田中 博(タナカ ヒロシ)
- 論文
- Analysis of Arctic Oscillation Simulated by Global Warming Prediction Models
Ohhashi; M.; H.L. Tanaka; H.L
Proc. First International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan/1/p.222-225, 2008-01 - Spectral energetics analysis of the general circulation of the atmosphere in the vertical wavenumber domain
Terasaki; K.; H.L. Tanaka; H.L
Proc. First International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan/1/p.230-233, 2008-01 - Research of forcing sources causing the blocking high related to the Okhotsk high.
Seta; M.; H.L. Tanaka; H.L.
Proc. First International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan./1/p.249-252, 2008-01 - Influence of local ensemble transform Kalman filter with the NICAM on high latitudes
Kondo; K.; H.L. Tanaka; H.L
Proc. First International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan./1/p.226-229, 2008-01 - Prediction experiments of the Arctic Oscillation index using a barotropic general circulation model.
Kato; S.; H.L. Tanaka; H.L
Proc. First International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan./1/p.241-244, 2008-01 - Positive feedback between polar jet and polar mode of baroclinic instability.
Ikeda; M.; H.L. Tanaka; H.L.
Proc. First International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan/1/p.210-213, 2008-01 - Interaction between the baroclinically unstable wave and the subtropical and polar-frontal jets
Fujiwara; F.; H.L. Tanaka; H.L
Proc. First International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan./1/p.234-237, 2008-01 - Dynamics and statistics of cyclones over the Arctic Ocean compared with extra-tropical cyclones.
Takahashi; S.; H.L. Tanaka; H.L
Proc. First International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan./1/p.214-217, 2008-01 - Characteristics of the kinetic energy spectrum of NICAM
Koji Terasaki; H. L. Tanaka; and Masaki Satoh; +田中 博
SOLA/5/p.180-183, 2009-12 - 異常気象をもたらすと北極振動の力学
てんきすと/56/p.1-3, 2009-01 - On the predictability of a blocking occurred on 15th December 2005
Matsueda; M.; M. Kyouda; Z. Toth; T. Miyoshi; H.L. Tanaka; ...
Third International Conf. of Thorpex. May 2009, Monteray California, USA/p.1-6, 2009-01 - Comparison of the extended Kalman filter and the ensemble Kalman filter using the barotropic general circulation model.
Kondo; K.; H. L. Tanaka; +田中 博
J. Meteor. Soc. Japan/87/p.347-359, 2009-01 - 大気大循環モデル力学コアの変遷について
田中 博; 朴 泰祐; 佐藤 正樹
ながれ/29/p.27-32, 2010-02 - 偏西風の気象学
Pilot/2010(2)/p.8-12, 2010-03 - Data analysis of warming pattern in the Arctic
Masahiro Ohashi; H. L. Tanaka; +田中 博
SOLA/6A/p.1-4, 2010-03 - 北極振動の特異固有解理論の検証と考察 ー固有値ゼロのノーマルモードにエネルギーが溜まるわけー
第59回理論応用力学講演会講演論文集2010/59/p.393-394, 2010-06 - 北極振動と地球温暖化:地球温暖化が示す不都合な真実(上)
てんきすと/66/p.1-3, 2010-09 - 今夏の異常気象:過去の気候変動を理解、冷静に原因の探求を
筑波大学新聞、筑波時評/10月4日/p.1, 2010-10 - 北極振動と地球温暖化:地球温暖化が示す不都合な真実(下)
てんきすと/67/p.2-4, 2010-11 - Arctic Oscillation or Ice-Albedo Feedback? A Discrepancy in the Warming Pattern of the IPCC Model Projection
Tanaka; H.L.; Yuta Nagato; and Masahiro Ohashi; +田中 博
Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Dec. 7-9, 2010/2/p.3, 2010-12 - Numerical Simulations of Polar Stratospheric Clouds using Global Cloud-Resolving Model NICAM Installed at the CCS, University of Tsukuba
Tanaka; H.L.; Takuro Aizawa; Manami Ohya; and Hideaki Naka...
Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Dec. 7-9, 2010/2/p.12, 2010-12 - Modification of the Baroclinic Instability associated with Positive and Negative Arctic Oscillation Index: A Theoretical Proof of the Positive Feedback
Sawaka Seki; Hiroshi L. Tanaka; Fuyuki Fujiwara; and Mas...
Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Dec. 7-9, 2010/2/p.105, 2010-12 - Abnormal Arctic Dipole Anomaly and Arctic Cyclones in the Summer of 2010
Shinji Takahashi; Hiroshi L. Tanaka; +田中 博
Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Dec. 7-9, 2010/2/p.106, 2010-12 - Comparison of Polar Stratospheric Clouds in the Arctic and Antarctic simulated by the Global Cloud-Resolving Model NICAM
Takuro Aizawa; Hiroshi L. Tanaka; Manami Ohya; and Hidea...
Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Dec. 7-9, 2010/2/p.68, 2010-12 - Numerical Simulations of Ash Plume from Icelandic Volcano in April 2010 using the PUFF Model.
Hiroshi L. Tanaka; and Moeno Henmi; +田中 博
Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Dec. 7-9, 2010/2/p.70, 2010-12 - さらに表示...
- Analysis of Arctic Oscillation Simulated by Global Warming Prediction Models