黒澤 正紀(クロサワ マサノリ)
- 論文
- 高エネルギー陽子マイクロビームによる鉱物中の水素定量分析法の開発
古野 興平; 黒澤 正紀; 小松原 哲郎; 笹 公和; 大和 良広; 石井 聰; 大島 弘行
岩石鉱物科学/33(2)/pp.51-61, 2004-03 - 二次イオン質量分析計による固体中の元素拡散に関する研究
末野重穂; 圦本尚義; 坂口勲; 黒澤正紀
岩石鉱物鉱床学会誌特別号4号/(4)/p.57-64, 1989-01 - Hydrogen analysis in quartz crystals and quartz glasses by secondary ion mass spectrometry
H. Yurimoto; M. Kurosawa; and S. Sueno
Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta/53/p.751-755, 1989-01 - Hydrogen distribution in San Carlos olivine
M. Kurosawa; H. Yurimoto; and S. Sueno
Abstracts of the 15th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association/p.808-810, 1990-01 - Hydrogen distribution in San Carlos olivine
M. Kurosawa; H. Yurimoto; K. Matsyumoto; and S. Sueno
EOS/(71)/p.903-904, 1990-01 - Trace and volatile element microanalysis by SIMS
H. Yurimoto; M. Kurosawa; and S. Sueno
EOS/(71)/p.904, 1990-01 - マントルカンラン石中の水素の定量
圦本尚義; 黒澤正紀
重点領域「自然災害の予測と防災力」計画研究「噴火メカニズムと災害・火山災害の規模と特性」平成2年度研究成果報告書/p.8, 1991-01 - Quantitative analysis of H, Ca and Ni in olivine by secondary ion mass spectrometry
M. Kurosawa; H. Yurimoto; and S. Sueno
Annual Report of the Institute of Geoscience, The University of Tsukuba/18/p.83-88, 1992-01 - Hydrous components in mantle minerals
M. Kurosawa; H. Yurimoto; and S. Sueno
Abstracts of the 29th International Geological Congress/p.161, 1992-01 - Hydrogen analysis of mantle olivine by secondary ion mass spectrometry
M. Kurosawa; H. Yurimoto; K. Matsumoto; and S. Sueno
Geophysical Monograph 67, In High-Pressure Research in Mineral physics : Application to Earth and Planetary Sciences/p.283-287, 1992-01 - Water in Earth's mantle : hydrogen analysis of mantle olivine, pyroxenes and garnet using the SIMS
M. Kurosawa; H. Yurimoto; and S. Sueno
Proceedings of the 24th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference/p.839-840, 1993-01 - 無水鉱物中の水素の局所分析
黒澤正紀; 圦本尚義; 松本一哉
鉱物学雑誌/22/p.63-68, 1993-01 - マントルオリビン中の水
鉱物学雑誌/22/p.161-166, 1993-01 - A new specimen chamber for the proton microprobe
M. Kurosawa; S. Sueno; H. Kamiya; S. Kimoto; K. Shima; H....
The University of Tsukuba Tandem Accelerator Center Annual Report/64/p.109-117, 1997-01 - Patterns in the hydrogen and trace element compositions of mantle olivines
M. Kurosawa; H. Yurimoto; and S. Sueno
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals./23/p.385-395, 1997-01 - Characterization of Mongolian gold grains : progress and prospects in Japan-Mongolian cooperation.
S. Murao; G. Dejidmaa; H. Kume; S. Jargalan; Y. Sato; and...
Mongolian Geoscientist/3/p.20-34, 1997-01 - Trace element analysis of mineral samples using PIXE
M. Kurosawa; S. Sueno; T. Kato; K. Shima; H. Ohshima; and...
Annual Report of Tandem Accelerator Center, University of Tsukuba/66/p.94-96, 1998-01 - Design of a new sample chamber for proton microprobe analysis of mineral samples
M. Kurosawa; S. Sueno; H. Kamiya; S. Kimoto; K. Shima; H....
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research/B142/p.599-605, 1998-01 - Quantitative trace element analysis of single fluid inclusion using the PIXE.
M. Kurosawa; S. Shimano; T. Kato; S. Sueno; K. Shima; and...
Annual Report of Tandem Accelerator Center, University of Tsukuba./67/p.112-117, 1999-01 - Quantitative trace element analyses of silicate reference materials and a stainless steel using the proton microprobe
M. Kurosawa; J. L. Campbell; W. J. Teesdale; H. Ohyi; T. ...
Chemical Geology/160/p.241-250, 1999-01 - Growth of diamond with Zr-containing molten metal solvents and metal elements as incorporated impurities
M. Wakatsuki; A. Ohnishi; X. Jia; M. Kurosawa; S. Sueno; ...
Diamond and Related Materials/8/p.1438-1440, 1999-01 - Development of quantitative analysis of individual fluid inclusions using proton-induced X-ray emission
M. Kurosawa; S. Shimano; T. Kato; S. Sueno; K. Shima; and...
Annual Report of Tandem Accelerator Center, University of Tsukuba/68/p.94-99, 2000-01 - Geochemistry of eclogites and metapelites from Trescolmen, Central Alps, as observed from major and trace elements and oxygen isotopes.
R. A. Wiesli; L. A. Taylor; J. W. Valley; V. Tromsdorff; ...
International Geology Review/43/p.95-119, 2001-01 - Hydrogen analysis of mineral samples at University of Tsukuba
K. Sasa; H. Ohshima; Y. Yamato; T. Komatsubara; T. Katab...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research/B190/p.287-290, 2002-01 - Trace element analysis of NIST SRM 614 and 616 glass reference materials by laser ablation microprobe -inductively coupled plasma- mass spectrometry(LAM-ICP-MS).
M. Kurosawa; S. E. Jackson; and S. Sueno
Geostandards Newsletter: The Journal of Geostandards and Geoanalysis/26/p.75-84, 2002-01 - さらに表示...
- 高エネルギー陽子マイクロビームによる鉱物中の水素定量分析法の開発