清野 達之(セイノ タツユキ)


  • 異なる光環境下に生育するサワラ後継樹の樹冠形
    川谷尚平; 小林元; 清野 達之; 城田徹央
    信州大学農学部AFC報告/12/pp.17-23, 2014
  • Integration of response and recovery processes of peat forests to human-induced disturbance into terrestrial ecosystem management
    Shiodera Satomi; Atikah Tika Dewi; Apandi Ismail; Seino Tats...
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Wild fire and carbon management in peat-forest in Indonesia/pp.71-75, 2014-03
  • カラマツ壮齢人工林の樹木成長におよぼす施業履歴の効果
    那須研太; 清野 達之; 村松義昭; 菅原優; 上條隆志
    筑波大学農林技術研究/1/pp.31-37, 2013
  • Effects of selective logging on tree species diversity and composition of Bornean tropical rain forests at different spatial scales
    Imai Nobuo; Seino Tatsuyuki; Aiba Shin-ichiro; Takyu Mas...
    PLANT ECOLOGY/213(9)/pp.1413-1424, 2012-09
  • 大学演習林からの便り<8>筑波大学:中部山岳における森林科学の最前線
    Green Age/p.28-30, 2012-04
  • 閉鎖林冠下に生育するヒノキとサワラ後継樹の樹幹形
    川谷尚平; 小林元; 清野 達之
    信州大学農学部AFC報告/10/p.85-90, 2012-03
  • A new flora list of the Ikawa Forest, Agricultural and Forestry Research Center, University of Tsukuba: Ferns and fern allies.
    Seino T.; Hirata A; Bessho N; Hayashi Y; Koseki R; Endoh ...
    Bulletin of Tsukuba University Forests/28/p.97-100, 2012-03
  • A new flora list of theYatsugatake-Kawakami Forest, Agricultural and Forestry Research Center, University of Tsukuba.
    Inami A; Michikawa M; Muranaka; Seino T.; Nakamura T
    Bulletin of Tsukuba University Forests/28/p.47-96, 2012-03
  • 筑波大学農林技術センター気象報告 (2010年)川上演習林.
    井波明宏; 門脇正史; 清野達之; 杉山昌典
    筑波大学農林技術センター演習林報告/28/p.113-126, 2012-03
  • カラマツ人工林と隣接する落葉広葉樹二次林の埋土種子集団の把握
    菅原優; 清野達之
    筑波大学農林技術センター演習林報告/28/p.29-46, 2012-03
  • Impact of peat-fire disturbance to forest structure in tropical peat forest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
    Shiodera S.; Atikah T.D.; Rahajoe J.S.; Apandi I.; Seino T.; H...
    Boreal Forest Research/60/pp.59-62, 2012-02
  • 筑波大学農林技術センター気象報告 (2009年)川上演習林
    井波明宏; 門脇正史; 清野 達之; 杉山昌典
    筑波大学農林技術センター演習林報告/27/pp.157-170, 2011
  • A new flora list of the Ikawa Forest, Agricultural and Forestry Research Center, University of Tsukuba: Gymnospermae and Angiospermae
    Seino T.; Hirata A; Bessho N; Hayashi Y; Koseki R; Endoh ...
    Bulletin of Tsukuba University Forests/27/p.116-180, 2011-03
  • Spatial distribution and growth in saplings of Kalopanax septemlobus (Araliaceae) related to conspecific adults
    Seino T.
    Japanese Journal of Forest Environment/53(2)/p.73-78, 2011-01
  • Floristic composition and stand structure of the lowland mixed dipterocarp forest in Tawau Hills Park, Sabah, Malaysia
    Seino T.; Kitayama K; Lakim M.B.
    Sabah Parks Nature Journal/8/p.63-82, 2008-01
  • 八ヶ岳演習林におけるサクラソウ個体群の3年間の変化
    上治雄介; 井波明宏; 清野達之
    筑波大学農林技術センター演習林報告/24/p.109-114, 2008-01
  • 筑波大学八ヶ岳演習林での長期生態学研究の取り組み
    清野達之; 門脇正史; 井波明宏; 杉山昌典; 上治雄介; 菊地亜矢子; 上條隆志; 中村徹; 金子信博; 長谷川元洋; 壁谷大介
    独立行政法人国立環境研究所地球環境センターレポート (CGER-Report)/p.85-86, 2008-01
  • Comparative study of additive basal area of conifers in forest ecosystems along elevational gradients
    Aiba Shin-ichiro; Hanya Goro; Tsujino Riyou; Takyu Masaa...
    ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH/22(3)/pp.439-450, 2007-05
  • Fitting the truncated bivariate normal distribution to the relationship between diameter and length of current-year shoots in Betula platyphylla in Hokkaido, Northern Japan
    Umeki; K.; Sumida; A.; Seino; T.; Lim; E.; ; Honjo; T; +清野 達之
    Proceedings of Second International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications/p.55-60, 2006-01
  • Floristic composition, stand structure, and above-ground biomass of the tropical rain forest of Deramakot and Tangkulap Forest Reserve in Malaysia under different forest managements
    Seino; T.; Takyu; M.; Aiba; S.; Kitayama; K.; Ong; R.C.; +清野 達之
    Proceedings of Second Workshop on Synergy between carbon management and biodiversity conservation in tropical rain forests/p.29-52, 2006-01
  • Landscape-level evaluation of carbon and biodiversity in the tropical rain forests of Deramakot Forest Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia
    Kitayama; K.; Nakazono; E.; Seino; T.; Matsubayashi; H.; Gobilik; ...
    Proceedings of Second Workshop on Synergy between carbon management and biodiversity conservation in tropical rain forests/p.13-28, 2006-01
  • Patterns of shoot mortality in Betula platyphylla in northern Japan
    Umeki K; Seino T.; Lim E; Honjo T
    Tree Physiology/26/p.623-632, 2006-01
  • Logging effects on soil fauna in rain forests of Deramakot Forest Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia
    Hasegawa; M.; Ito; M.T.; Kitayama; K.; Seino; T.; Chung; A.Y.; +清野 達之
    Proceedings of Second Workshop on Synergy between carbon management and biodiversity conservation in tropical rain forests/p.53-60, 2006-01
  • Changes of wood anatomy linked to canopy height in a Hawaiian wet montane forest along a gradient of substrate age
    Seino T.; Okada N; Kitayama K
    Tropics/14/p.173-178, 2005-01
  • Pattern of changes in species diversity, structure and dynamics of forest ecosystems along latitudinal gradients in East Asia
    Takyu; M.; Kubota; Y.; Aiba; S.; Seino; T.; Nishimura; T.; +清野 達之
    Ecological Research/20/p.287-296, 2005-01
  • さらに表示...