菅谷 純子(スガヤ スミコ)
- 論文
- Deletion analysis of the 5'-upstream region of the ┣DBAgrobacterium(/)-┫DB ┣DBrhizogenes(/)-┫DB Ri plasmid ┣DBrolC(/)-┫DB gene required for tissue-specific expression.
菅谷 純子; H. Uchimiya
Plant Physiology/99(2)/pp.464-467, 1992-01 - A soluble auxin-binding protein from mung bean hypocotyls has indole-3- acetaldhyde reductase activity
4. Sugaya S.; S. Sakai; +菅谷 純子
Physiologia Plantarum/97/p.433, 1996-01 - Identification of a soluble auxin-binding protein as a glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase.
Sugaya S.; S. Sakai
Plant Science/114/p.1, 1996-01 - Isolation and characterization of a 60kDa 2.4-D-binding protein from the shoot apices of peach trees (┣DBPrunus(/)-┫DB ┣DBPersica(/)-┫DBL.) ; It is a homologue of protein disulfide isomerase.
Sugaya; S.; A. Ohmiya; M. Kikuchi; T. Hayashi; +菅谷 純子
Plant Cell Physiol/41/p.503-508, 2000-01 - Isolation and expression analysis of a qene encoding a vacuolar-type water channel protein in fruit (Prunus. Persica L.)
Sugaya; S.; H. Gemma; S. Iwahori; +菅谷 純子
J. Japan Soc. Hort. Sci./70/p.716-718, 2001-01 - Effect of abscisic acid (ABA) on sugar accumulation in the flesh tissue of peach fruit at the start of the maturation stage.
Kobashi; K.; S.Sugaya; H. Gemma; S. Iwahori.; +菅谷 純子
Plant Growth Regulation/35/p.215-223, 2001-01 - Flavonoid biosynthesis and accumulation and related enzyme activities in the skin of ‘Fuji’ and ‘Oorin’ apples during their devepment
Li; Z.; S. Sugaya; H. Gemma; S. Iwahori
J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci/71/p.317-321., 2002-01 - Study on watercore occurrence in ‘Hosui’ Japanese pear
Gemma; H.; S.Oomori; S.Sugaya; S-A.Peng; S.Iwahori.; +菅谷 純子
Acta Hort./596/p.845-850., 2002-01 - Sugar accumulation in highbush blueberry fruit as affected by artificial pollination with fifferent pollen sources in relation to seed number, invertase activities and ABA content
Kobashi; K.; S. Sugaya; Fukushima; M; S. Iwahori
Acta Hort./574, 2002-01 - Seasonal changes in the ice nucleation activity of various tissues in Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) in relation to their freezing behaviour and frost injury.
Sekozawa; Y.; S. Sugaya; H. Gemma; S. Iwahori
Acta Hort./587/p.543-547, 2002-01 - Expression analysis of qenes encoding aquaporins during the development of peach fruit.
Sugaya; S.; I. Ohshima; H. Gemma; S. Iwahori.; +菅谷 純子
Acta Hort./618/p.363-370, 2003-01 - Cold tolerance in ‘Kousui’ Japanese pear and possibility for avoiding frost injury by treatment with n- propyl dihydrojasmonate
Sekozawa; Y; S. Sugaya; H. Gemma; S. Iwahori
Hortscience/38/p.288-292, 2003-01 - Changes in the coloration and activities of enzymes involved in anthocyanin synthesis of 'Kyoho' grapes gqown under different temperature conditions during ripening
Mori; K.; Sugaya; S; Gemma H.; +菅谷 純子
J.Japan Soc. Hort.Sci./3/p.209-214., 2004-01 - Effect of Seasonal Variation, Cultivar and Production System on Some Postharvest Characteristics of the Banana
Jane Lukhachi Ambuko; Yoshihiko Sekozawa; Ssumiko Sugaya...
Acta Horticulturae/123(2)/p.505-510, 2006-06 - Improvement of Fruit Quality by S-ABA and the Fertilizer Formulated K, P, Mg, Bo, Mn Containing S-ABA as Pre-Harvest Application on Peaches and Apples
Kusol Iamsub1; ; Yoshihiko Sekozawa1; Ssumiko Sugaya; Hiro...
Acta Horticulturae/804/p.219-224, 2008-12 - Activity and Gene expression of ethylene biosynthetic enzymes of Irwin mango during fruit ripening.
Than Than Soe; Kaihei Koshio; Hisamitsu Takahashi; Sumiko...
4th International Symposium on Tropical & Subtropical Fruits, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia., 2008-01 - Influence of chilling accululation time on "flower bud abortion" occurence in Japanese pear grown under mild winter conditons.
Yamamoto; R.R.; Sekozawa; Y.; Sugaya; S.; Gemma; +菅谷 純子
Acta Horticulturae/872/p.69-76, 2010-01 - The role and mode of action of UV-C hormesis in reducing cellular oxidative stress and the consequential chilling injury of banana fruit peel.
Pongprasert; N.; Sekozawa; Y.; Sugaya; S.; Gemma; H.; +菅谷 純子
International Food Research Journal/18/p.741-749, 2011-01 - Identification of banana resistant to juglone, a toxin produced in black Sigatoka disease, using gamma rays coupled with in vitro techniques.
Walter O.Reyes-Borja; K.Degi; S.Nagatomi; Y.Sekozawa; S.Suga...
Japan. J.Trop.Agr./49(1)/p.38-44, 2005-01 - Ripening of ‘Rendaiji’persimmon treated with 1-Methylcyclopropene after ethanol vapor treatment to remove astringency.
Ortiz. G. I.; S. Sugaya; Y. Sekozawa; H. Gemma; H. Ito; K. Wad...
Acta Hortic/685/p.157-163, 2005-01 - Effect of seasonal variation, cultivar and production system on some postharvest characteristics of the banana.
Ambuko; J.L.; Y.Sekozawa; S.Sugaya; F.Itoh; K.Nakamura; H.Gemma
Acta Hortic./712/p.505-510, 2006-01 - Postharvest n-propyl dihydrojasmonate and abscisic acid application on reducing chilling injury in banana peel.
Pongprasert; N.; S.Kanlayanarat; H.Gemma; Y.Sekozawa; S.Sugaya
Acta Hortic./712/p.741-746, 2006-01 - Postharvest characteristics of bananas cultivated under less chemical and conventional production systems during two seasons in Ecuador. J. Tropical Agriculture and Development.
Ambuko; J. L.; Y. Sekozawa; S. Sugaya; F. Itoh; K. Nakamu...
J. Tropical Agriculture and Development./52/p.43-49, 2008-01 - Changes of Cell Wall Polysaccharides related to watercore in ‘Hosui’pear fruit (P. pyrifolia) grown in alluvial and volcanic soils.
Lee; S.H.; H.Gemma; S.Sugaya; Y. Sekozawa; W.S. Kim; +弦間 洋
Acta Horticulturae/772/p.327-331, 2008-01 - リンゴ'ふじ'の貯蔵中における色素成分変化の地域間比較
李 正花; 菅谷 純子; 弦間 洋; 岩堀 修一
園芸学会雑誌. 別冊, 園芸学会大会研究発表/67(2)/p.107, 1998-10 - さらに表示...
- Deletion analysis of the 5'-upstream region of the ┣DBAgrobacterium(/)-┫DB ┣DBrhizogenes(/)-┫DB Ri plasmid ┣DBrolC(/)-┫DB gene required for tissue-specific expression.