石田 健一郎(イシダ ケンイチロウ)


  • Transient transformation of a chlorarachniophyte alga, Lotharella amoebiformis (chlorarachniophyceae), with uidA and egfp reporter genes
    Hirakawa Yoshihisa; Rumiko Kofuji; Ken-ichiro Ishida
    Journal of Phycology/44(3)/pp.814-820, 2008-05
  • Origins of plastids and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase genes in the green-colored dinoflagellate Lepidodinium chlorophorum
    Takishita Kiyotaka; Kawachi Masanobu; Noel Mary-Helene; M...
    GENE/410(1)/pp.26-36, 2008-02
  • Norrisiella sphaerica gen. et sp. nov., a new coccoid chlorarachniophyte from Baja California, Mexico
    OTA Shuhei; UEDA Kunihiko; ISHIDA Ken-ichiro
    Journal of plant research/120(6)/pp.661-670, 2007-11
  • Norrisiella sphaerica gen. et sp nov., a new coccoid chlorarachniophyte from Baja California, Mexico
    Ota Shuhei; Ueda Kunihiko; Ishida Ken-ichiro
    JOURNAL OF PLANT RESEARCH/120(6)/pp.661-670, 2007-11
  • Phylogeny and nucleomorph karyotype diversity of chlorarachniophyte algae
    Silver Tia D.; Koike Sayaka; Yabuki Akinori; Kofuji Rumi...
    JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY/54(5)/pp.403-410, 2007-09
  • Taxonomic study of Bigelowiella longifila sp nov (Chlorarachniophyta) and a time-lapse video observation of the unique migration of amoeboid cells
    Ota Shuhei; Ueda Kunihiko; Ishida Ken-ichiro
    JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY/43(2)/pp.333-343, 2007-04
  • Tracing the evolution of the light-harvesting antennae in chlorophyll a/b- containing organisms
    Koziol Adam G.; Borza Tudor; Ishida Ken-Ichiro; Keeling ...
    PLANT PHYSIOLOGY/143(4)/pp.1802-1816, 2007-04
  • Identification and transcription of transfer RNA genes in dinoflagellate plastid minicircles.
    Nelson M.J.; Dang Y.; Filek E.; Zhang Z; Yu V.W.C.; Ishid...
    Gene/392/p.291-298, 2007-01
    KOIKE Sayaka; KOFUJI Rumiko; ISHIDA Ken-ichiro
    Journal of plant research/119(0)/pp.122-123, 2006-12
  • Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis and Diversity of Carotenoids in the genus Nostoc
    ARIMA Hiromi; HORIGUCHI Noriomi; ISHIDA Kenichiro; TAKAICHI ...
    Journal of plant research/119(0)/p.105, 2006-12
  • Diversity of actin-coding genes in cryptomonads of secondary symbiotic organisms and their evolutionary implications.
    Tanifuji Goro; Onodera N; Erata M; Ishida K; Hara Y
    J. Plant Res./119(3)/pp.205-215, 2006-05
  • Diversity of secondary endosymbiont-derived actin-coding genes in cryptomonads and their evolutionary implications.
    Tanifuji G.; Erata M.; Ishida K.; Onodera N.; Hara Y.
    J. Plant Res./119(4)/p.205-215, 2006-01
  • A transcriptional fusion of genes encoding Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and Enolase in dinoflagellates.
    Takishita K.; Patron N. J.; Ishida K.; Maruyama T.; Keeli...
    J. Eukaryot. Microbiol./52(4)/p.343-348, 2005-01
  • Investigation of PSI-associated light-harvesting proteins in a chromophyte alga.
    Bentley; F.; Harnett; J.; Ishida; K.; Green; B. R.; +石田 健一郎
    Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives/p.161-163, 2005-01
  • Reevaluation of the evolutionary position of opalinids based on beta-tubulin and 18S rDNA phylogenies.
    Nishi A.; Ishida K.; Endoh H.
    J. Mol. Evol./60/p.695-705, 2005-01
  • Phylogeny of the psbC gene, coding a photosystem II component CP43, suggests separate origins for the peridinin- and the fucoxanthin derivative-containing plastids of dinoflagellates.
    Takishita K.; Ishida K.; Ishikura M.; Maruyama T.
    Phycologia/44/p.26-34, 2005-01
  • Lotharella vacuolata sp. nov., a new species of chlorarachniophyte algae, and time-lapse video observations on its unique post-cell division behavior.
    Ota S.; Ueda K.; Ishida K.
    Phycol. Res./53(4)/p.275-286, 2005-01
  • Phylogeny of Nuclear-Encoded Plastid-Targeted GAPDH Gene Supports Separate Origins for the Peridinin- and the Fucoxanthin Derivative-Containing Plastids of Dinoflagellates.
    Takishita K.; Ishida K.; Maruyama T.
    Protist/155/p.447-458, 2004-01
  • A thylakoidal processing peptidase from the heterokont alga Heterosigma akashiwo.
    Chaal B. K.; Ishida K.; Green B. R.
    Plant Mol. Biol./52/p.463-472, 2003-01
  • Ultrastructural changes in Neurospora cells undergoing senescence induced by kalilo plasmids.
    Bok J.-W.; Ishida K.; Griffiths A.J.F.
    Mycologia/95/p.500-505, 2003-01
  • An enigmatic GAPDH gene in the symbiotic dinoflagellate genus Symbiodinium and its related species (the order Suessiales): Possible lateral gene transfer between two eukaryotic algae, dinoflagellate and euglenophyte.
    Takishita K.; Ishida K.; Maruyama T.
    Protist/154/p.443-454, 2003-01
  • Lateral gene transfer and the evolution of plastid-targeted proteins in the secondary plastid-containing alga, Bigelowiella natans.
    Archibald J. M.; Rogers M. B.; Toop M.; Ishida K.; Keelin...
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA/100/p.7678-7683, 2003-01
  • Second-hand and third-hand chloroplasts in dinoflagellates: phylogeny of oxygen-evolving enhancer 1 (PsbO) protein reveals replacement of a nuclear-encoded plastid gene by that of a haptophyte tertiary endosymbiont.
    Ishida K.; Green B. R.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA/99/p.9294-9299, 2002-01
  • Chlorarachniophytes.
    Ishida K.; McFadden G. I.
    Tree of Life Web Project/p.http://tolweb.org/tree?g, 2001-01
  • Lotharella amoeboformis sp. nov.: a New Species of Chlorarachniophytes from Japan.
    Ishida K.; Ishida N.; Hara Y.
    Phycol. Res./48/p.221-230, 2000-01
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