TOFAEL Ahamed(トファエル アハメド)
- 会議発表等
- Analysis of Vegetation Indices for Tea Plantation Using Multispectral Imagery from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
TOFAEL AHAMED; Arga Rana Ruseno; Ryozo Noguchi
Japanese Society Of Agricultural Informatics, Annual Meeting 2019, University of Tokyo/2019-05-15--2019-05-15 - Structure-from-Motion for Height Estimation of Allium fistulosum (Green Onion) using UAV high-resolution RGB imagery
Addie Ira Borja Parico; TOFAEL AHAMED; Ryozo Noguchi
Japanese Society Of Agricultural Informatics, Annual Meeting University of Tokyo/2019-05-15--2019-05-16 - A Machine Learning System for Recognition of Weed Infestation in Agricultural Fields to Enable GAP Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Ahamed Tofael; Zhang Yan; Zhang Linhuan; Pengbo Gao; Osam...
Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics, Annual Meeting 2019, University of Tokyo/2019-05-15--2019-05-16 - Data-driven Business Evaluation Framework for Microalgae to Produce Biofuel
Supriyanto; Noguchi Ryozo; Ahamed Tofael; Putra Agusta Sa...
第 14回バイオマス科学会議/2019-01 - A Rescue System Development for Agricultural Operators Using Vision System and Thermal Imagery
Ahamed Tofael; Zhang Yan; Pengbo Gao; Noguchi Ryozo
Joint Conference on Environmental Engineering in Agriculture, Matsuyama/2018-09-03--2018-09-05 - 極低温マイクロ波放射計による閉鎖空間内の水分量測定
Tofael Ahamed; 野口 良造; 櫻井快; 長崎岳人; 奥島里美; 森山英樹; 土屋遼太; 石井雅久
農業環境工学関連学会2018年合同大会 (於愛媛大学)/2018-09 - Decision Tree Approach to Estimate the Microalgae Production in Open Raceway Pond
Noguchi Ryozo; Supriyanto; Demura Mikihide; ahamed tofael
ICB3(ICB2018)/2018-08-01--2018-08-02 - Web-Based Simulation for Microalgae Production in Open Raceway Pond
Noguchi Ryozo; Supriyanto; Rani Devitra Saka; Demura Miki...
The 6th Asian Conference on Biomass Science (ACBS2018b)/2018-07-31 - A Decision Support System for Yield Prediction of Cassava to Develop Inventory Planning Model in Indonesia
Purnamasari Riska Ayu; Noguchi Ryozo; ahamed tofael
EurAgEng 2018 Conference/2018-07-08--2018-07-12 - Smart Agricultural Mechanization Technologies to Improve Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability
Ahamed Tofael
Conference on Conference on Smart Agriculture for Sustainable, Inclusive Productivity/2018-06-04--2018-06-06 - Thermal and Multispectral Image Acquisition System to Monitor Crops Growth and Navigation Planner Using UAV-EPV.
Ahamed Tofael; Pengbo Gao; Noguchi Ryozo
農業情報学会2018年度年次大会/2018-05-16--2018-05-17 - Land Suitability Assessment for Cassava Production Using GIS, Remote Sensing and Multi-Criteria Analysis
Riska Ayu Punamasari; TOFAEL AHAMED; Ryozo Noguchi
農業情報学会2018年度年次大会/2018-05-16--2018-05-17 - Yield Prediction of Grapes Using Satellite Remote Sensing to Optimize Insurance Subsidy for Producers in Afghanistan-An Assessment of Snow Melting Risk for Causing Floods.
Arab Sara Tokhi; Ahamed Tofael; Noguchi Ryozo
農業情報学会2018年度年次大会/2018-05-16--2018-05-17 - Mapping Potential of Biomass and Carbon Sequestration to Establish Forest Resilience in Indonesia
Ahamed Tofael
農業情報学会2018年度年次大会/2018-05-16--2018-05-17 - Data Analytic System for Multi-Satellite Images to Predict Yield of Maize Using Vegetation Phonology Indices
Habibie Muhammad Iqbal; Ahamed Tofael; Noguchi Ryozo
農業情報学会2018年度年次大会/2018-05-16--2018-05-17 - LULC Analysis for Land Use Planning Using Satellite Remote Sensing Datasets and GIS
Mushin Nazia; Ahamed Tofael; Noguchi Ryozo
農業情報学会2018年度年次大会/2018-05-16--2018-05-17 - Integration of Parametric 3D Modelling to Optimize the Reversible Disc Moulder for Sugarcane Farming in Sri Lanka
Ariyawansha K.T.; Wijekoon W.M.A.K.; Abayarathna K.H.D.; ...
農業情報学会2018年度年次大会/2018-05-16--2018-05-17 - Selecting Microalgae Oil Extraction System Analytical Hierarchy Process and Choosing by Advantages Approach
WIBAWA Dhani S.; NASUTION Muhammad A.; Tofael Ahamed; Nog...
農業情報学会2018年度年次大会/2018-05-16--2018-05-17 - Population Dynamics Study of Native Polyculture Microalgae Cultivation in Open Raceway Pond to Increase High Productivity
Rani Devitra Saka; Supriyanto; DEMURA Mikihide; Tofael Ah...
農業情報学会2018年度年次大会/2018-05-16--2018-05-17 - Online Monitoring System for Microalgae Cultivation in Open Raceway Pond Using Open Source Software and Hardware
Supriyanto; Noguchi Ryozo; Tofael Ahamed; Rani Devitra Sa...
農業情報学会2018年度年次大会/2018-05-16--2018-05-17 - Image Analysis of Viscosity and Total Solid of Microalgae with Fuzzy c-Means
Haikal N. WINATA; Muhammad Ansori NASUTION; Tofael Ahame...
農業情報学会2018年度年次大会/2018-05-16--2018-05-17 - Land Suitability Assessment for Cassava Production Using GIS, Remote Sensing and Multi-Criteria Analysis
Riska Ayu Purnamasari; TOFAEL AHAMED; Ryozo Noguchi
農業情報学会2018 年度年次大会/2018-05-15--2018-05-16 - Mapping Potential of Biomass and Carbon Sequestration to Establish Forest Resilience in Indonesia
Nety Nurada; TOFAEL AHAMED; Ryozo Noguchi
農業情報学会2018 年度年次大会/2018-05-15--2018-05-16 - Data Analytic System for Multi-Satellite Images to Predict yield of Maize using Vegetation Phonology Indices
M. Iqbal Habibie; TOFAEL AHAMED; Ryozo Noguchi
農業情報学会2018 年度年次大会/2018-05-15--2018-05-16 - LULC Analysis for Land Use Planning Using Satellite Remote Sensing Datasets and GIS
Muhsin Nazia; Ahamed Tofael; Noguchi Ryozo
農業情報学会2018 年度年次大会/2018-05-15--2018-05-16 - さらに表示...
- Analysis of Vegetation Indices for Tea Plantation Using Multispectral Imagery from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle