石田 健一郎(イシダ ケンイチロウ)


  • Endomembrane Structure and the Chloroplast Protein Targeting Pathway in Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae, Chromista).
    Ishida K.; Cavalier-Smith T.; Green B. R.
    J. Phycol./36/p.1135-1144, 2000-01
  • Diversification of a Chimaeric Algal Group, the Chlorarachniophytes: Phylogeny of Nuclear and Nucleomorph Small Subunit rRNA Genes.
    Ishida K.; Green B. R.; Cavalier-Smith T.
    Mol. Biol. Evol./16/p.321-331, 1999-01
  • The Origin of Chlorarachniophyte Plastids, as Inferred from Phylogenetic Comparisons of Amino Acid Sequences of EF-Tu.
    Ishida K.; Cao Y.; Hasegawa M.; Okada N.; Hara Y.
    J. Mol. Evol./45/p.682-687, 1997-01
  • Taxonomic Studies on the Chlorarachniophyta. II. Generic Delimitation of the Chlorarachniophytes and Description of Gymnochlora stellata gen. et sp. nov. and Lotharella gen. nov.
    Ishida K.; Nakayama T.; Hara Y.
    Phycol. Res./44/p.37-45, 1996-01
  • Taxonomic Studies on the Chlorarachniophyta. I. Chlorarachnion globosum sp. nov.
    Ishida K.; Hara Y.
    Phycologia/33(5)/p.351-358, 1994-01