中川 明子(ナカガワ アキコ)
- 論文
- Change in lignin structure, but not in lignin content, in transgenic poplar overexpressing the rice master regulator of secondary cell wall biosynthesis
Nuoendagula; Tsuji Yukiko; Takata Naoki; Sakamoto Shin...
Physiologia plantarum/163(2)/pp.170-182, 2017-12 - Changes in vibrational properties and color of due to heating at different relative humidities.
Proceedings of 4th Anuual Conference COST FP1302 WoodMusICK/pp.73-76, 2017-10 - Structural elucidation of condensed tannin from the bark waste of Acacia crassicarpa plantation wood in Indonesia
Ismayati Maya; Nakagawa-izumi Akiko; Ohi Hiroshi
JOURNAL OF WOOD SCIENCE/63(4)/pp.350-359, 2017-08 - Dependence of Enzymatic Saccharification on Residual Lignin Structure in Sugarcane
Maryana Roni; Nakagawa-izumi Akiko; Ohi Hiroshi; Nakam...
紙パ技協誌/71(6)/pp.679-687, 2017 - 第33回日本木材保存協会年次大会・口頭発表について
中川 明子
木材保存/43(5)/pp.276-279, 2017 - Characterization of Residual Lignin Obtained by the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Pulps
H'ng Yin Ying; Nakagawa-Izumi Akiko; Leh Cheu Peng; Da...
BIORESOURCES/12(1)/pp.183-194, 2017 - Environment-Friendly Non-Sulfur Cooking and Totally ChlorineFree Bleaching for Preparation of Sugarcane Bagasse Cellulose
Maryana Roni; Nakagawa-izumi Akiko; Kajiyama Mikio; Oh...
Journal of Fiber Science and Technology/73(8)/pp.182-191, 2017 - Biorefinery of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch by Nitric Acid Prehydrolysis Soda Cooking. Production of furfural and dissolving pulp
Putra Agusta Samodra; Nakagawa-izumi Akiko; Kajiyama M...
紙パ技協誌/72(6)/pp.641-649, 2017 - Feeding Deterrence to Reticulitermes speratus (Kolbe) by Fibroporia radiculosa (Peck) Parmasto 1968
Kamaluddin Nadia Nuraniya; Matsuyama Shigeru; Nakagawa-Iz...
Insects/8(1)/pp.29-39, 2017-03 - Characterization of syringyl and guaiacyl lignins in thermomechanical pulp from oil palm empty fruit bunch by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using ion intensity calibration
Nakagawa-Izumi Akiko; H'ng Yin Ying; Mulyantara Lilik ...
INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS/95/pp.615-620, 2017-01 - Toxicity and Feeding Deterrent Effect of 2-Methylanthraquinone from the Wood Extractives of Tectona grandis on the Subterranean Termites Coptotermes formosanus and Reticulitermes speratus
Ismayati Maya; Nakagawa-Izumi Akiko; Kamaluddin Nadia Nu...
Insects/7(4), 2016-11 - Characterization of Lignin Derivatives in Alkaline Polyethylene Glycol-treated Soda Cooking Black Liquor Powder
Yoon Kukjin; Takahashi Shiho; Thi Thi Nge; Nakagawa-iz...
BIORESOURCES/11(3)/pp.6426-6437, 2016-08 - Evidence of Subterranean Termite Feeding Deterrent Produced by Brown Rot Fungus Fibroporia radiculosa (Peck) Parmasto 1968 (Polyporales, Fomitopsidaceae)
Kamaluddin Nadia Nuraniya; Nakagawa-Izumi Akiko; Nishizaw...
Insects/7(3), 2016-08 - Characterization of Hexenuronosyl Xylan-degrading Enzymes Produced by Paenibacillus sp 07
Septiningrum Krisna; Ohi Hiroshi; Nakagawa-izumi Akiko...
BIORESOURCES/11(1)/pp.2756-2767, 2016 - 第18回木材・繊維・パルプ化化学国際会議(ISWFPC)の研究発表から
清水 智子; 中川 明子; 松本 雄二
紙パ技協誌/70(7)/pp.711-723, 2016 - Preparation of dissolving pulp from oil palm empty fruit bunch by prehydrolysis soda-anthraquinone cooking method
Harsono Harsono; Putra Agusta Samodra; Maryana Roni; R...
JOURNAL OF WOOD SCIENCE/62(1)/pp.65-73, 2016-02 - Properties of Fibers Prepared from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch for Use as Corrugating Medium and Fiberboard
Harsono; Mulyantara Lilik Tri; Rizaluddin Andri Taufick...
紙パ技協誌/69(12)/pp.1349-1359, 2015-12 - Influences of saltwater immersion on properties of wood-cellulosic paper
Bunyaphiphat T; Nakagawa-Izumi A; Enomae Toshiharu
Carbohydrate polymers/(116)/pp.255-260, 2015 - 製紙代替原料としての非木材繊維三種のパルプ特性評価
アタヌ クマル ダス; 中川 明子; 大井 洋
紙パ技協誌/69(5)/pp.555-560, 2015 - Thermal Melting of Lignin Derivatives Prepared from Dried Black Liquor Powder of Softwood Soda-AQ Cooking and Polyethylene Glycol
Yoon Kukjin; Takahashi Shiho; Nge Thi Thi; Karlsson Olov; NAK...
BIORESOURCES/10(1)/pp.912-921, 2015 - Influences of saltwater immersion on properties of wood-cellulosic paper
Bunyaphiphat Tunchira; Nakagawa-Izumi Akiko; Enomae To...
CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS/116/pp.255-260, 2015-02 - タケ稈アルカリ性サルファイトパルプの酵素的加水分解残さに含まれるリグニンの精確な定量
張翼; 中川 明子; 大井洋
紙パ技協誌/68(6)/pp.664-670, 2014-06 - 熱分解ガスクロマトグラフィー/質量分析法による保存処理木材中の木材保存剤の直接的検出
中川 明子; 土居 修一
木材保存 = Wood preservation/38(2)/pp.52-59, 2012-03 - Composition of intake sugars and emission of gases from paper sludges by Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki
Kaneko Reiji; Ohkubo Kunihisa; Nakagawa-Izumi Akiko; Doi ...
ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY/33(1)/pp.1-8, 2012-01 - Effect of Lignin in Pulp on Hydrogen Emission by the Termite Coptotermes formosanus
Kaneko Reiji; Nakagawa-Izumi Akiko; Doi Shuichi
MOKUZAI GAKKAISHI/57(2)/pp.72-80, 2011-03 - さらに表示...
- Change in lignin structure, but not in lignin content, in transgenic poplar overexpressing the rice master regulator of secondary cell wall biosynthesis