石田 健一郎(イシダ ケンイチロウ)
- 論文
- Multiple losses of photosynthesis in Nitzschia (Bachillariophyceae)
Kamikawa Ryoma; Yubuki Naoji; Yoshida Masashi; Taira Misaka; ...
Phycological Research, 2015-1 - Multiple losses of photosynthesis in Nitzschia (Bachillariophyceae).
Ryoma Kamikawa; Naoji Yubuki; Masaki Yoshida; Misato Taira; N...
Phycological Research/63(1)/pp.19-28, 2015-01 - Phylogeny, Ultrastructure, and Flagellar Apparatus of a New Marimonad Flagellate Abollifer globosa sp nov (Imbricatea, Cercozoa)
Shiratori Takashi; Yokoyama Akiko; Ishida Ken-Ichiro
PROTIST/165(6)/pp.808-824, 2014-12 - Overexpression of Molecular Chaperone Genes in Nucleomorph Genomes
Hirakawa Yoshihisa; Suzuki Shigekatsu; Archibald John ...
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION/31(6)/pp.1437-1443, 2014-06 - Detailed Process of Shell Construction in the Photosynthetic Testate Amoeba Paulinella chromatophora ( Euglyphid, Rhizaria)
Nomura Mami; Nakayama Takuro; Ishida Ken-ichiro
JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY/61(3)/pp.317-321, 2014-05 - Palpitomonas bilix represents a basal cryptist lineage: Insight into the character evolution in Cryptista
Yabuki Akinori; Kamikawa Ryoma; Ishikawa Sota; Kolisko M...
Scientifc Reports/4/p.4641, 2014-04 - Polyploidy of Endosymbiotically Derived Genomes in Complex Algae
Hirakawa Yoshihisa; Ishida Ken-Ichiro
GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION/6(4)/pp.974-980, 2014 - Subcellular localization of minicircle DNA in the dinoflagellate Amphidinium massartii
Owari Satomi; Hayashi Aiko; Ishida Ken-ichiro
PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH/62(1)/pp.1-8, 2014-01 - Global searches for microalgae and aquatic plants that can eliminate radioactive cesium, iodine and strontium from the radio-polluted aquatic environment: a bioremediation strategy.
Fukuda S; Iwamoto K.; Atsumi M; Yokoyama A; Nakayama T; Ishid...
Journal of Plant Research/127(1)/pp.79-89, 2014-01 - Gene content evolution in discobid mitochondria deduced from the phylogenetic position and complete mitochondrial genome of Tsukubamonas globosa.
Kamikawa Ryoma; Kolisko Martin; Nishimura Yuki; Yabuki Akino...
Genome Biology and Evolution/6(2)/pp.306-315, 2014-01 - Rigifila ramosa n. gen., n. sp., a Filose Apusozoan with a Distinctive Pellicle, is Related to Micronuclearia
Yabuki A.; Ishida K.; Cavalier-Smith T.
Protist/164(1)/pp.75-88, 2013-01 - Broad Distribution of TPI-GAPDH Fusion Proteins among Eukaryotes: Evidence for Glycolytic Reactions in the Mitochondrion?
Nakayama Takuro; Ishida Ken-ichiro; Archibald John M.
PLOS ONE/7(12), 2012-12 - Algal genomes reveal evolutionary mosaicism and the fate of nucleomorphs
Curtis BA; Tanifuji Goro; Burki F; Gruber A; Irimia M; Ma...
Nature/492(7427)/pp.59-65, 2012-12 - Algal nuclear genomes reveal evolutionary mosaicism and fate of nucleomorphs.
Curtis B. (他72名); +石田 健一郎
Nature/492/p.59-65, 2012-12 - Esquamula lacrimiformis n. g., n. sp., a New Member of Thaumatomonads that Lacks Siliceous Scales
Shiratori Takashi; Yabuki Akinori; Ishida Ken-Ichiro
JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY/59(6)/pp.527-536, 2012-11 - Ubiquity and quantitative significance of detoxification catabolism of chlorophyll associated with protistan herbivory.
Kashiyama Yuichiro; Yokoyama A.; Kinoshita Yusuke; Shoji ...
Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America/109(43)/p.17328-17335, 2012-10 - Microheliella maris (Microhelida ord. n.), an Ultrastructurally Highly Distinctive New Axopodial Protist Species and Genus, and the Unity of Phylum Heliozoa
Yabuki Akinori; Chao Ema E.; Ishida Ken-Ichiro; Cavalier-...
PROTIST/163(3)/pp.356-388, 2012-05 - Microheliella maris (Microhelida ord. n.), an ultrastructurally highly distinctive new axopodial protist species and genus, and the unity of phylum Heliozoa.
Yabuki; Akinori; Chao; Ema E.; Ishida; Ken-Ichiro; Cavalier-Sm...
Protist/163(3)/p.356-388, 2012 - Molecular genetic and chemotaxonomic characterization of the terrestrial cyanobacterium Nostoc commune and its neighboring species.
Arima H.; Horiguchi N.; Takaichi S.; Kofuji R.; Ishida K...
FEMS Microbiol. Ecol./79/p.34-45, 2012-01 - Tsukubamonas globosa n. gen., n. sp., a novel excavate flagellate possibly holding a key for the early evolution in "Discoba"
Yabuki Akinori; Nakayama Takeshi; Yubuki Naoji; Hashimoto...
JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY/58(4)/pp.319-331, 2011-07 - Gymnochlora dimorpha sp nov., a chlorarachniophyte with unique daughter cell behaviour
Ota Shuhei; Kudo Astuko; Ishida Ken-Ichiro
PHYCOLOGIA/50(3)/pp.317-326, 2011-05 - Gymnochlora dimorpha sp. nov., a new chlorarachniophyte that has a unique behaviour of daughter cells.
Ota S.; Kudo A.; Ishida K.
Phycologia/50(3)/p.317-326, 2011-05 - Partenskyella glossopodia (Chlorarachniophyceae) possesses a nucleomorph genome of approximately 1 Mbp
Ishida Ken-ichiro; Endo Hiroko; Koike Sayaka
PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH/59(2)/pp.120-122, 2011-04 - Mataza hastifera n. g., n. sp.: A Possible New Lineage in the Thecofilosea (Cercozoa)
Yabuki Akinori; Ishida Ken-Ichiro
JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY/58(2)/pp.94-102, 2011-03 - Mataza hastifera n. gen., n. sp.: a possible new lineage in the Thecofilosea (Cercozoa).
Akinori Yabuki; Ken-ichiro Ishida
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology/58(2)/p.94-102, 2011-03 - さらに表示...
- Multiple losses of photosynthesis in Nitzschia (Bachillariophyceae)