澤村 京一(サワムラ キヨウイチ)
- 論文
- Cytogenetical localization of Zygotic hybrid rescue (Zhr), a Drosophila melanogaster gene that rescues interspecific hybrids from embryonic lethality. (jointly worked)
K. Sawamura; M. T. Yamamoto
Molecular and General Genetics/239/p.441-449, 1993-01 - 大学入試から見た高校間の格差に関する研究(第1報)神奈川県下高校に関する分析
櫻井英博; 椎名乾平; 中野美知子; 並木秀男; 岩室祥一; 澤村京一
早稲田教育評論/8(1)/p.41-58, 1994-03 - Molecular and genetic dissection of a reproductive isolation gene, zygotic hybrid rescue, of Drosophila melanogaster. (jointly worked)
K. Sawamura; A. Fujita; R. Yokoyama; T. Taira; Y. H. Ino...
Japanese Journal of Genetics/70/p.223-232, 1995-01 - Rescue of hybrid sterility in crosses between D. melanogaster and D. simulans. (jointly worked)
A. W. Davis; J. Roote; T. Morley; K. Sawamura; S. Herrma...
Nature/380/p.157-159, 1996-01 - Maternal effect as a cause of exceptions for Haldane's rule.
K. Sawamura
Genetics/143/p.609-611, 1996-01 - Characterization of a reproductive isolation gene, zygotic hybrid rescue, of Drosophila melanogaster by using minichromosomes. (jointly worked)
K. Sawamura; M. T. Yamamoto
Heredity/79/p.97-103, 1997-01 - Genetic aralysis of speciation by means of introgression into Drosophila melanogaster (jointly worked)
K. Sawamura; A. D. Davis; C. I. Wu
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA/96/p.2652-2655, 2000-01 - Book Review "Speciation (J. A. Coyne and H. A. Orr, Sinauer Associates, Inc., 2004)"
日本進化学会ニュース/5(3)/p.6-7, 2004-12 - The minimal interspecific introgression resulting in male sterility in Drosophila (jointly worked)
K. Sawamura; M. T. Yamamoto
Genetical Research/84/p.81-86, 2004-01 - GSJフォーラム II いま進化遺伝学がおもしろい
GSJコミュニケーションズ/80(2)/p.16-17, 2005-04 - cDNA clones and expressed sequence tag (EST) analysis of D. ananassae.
Y. Oguma; K. Sawamura; H. Sato; M. Matsuda
Drosophila Information Service/88/p.24-25, 2005-01 - 遺伝教育を考える:テキスト「遺伝学(サイエンス社)」の紹介をかねて
実践生物教育研究/47/p.1-7, 2007-01 - ショウジョウバエの唾腺染色体観察と紐を使った模型づくり
実践生物教育研究/48/p.1-4, 2008-01 - 種分化の分子生物学 最近の研究から見えてきたこと
澤村京一; 前原一慶; 村田孝順
遺伝/65(3)/p.2-4, 2011-05 - Copulation courtship behavior and sine song as a mate recognition cue in Drosophila lini and its sibling species.
S. Wen; H. Yamada; Y. Li; M.T. Kimura; Y. Oguma; K. Sawa...
Zoological Science/28/p.469-475, 2011-01 - Editorial: Mechanisms of Speciation
K. Sawamura; C. T. Ting; A. Kopp; L. C. Moyle
International Journal of Evolutionary Biology/2012/p.820358, 2012-04 - Chromatin evolution and molecular drive in speciation
K. Sawamura
International Journal of Evolutionary Biology/2012/p.301894, 2012-04 - Genetic dissection of Nucleoporin 160 (Nup160), a gene involved in multiple phenotypes of reproductive isolation in Drosophila
Maehara Kazunori; Murata Takayuki; Aoyama Naoki; Matsuno ...
GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS/87(2)/pp.99-106, 2012-04 - Copulatory Courtship Behavior and Sine Song as a Mate Recognition Cue in Drosophila lini and Its Sibling Species
Wen Shuo-yang; Yamada Hirokazu; Li Yi-feng; Kimura Masah...
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE/28(7)/pp.469-475, 2011-07 - Genetics of postmating isolation between Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans
Sawamura Kyoichi
GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS/85(6)/pp.452-452, 2010-12 - Genetic analysis of female mating recognition between Drosophila ananassae and Drosophila pallidosa: application of interspecific mosaic genome lines
Sawamura Kyoichi; Zhi Hua; Setoguchi Koji; Yamada Hiroka...
GENETICA/133(2)/pp.179-185, 2008-06 - Potential gene flow in natural populations of the Drosophila ananassae species cluster inferred from a nuclear mitochondrial pseudogene
Sawamura Kyoichi; Koganebuchi Kae; Sato Hajime; Kamiya K...
MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION/48(3)/pp.1087-1093, 2008-09 - A nuclear pore complex protein gene (Nup160) causes hybrid female sterility and hybrid inviability in Drosophila
Sawamura Kyoichi; Maehara Kazunori; Mashino Shotaro
GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS/84(6)/pp.468-468, 2009-12 - Evolutionary Relationships in the Drosophila ananassae Species Cluster Based on Introns of Multiple Nuclear Loci
Sawamura Kyoichi; Kamiya Koichi; Sato Hajime; Tomimura Y...
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE/27(4)/pp.303-312, 2010-04 - Introgression of Drosophila simulans Nuclear Pore Protein 160 in Drosophila melanogaster Alone Does Not Cause Inviability but Does Cause Female Sterility
Sawamura Kyoichi; Maehara Kazunori; Mashino Shotaro; Kage...
GENETICS/186(2)/pp.669-676, 2010-10 - さらに表示...
- Cytogenetical localization of Zygotic hybrid rescue (Zhr), a Drosophila melanogaster gene that rescues interspecific hybrids from embryonic lethality. (jointly worked)