TOFAEL Ahamed(トファエル アハメド)
- 会議発表等
- Thermal and Multispectral Image Acquisition System to Monitor Crops Growth and Navigation Planner Using UAVEPV
TOFAEL AHAMED; Pengbo Gao; Ryozo Noguchi
Japan Society of Agricultural Informatics (JSAI), University of Tokyo/2018-05-15--2018-05-16 - Precision Agrronomics for Sustainable Agricultural Systems
Ahamed Tofael
4th RUSS National and International Conference/2018-05-04 - Analysis of Alternatives Technology for treatment the treated POME of Biogas Reactor in North Sumatera of Indonesia by Using Life Cycle Assessment
Muhammad Ansori NASUTION; Wibawa Dhani S.; Tofael Ahamed...
農業情報学会2018年度年次大会/2018-05 - Site Suitability for Rice Production: An Alternative Approach to Increase Production
Islam Md. Monjurul; Ahamed Tofael; Noguchi Ryozo
62nd Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Annual Conference (AARES)/2018-02-06--2018-02-09 - Prediction of Yield for Maize using Multitemporal Satellite Images - Biomass Assessments for Food and Feed Production -
Habibie Muhammad Iqbal; Ahamed Tofael; Noguchi Ryozo
5th Asian Conference on Biomass Science/2018-01-18 - Mapping Potential of Biomass and Carbon Sequestration to Establish Forest Resilience in Indonesia
Nurda Nety; Ahamed Tofael; Noguchi Ryozo
5th Asian Conference on Biomass Science//2018-01-18 - Evaluation of Alternative Palm Oil Mill Effluent Treatment in Noeth Sumatera of Indonesia by Using LCA and AHP Approach
NASUTION M. Ansori; WIBAWA Dhani S.; AHAMED Tofael; Ryozo...
5th Asian Conference on Biomass Science/2018-01-16--2018-01-16 - New Developments and Emerging Trends in Agricultural Mechanization Technologies to improve Agricultural Productivity for Ensuring Food Security
Ahamed Tofael
1st International Conference of Food Security Innovatio, ICFSI 2017/2017-10-20--2017-10-22 - Application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Land Suitability Assessment of Cassava Production to Support Food Security in Banten Province
Purnamasari Riska Ayu; Ahamed Tofael; Noguchi Ryozo
International Conference on Food Security Innovation (ICFASI 2017)/2017-10-18--2017-10-20 - Spatial Analysis to Determine Paddy Field Changes in Indonesia: A Case Study in Suburban Areas of Jakarta
Utami Nadia Putri; Ahamed Tofael
4th International Symposium on LAPAN-IPB Satellite for Food Security and Environmental Monitoring (LISAT-FSEM)/2017-10-09--2017-10-11 - オンサイト分析用分光計の設計に寄与する測定波長選択技術
石炭 佑人; 源川 拓磨; Tofael Ahamed; 野口 良造; 瀧川 具弘
農業食料工学会第76回(2017年)年次大会/2017-09-07--2017-09-09 - ラマン分光法を用いた高カロテノイドトマトの判別分析における励起波長の選択
原 理紗; 源川 拓磨; Tofael Ahamed; 野口 良造; 瀧川 具弘
農業食料工学会第76回(2017年)年次大会/2017-09-07--2017-09-09 - Recent Developments in Smart Agricultural Mechanization Technologies to Improve Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability
Ahamed Tofael
Conference on Smart Agriculture for Sustainable, Inclusive Productivity,/2017-09-05--2017-09-07 - Mapping the Suitable Sites for Rice Production Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and Geographical Information System
Islam Md. Monjurul; Ahamed Tofael; Noguchi Ryozo
PEDOMETRICS Conference,/2017-06-26--2017-07-01 - Geographical Information System nd Multi-Criteria Based Approach to Locate Suitable Sites for Industries to Minimize Agricultural Land Uses Changes in Bangladesh
Muhsin Nazia; Ahamed Tofael; Ryozo Noguchi; Takigawa Tom...
19th International Conference on Protection and Sustainable Development of Agricultural Land (February, 7-8, 2017), Bangkok, Thailand./2017-02-07--2017-02-08 - Mapping the Suitable Sites for Good Grain Crops Using GIS and AHP
Islam Md. Monjurul; Ahamed Tofael; Noguchi Ryozo
19th World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Conference Proceedings, January 19-20, 2017, Wembley, London, United Kingdom./2017-01-19--2017-01-20 - Suitable Site Selections for Rice Production Using Multicriteria Analysis and GIS
Md. Monjurul Islam; Ahamed Tofael
The 9th Korea-China-Japan Graduate Student Forum “Agriculture, Food, Environment and Life Science in Asia/2016-09-21--2016-09-22 - Sustainability of Cassava Production using GIS and Remote Sensing Application
Ahamed Tofael; Purnamasari Riska Ayu
International AGE-ESD Symposium at University of Tsukuba Japan./2016-09-21--2016-09-22 - Yield Gap Analysis of Rice Production Using MODIS Satellite Time Series Vegetation Datasets and GIS
Rubaya B. M.; Ahamed Tofael
International AgESD Symposium September/2016-09-18--2016-09-19 - On-the-go Laser-based Sensing System for Measuring Plant Height Using Autonomous Tractor
Ahamed Tofael
Annual International Meeting, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers/2012-07-29--2012-08-01 - On-the-go Laser-based Sensing System for Measuring Plant Height Using Autonomous Tractor
Tofael Ahamed; Noguchi Ryozo; Tomohiro Takigawa.
Annual International Meeting, ASABE/2012-07-20--2012-07-22 - Monitoring of Plant Growth Using Laser Range Finder
Tofael Ahamed; Supachai Kulmutiwat; Pawin Thanpattranon; Sas...
Annual International Meeting, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers/2011-08-18--2011-08-22 - Site-Specific Management for Biomass Feedstock Production: Development of Remote Sensing Data Acquisition Systems
Tofael Ahamed; Lei Tian; Y. Zhang; Y. Xiong; B. Zhao; Y. Jiang...
International Conference on Precision Agriculture/2010-07-19--2010-07-21 - Spectral Sensing for Dry Matter Biomass Estimation of Energy Crops
Tofael Ahamed; Lei Tian; Casimiro Gadanah Junior; Francisco ...
Annual International Meeting, American Society of Agricultural Engineers/2010-06-20--2010-06-22 - Development of Stand Alone Tower Remote Sensing for Energy Crop
Tofael Ahamed; Lei Tian; Yanshui Jiang; Hx Liu; Bin Zhao; KC Ting
Annual International Meeting, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers/2010-06-20--2010-06-22 - さらに表示...
- Thermal and Multispectral Image Acquisition System to Monitor Crops Growth and Navigation Planner Using UAVEPV