; ...
International Journal of Climatology/37(3)/pp.1456-1473, 2016-06 - Assessment of RCM and urban scenarios uncertainties in the climate projections for August in the 2050s in Tokyo
Kusaka Hiroyuki; Asuka Suzuki-Parker; Toshinori Aoyagi; ...
Climatic Change/137(3)/pp.427-438, 2016-05 - Dependence of Atmospheric Cooling by Vegetation on Canopy Surface Area During Radiative Cooling at Night: Physical Model Evaluation Using a Polyethylene Chamber
Maki OKADA; Masumi Okada; Hiroyuki Kusaka
農業気象/72(1)/pp.20-28, 2016-03 - Impact of an improved WRF urban canopy model on diurnal air temperature simulation over northern Taiwan
Chuan-Yao Lin; Chiung-Jui Su; Kusaka Hiroyuki; Yuko Akim...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics/16(3)/pp.1809-1822, 2016-02 - Future projections of labor hours based on WBGT for Tokyo and Osaka, Japan, using multi-period ensemble dynamical downscale simulations.
Suzuki-Parker; 日下 博幸
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY/60(2)/pp.307-310, 2016-02 - 観測の注意点
岡田牧; 桃谷辰也; 日下 博幸
電力土木/378(7)/pp.71-75, 2015-07 - Investigation of a recent extreme high-temperature event in the Tokyo metropolitan area using numerical simulations: the potential role of a 'hybrid' foehn wind.
Takane Y.; H. Kusaka; H. Kondo
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society/141(690:A)/pp.1857-1869, 2015-07 - 気候予測の注意点
鈴木パーカー明日香; 日下 博幸
電力土木/377(5)/pp.45-50, 2015-05 - Assessment of the Impact of Metropolitan-Scale Urban Planning Scenarios on the Moist Thermal Environment under Global Warming: A Study of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Using Regional Climate Modeling
Suzuki-Parker Asuka; Kusaka Hiroyuki; Yamagata Yoshiki
ADVANCES IN METEOROLOGY/2015, 2015 - 気象予測の注意点
髙根 雄也; 日下 博幸
電力土木/376(3)/pp.99-104, 2015-03 - WBGT に基づいた日本の暑熱環境の将来予測
鈴木パーカー明日香; 日下 博幸
日本生気象学会雑誌/52(1)/pp.59-72, 2015-01 - A climatological study of fog in Japan based on event data.
Akimoto Yuko; Kusaka Hiroyuki
ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH/151/pp.200-211, 2015-01 - 気象の物理モデル
秋本祐子; 日下 博幸
電力土木/375(1)/pp.85-88, 2015-01 - A Polyethylene Chamber for Use in Physical Modelling of the Heat Exchange on Surfaces Exposed to a Radiation Regime.
Okada Maki; M. Okada; H. Kusaka
Boundary-Layer Meteorology/153(2)/pp.305-325, 2014-11 - 気象の力学モデル
池田亮作; 日下 博幸
電力土木/374(11)/pp.101-105, 2014-11 - さらに表示...
- 降水短時間予測の現状と課題