足立 泰久(アダチ ヤスヒサ)
- 論文
- Initial Rates of Flocculation of Polystyrene Latex with Polyelectrolyte: Effect of Ionic Strength
Y.Adachi; M.A.Cohen Stuart; and R.Fokkink; +足立 泰久
J.Colloid and Interface Sci/171/pp.520-521, 1995-01 - Kinetics of Turbulent Coagulation Studied by Means of End-over-end Rotation
Y.Adachi; M.A.Cohen Stuart; and R.Fokkink; +足立 泰久
J.Colloid and Interface Sci/165/pp.310-317, 1994-01 - Dynamic Aspects of Bridging Flocculation Studied Using Standardized Mixing
Y.Adachi; M.A.Cohen Stuart; and R.Fokkink; +足立 泰久
J.Colloid and Interface Sci/167/pp.346-351, 1994-01 - Sedimentation of a polystyrene latex floc
Yasuhisa Adachi; Moriya Kamiko
Powder Technology/78/pp.129-135, 1994-01 - Floatation and Sedimentation of a Single Microcystis Floc Collected from Surface Bloom
Takahiko Nakamura; Yasuhisa Adachi; Mitsukata Suzuki
Water Research/27/pp.979-983, 1993-01 - Geometrical Structure of a Floc
Yasuhisa Adachi; Setsuo Ooi
J.Colloid and Interface Sci./135/pp.374-384, 1990-01
- Initial Rates of Flocculation of Polystyrene Latex with Polyelectrolyte: Effect of Ionic Strength