田中 博(タナカ ヒロシ)


  • Development of deterministic predictability using ensemble forecast assimilated in nonlinear dynamical system.
    Nohara; D.; H.L. Tanaka
    Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan/82/p.167-178, 2003-01
  • Trend and interannual variations of Walker, monsoon, and Hadley circulations defined by velocity potential in the upper troposphere.
    Tanaka; H. L.; N. Ishizaki; A. Kitoh; +田中 博
    Tallus/56A/p.250-269, 2004-01
  • 高緯度で発現する気温の急変現象の解析
    早崎将光・田中博; +田中 博
    地理学評論/77(8)/p.609-627, 2004-01
  • Operational volcanic ash plume prediction model PUFF at the Japan airlines
    Tanaka; H.L.; S. Onodera; and D. Nohara; +田中 博
    Proc. 2nd Intlernational Conference on Volcanic Ash and Aviation Safety./June 21-24/p.111-114, 2004-01
  • The characteristics and thermal mechanism of the warm wind hole found at the Ice Valley in Mt. Jaeyak
    Byun; H.-R.; K.-s. Choi; K.-H. Kim; and H.L. Tanaka; ; +田中 博
    J. Korean Meteor. Soc./40/p.453--465, 2004-01
  • Realtime Prediction System of Forest-Fire Smoke using Satellite Data and the PUFF Model: A Case Study for May 2003
    Tanaka; H. L.; Misaki Kanetaka; ; +田中 博
    SOLA,/1/p.9-12, 2005-01
  • Arctic Oscillation analyzed as a singular eigenmode of the global atmosphere
    Tanaka; H. L.; M. Matsueda; ; +田中 博
    J. Meteor. Soc. Japan,/83,/p.611-619., 2005-01
  • Observational analysis of the local structure of the wave activity flux associated with maintenance of the Arctic Oscillation Index.
    Yamashita; Y.; H. L. Tanaka; and M. Takahashi; ; +田中 博
    SOLA,/1,/p.53--56., 2005-01
  • Energy Spectrum and Energy Flow of the Arctic Oscillation in the Phase Speed Domain.
    Tanaka; H. L.; Koji Terasaki; ; +田中 博
    SOLA,/1,/p.65--68, 2005-01
  • Intercomparison of the intensities and trends of Hadley, Walker, and monsoon circulations in the global warming predictions.
    Tanaka; H.L.; N. Ishizaki; and D. Nohara; ; +田中 博
    SOLA,/1,/p.77-80., 2005-01
  • Blocking Formation by an Accumulation of Barotropic Energy Exceeding the Rossby Wave Saturation Level at the Spherical Rhines Scale.
    Tanaka; H. L.; Koji Terasaki; ; +田中 博
    J. Meteor.Soc. Japan,/83,/p.319-332., 2006-01
  • Interannual variations of cold front activity in spring in Mongolia.
    Hayasaki; M.; S. Sugata; and H.L. Tanaka; +田中 博
    J. Metor. Soc. Japan,/83,/p.463-475, 2006-01
  • Multi-center grand ensemble using three operational ensemble forecases.
    Matsueda; M.; M. Kyoda; and H.L. Tanaka; and T. Tsuyuki; +田...
    SOLA,/2,/p.33-36, 2006-01
  • A trial of predicting the Arctic Oscillation index using the barotropic S-model
    Tanaka; H. L.; S. Kato; I. Suzuki; +田中 博
    Proc. GCCA-7, 19-20 February 2007, Fairbanks Alaska USA/7/p.23-26, 2007-01
  • Daily forecast skill of multi-center grand ensemble
    Matsueda; M.; M. Kyoda; H.L. Tanaka; and T. Tsuyuki
    Proc. GCCA-7, 19-20 February 2007, Fairbanks Alaska USA/7/p.42-45, 2007-01
  • Seasonal variation of the Arctic Oscillation.
    Yokoyama; N.; H.L. Tanaka
    Proc. GCCA-7, 19-20 February 2007, Fairbanks Alaska USA,/7/p.55-58, 2007-01
  • Trends in large-scale circulation and thermodynamic structures in the tropics derived from atmospheric reanalyses and climate change experiments
    Tsutsui; J.; H.L. Tanaka
    Proc. 27th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology/4C.4/p.1-5, 2007-01
  • Comparison among JRA-25, ERA-40 and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis datasets from the viewpoint of global energetics.
    Watarai; Y.; H.L. Tanaka
    SOLA,/3,/p.9-12., 2007-01
  • マルチセンターグランドアンサンブルでみた2005年12月15日のブロッキング
    松枝・経田・露木; 田中 博
    平成18年度異常気象と長期変動研究集会報告/March 2007/p.225-231, 2007-01
  • 異常気象をもたらす北極振動の解明とその予測(第3報).
    アサヒビール学術振興財団研究紀要、地球環境科学./21/p.157-168, 2008-01
  • 地球温暖化予測のための気象シミュレーション:気象モデルへの逆問題の応用
    21世紀の診断工学とその周辺/6/p.99-112, 2008-01
  • ロスビー波の砕波と飽和理論によるブロッキングと北極振動の励起メカニズム
    日本流体力学会年会2008/p.1-3, 2008-01
  • 日本の異常気象と北極振動の関係.
    2008年度雪氷防災研究講演会報文集/p.1-6, 2008-01
  • Characteristics of the JRA-25 dataset from the viewpoint of global energetics.
    Watarai; Y.; H.L. Tanaka
    International Conf. on Reanalysis. February 2008, Tokyo Japan./p.1-6, 2008-01
  • Mechanism of the Decadal-Scale Variation of the Arctic Oscillation Index.
    Tanaka; H.L.; and M. Ohhashi; +田中 博
    Proc. First International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan./1/p.20-23, 2008-01
  • さらに表示...