MARCOS Antonio das Neves(マルコス ネヴェス)
- 論文
- Comparison of Pericranium and Eggshell as Space Fillers Used in Combination with Guided Bone Regeneration: An Experimental Study
Dupoirieux; L.; Neves; M. A.; Pourquier; D.; +MARCOS ANTONIO ...
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/58(1)/p.40-46, 2000-01 - The Effect of Pentosan Polysulfate on Bone Healing of Rat Cranial Defects.
Dupoirieux; L.; Pourquier; D.; Picot; M.-C.; Neves; M. A.; +MARC...
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery/27(5)/p.314-320, 1999-01 - Influence of emulsifier type on the properties of O/W submicron emulsions passing through an in vitro digestion model
Wang Z; Yin L-J; Kobayashi I; +中嶋 光敏; Uemura; +MARCOS ANT...
第5回エマルション国際会議、リオン、フランス/p.136, 2010-10 - Modifying Effect of Nano Scaled β-Carotene Emulsion in Rat with D-Galactosamine Induced Liver Injury
Yoshioka; M.; Tanimura; N.; Miyamoto; T.; Nakajima; M.; Wang; Z.; N...
ナノスケール科学の食品応用に関する国際シンポジウム/p.85, 2010-06 - Development and Analysis of Premix Microchannel Emulsification
Kobayashi I; Han L-L; Kozu H; Neves MA; Uemura K; +中嶋 光敏
第15回 国際食品科学技術会議、ケープ・タウン、南アフリカ/p.P-1326, 2010-08 - Development of Fish Oil-in-Water Nanoemulsions with Improved Oxidative Stability
Neves MA; Kobayashi I; +中嶋 光敏
第15回 国際食品科学技術会議、ケープ・タウン、南アフリカ/p.O-639, 2010-08 - Effect of Lipid Structuring on the Oxidative Stability of Fish O/W Nanoemulsions
Neves; M. A.; Kobayashi; I.; Nakajima; M.; +MARCOS ANTONIO DA...
International Forum on Functionality of Lipids, Hiroshima, 2010-03 - Microchannel Emulsification: Formulation and Characterization of Monodispersed Emulsions Containing Bioactive Compounds
Neves; M. A.; Kobayashi; I.; Ribeiro; H. S.; Nakajima; M.; +MAR...
IMRET11 第11回マイクロ反応技術に関する国際会議, 2010-03 - Formulation and assessment of oxidative stability of oil-in-water nanoemulsions
Neves; M.A.; Kobayashi; I.; Nakajima; M.; +MARCOS ANTONIO DAS ...
TJASSST10 チュニジア-日本 文化・科学・技術学術会議 第10回記念大会/p.39, 2009-11 - Chemical and Physical Stability of Fish Oil-in-Water Emulsions: Effect of Droplet Size and Storage Temperature
Neves; M.A.; Kobayashi; I.; Nakajima; M.; +MARCOS ANTONIO DAS ...
3rd International Symposium, Delivery of Functionality in Complex Food Systems. Wageningen, the Netherlands./p.85, 2009-10 - Effectiveness of Lipid Structuring Towards Improvement of Oxidative Stability in Oil-in-water Nanoemulsion
Neves; M.A.; Kobayashi; I.; Nakajima; M.; +MARCOS ANTONIO DAS ...
3rd International Symposium, Delivery of Functionality in Complex Food Systems. Wageningen, the Netherlands/p.112, 2009-10 - Novel Microchannel Emulsification Technology for Monodisperse Emulsions
Nakajima; M.; Neves; M. A.; Kobayashi; I.; +MARCOS ANTONIO DA...
WCCE8 第8回化学工学国際会議、モントリオー、カナダ/p.1881, 2009-08 - Controlled Generation of Uniform Fine Droplets Using Nano/Micro Channel Emulsification Devices
Nakajima; M.; Neves; M. A.; Kobayashi; I.; +MARCOS ANTONIO DA...
