鈴木 石根(スズキ イワネ)
- 会議発表等
- Characterization of cyanobacterial cells synthesizing 10-methyl stearic acid
Machida Shuntaro; Suzuki Iwane
8th International Conference on Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability in honor of Agepati S Raghavendra, William A Cramer, and Govindjee - Homologous expression of lipid droplet protein-enhanced neutral lipid accumulation in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Yoneda Kohei; Yoshida Masaki; Suzuki Iwane; Watanabe ...
6th Congress of the International-Society-for-Applied-Phycology (ISAP)/2017-06--2017-06 - 微細藻類の培養と バイオマス・新規油脂生産
鈴木 石根
日本石鹸洗剤工業会/2017-6-16 - Production of novel fatty acids in cyanobacteria and its effects on photosynthesis
Suzuki Iwane
TGSW2017/2017-09-27 - 下水処理施設での微細藻類を利用した
鈴木 石根
2017防災産業展/2017-11-26 - Modification of cyanobacteria for the production of useful compounds
Suzuki Iwane
8th Photosynthesis and H2 Energy Research for Sustainability/2017-10-30--2017-11-5 - Development of engineered sensor perceiving gaseous toluene signal in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp PCC 6803
Inaba Yu; Morioka Ryo; Junaid Muhammad; Shiraiwa Yosh...
9th Asia Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology (APCAB) - Algae for Food, Feed, Fuel and Beyond/2016-11-15--2016-11-18 - Identification of extracellular proteins from Aurantiochytrium sp 18W-13a
Juntila Darryl Joy; Yoneda Kohei; Suzuki Iwane
9th Asia Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology (APCAB) - Algae for Food, Feed, Fuel and Beyond/2016-11-15--2016-11-18 - Changes in the accumulation of alkenones and lipids under nitrogen limitation and its relation to other energy storage metabolites in the haptophyte alga Emiliania huxleyi CCMP 2090
Bakku Ranjith Kumar; Araie Hiroya; Hanawa Yutaka; Shir...
9th Asia Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology (APCAB) - Algae for Food, Feed, Fuel and Beyond/2016-11-15--2016-11-18 - 藻類バイオマスの現状と将来展望
群馬大学先端研究講座/2011-11-14 - Functional analysis of domains for the signal perception of Hik33 in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. (Elected as an Outstanding Poster)
Yohei Shimura; Satoshi Kimura; Yoshihiro Shiraiwa; Iwane ...
The 13th International Symposium on Photosynthetic Prokaryoutes/2009-08-14 - Analysis of physiological function of RTX protein S111951 from Synechocystis sp PCC 6803
Sakiyama T; Suzuki I; Kuwabara T
47th Annual Meeting of the Japanese-Society-of-Plant-Physiologists - A mechanism of photosynthetic carbon fixation in the haptophyte alga, Emiliania huxleyi
Tsuji Y; Iwamoto K; Suzuki I; Shiraiwa Y
47th Annual Meeting of the Japanese-Society-of-Plant-Physiologists/2006-3-19--2006-3-21
- Characterization of cyanobacterial cells synthesizing 10-methyl stearic acid