足立 泰久(アダチ ヤスヒサ)
- 論文
- Viscosity of dilute Na-montmorillonite suspensions in electrostatically stable condition under low shear stress
Tsujimoto Y.; Kobayashi M.; Adachi Y.
COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS/440(SI)/pp.20-26, 2014-01 - Initial stage of bridging flocculation of PSL particles induced by an addition of polyelectrolyte under high ionic strength
Adachi Yasuhisa; J Xiao
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects/435(SI)/pp.127-131, 2013-10 - Rheological behavior of dilute imogolite suspensions
Yoko Tsujimoto; A Yoshida; M.Kobayashi; Yasuhisa Adachi
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects/435(20)/pp.109-114, 2013-10 - Interfacial characterization of α-alumina with small surface area by streaming potential and chromatography
Pham Tien Duc; Kobayashi Motoyoshi; Yasuhisa Adachi
Colloids and Surfaces A/436/pp.148-157, 2013-09 - Dielectric and electrophoretic response of montmorillonite particles as function of ionic strength
Yoko Tsujimoto; Claire Chasaagne; Yasuhisa Adachi
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science/404/pp.72-79, 2013-08 - 単一粒子追跡法によるコロイド粒子表面に吸着した高分子電解質層のダイナミクスの解析
小林 梓; 足立 泰久
高分子学会第50回高分子と水に関する討論会講演要旨集, 2012-12 - Mechanism of Brownian flocculation of PSL particles by highly charged polycation
足立 泰久
高分子学会第50回高分子と水に関する討論会講演要旨集, 2012-12 - フロック形成に対するイオン強度の影響
足立 泰久
粉体工学会2012年度 秋期研究発表会講演要旨集, 2012-11 - 合成した針状チタニア粒子の荷電及び凝集挙動
足立 泰久
粉体工学会2012年度 秋期研究発表会講演要旨集, 2012-11 - 機動的国際交流の時代
足立 泰久
オレオサイエンス/12(7)/p.261, 2012-07 - Electrokinetic Characterization of α-Alumina by Streaming Potential
Tien Duc Pham; 小林幹佳; Adachi Yasuhisa
The 10th International Symposium on Electrokinetic Phenomena ELKIN2012 Abstracts, 2012-05 - Analysis of Electroviscous Effects of Na-Montmorillonite Dilute Suspensions under Low Shear Stress
辻本陽子; Adachi Yasuhisa
The 10th International Symposium on Electrokinetic Phenomena ELKIN2012 Abstracts, 2012-05 - Kinetic Brownian Flocculation of PSL Particles with Cationic Polyelectrolite against Ionic strength
Adachi Yasuhisa
The 10th International Symposium on Electrokinetic Phenomena ELKIN2012 Abstracts, 2012-05 - ブラウン運動の解析に基づく単一粒子追跡法と顕微鏡電気泳動法によるコロイド複合体の解析
小林 梓; 日下 靖之; 足立 泰久
分析化学 = Japan analyst/61(2)/pp.87-94, 2012-02 - Structure of Colloidal Flocs in relation to the Dynamic Properties of Unstable Suspension
Adachi Yasuhisa; Kobayashi Azusa; Kobayashi Andmotoyoshi
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE, 2012-01 - モデルコロイドの凝集沈降実験に基づく天然粘土鉱物イモゴライトの濁水凝集機構
小林幹佳・似内美貴・大内岳・高橋政之輔・颯田尚哉・足立泰久; +足立 泰久
土木学会論文集B1(水工学)/67(4)/pp.1285-1290, 2012-01 - Cluster-cluster aggregation simulation in a concentrated suspension
Kusaka Yasuyuki; Fukasawa Tomonori; Adachi Yasuhisa
JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE/363(1)/pp.34-41, 2011-11 - Viscosity of dilute suspensions of weakly flocculated Na-montmorillonite under low pressure gradient
Tsujimoto Y.; Adachi Y.
COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS/379(1-3:::Sp. Iss. SI)/pp.14-17, 2011-04 - Transient behavior of adsorbing/adsorbed polyelectrolytes on the surface of colloidal particles studied by means of trajectory analysis of Brownian motion
Adachi Yasuhisa; Kusaka Yasuyuki; Kobayashi Azusa
COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS/376(1-3:::Sp. Iss. SI)/pp.9-13, 2011-02 - Morphology and Breaking of Latex Particle Deposits at a Cylindrical Collector in a Microfluidic Chamber
Kusaka Yasuyuki; Duval Jerome F. L.; Adachi Yasuhisa
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY/44(24)/pp.9413-9418, 2010-12 - 凝集性のコロイド粒子懸濁液の流動特性
足立 泰久; 小林 幹佳; 深澤 智典; SCALES Peter J.
粉体工学会誌/47(4)/pp.230-239, 2010-04 - Direct observation on the Brownian coagulation of PSL particles through optical microscope in the regime near critical coagulation concentration (CCC)
Fukasawa Tomonori; Adachi Yasuhisa
JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE/344(2)/pp.343-347, 2010-04 - 砂充填カラム内でのカオリナイト粒子の捕捉挙動に対するフミン酸吸着の影響
白鳥 克哉; 山下 祐司; 足立 泰久
農業農村工学会論文集/78(1)/pp.41-45, 2010-02 - Restructuring of small flocs of polystyrene latex with polyelectrolyte
Adachi Y.; Aoki K.
COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS/342(1-3)/pp.24-29, 2009-06 - 電気泳動移動度によるコロイド粒子表面に吸着した高分子電解質の透水構造の解析
青木 謙治; 足立 泰久
化学工学論文集/35(1)/pp.141-144, 2009-03 - さらに表示...
- Viscosity of dilute Na-montmorillonite suspensions in electrostatically stable condition under low shear stress