第14回 国際食品科学技術会議、上海、中国/p.S05-6, p. 9, 2008-10 - Lipid Oxidation of Menhaden Oil-in-Water Emulsions: Impact of Emulsification Process, Antioxidant, and Storage Temperature.
Neves; M. A.; Ribeiro; H. S.; Kobayashi; I.; Nakajima; M.; +MAR...
第14回 国際食品科学技術会議、上海、中国/p.TS16-9, p. 355, 2008-10 - Microchannel Emulsification: Development and Application to Food Industry.
Neves; M. A.; Ribeiro; H. S.; Kobayashi; I.; Nakajima; M.; +MAR...
Japan-Brazil Memorial Symposium on Science and Technology. University of São Paulo, Brazil/p.60-61, 2008-06 - Formulation Characteristics of Monodisperse PUFA-Loaded Oil-in-Water Emulsions Using Beta-Carotene Rich Palm Oil Prepared by Microchannel Emulsification
Neves; M. A.; Ribeiro; H. S.; Kobayashi; I.; Nakajima; M.; +MAR...
2nd International Symposium, Delivery of Functionality in Complex Food Systems. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA., 2007-10 - Characterization and Stability Assessment of Monodisperse PUFA-Loaded Oil-in-Water Emulsions Using Beta-Carotene Rich Palm Oil
Ribeiro; H. S.; Neves; M. A.; Kobayashi; I.; Nakajima; M.; +MAR...
第1回ユニリーバ国際会議、北京、中国, 2007-08 - Bioethanol – A Source of Renewable Energy. Suitability of Low-Grade Wheat Flour as Substrate for Fermentation
Neves; M. A.; Kimura; T.; Shimizu; N.; Shiiba; K.; +MARCOS ANTO...
Expo World Conference Wind Energy, Renewable Energy Fuel Cell & Exhibition. CD-ROM./p.3003, 2005-06 - Ethanol Production Optimization by Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation of Low-Grade Wheat Flour
Neves; M. A.; Kimura; T.; Shimizu; N.; Shiiba; K.; +MARCOS ANTO...
7th International Agricultural Engineering Conference, Wuxi, China./p.225-232, 2002-11 - Chicken Egg Shell: A Potential Calcium Source for Food Supplement
Neves; M. A.; Hamad; A. J. S.; +MARCOS ANTONIO DAS NEVES
1st International Congress on Clean Technology Applied to Food Industries, Florianópolis, Brazil, 1999-08 - Development of food processing technology for the preparation of micro- /nano-dispersions containing lipophilic bioactive compounds
Neves; M. A.; Kobayashi; I.; Nakajima M.; +MARCOS ANTONIO D...
The 11th Tunisia - Japan Symposium on Society, Science and Technology, TJASSST’11/p.134, 2011-11 - Development of nanodispersions encapsulating lipophilic bioactives as novel delivery systems
Neves; M. A.; Kobayashi; I.; Nakajima M.; +MARCOS ANTONIO D...
The 1st Japan-Morocco Symposium/p.23, 2012 - Inhibitory Effect of Picholine Olive Oil-in-water Emulsions on Chemical Mediator Release and Characterization of Their Physicochemical Properties
Isoda; H.; Neves; M. A.; Delphine; M.; Motojima; H.; Han; J.; Naka...
Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry/60(32)/p.7851-7858, 2012 - Novel Bioactives Delivery Systems Using Micro- / Nano-dispersions
MARCOS ANTONIO DAS NEVES; Kobayashi I.; Nakajima M.
16th World Congress of Food Science and Technology - IUFOST, 2012-08 - Preparation and Characterization of Water-in-Oil-in-Water Emulsions Containing High Concentration of L-ascorbic Acid
Khalid N.; Kobayashi I.; MARCOS ANTONIO DAS NEVES; Uemura K....
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry/77(6)/pp.1171-1178, 2013-06 - さらに表示...
- Comparison of Pericranium and Eggshell as Space Fillers Used in Combination with Guided Bone Regeneration: An Experimental Study