江面 浩(エヅラ ヒロシ)


  • 赤色光ならびに青色光下で栽培したレタス幼植物体中に含まれるクロロゲン酸含有量の日間変動と代謝物解析
    下村 未知瑠; 草野 都; 藤内 直道; 有泉 亨; 江面 浩; 福田 直也
  • 野生種スイカのアグロバクテリウム形質転換におけるエチレン阻害剤の効果
    Shiba Hiroshi; Malambane Goitseone; Nonaka Satoko; Ezura ...
  • Loss-of function of SPFF, a novel receptor-like kinase, induces parthenocarpy in tomato
    武井瞳; 篠崎良仁; 矢野亮一; Hernould Michel; Chevalier Christian; 江面浩; 有...
    Agri World 2018/2018-02--2018-02
  • 新規受容体様タンパク質SPFFの機能欠損はトマトの単為結果を引き起こす
    武井瞳; 篠崎良仁; 矢野亮一; Hernould Michel; Chevalier Christian; 江面浩; 有...
  • Yeast two hybrid analysis of DELLA variants and SlGID1s in tomato.
    Ezura Kentaro; Shinozaki Yoshihito; Bernard Camille; Prod...
    Plant and Animal genome Conference XXV/2018-01-12--2018-01-17
  • High efficient induction of single DNA conversion in tomato by Target-AID, the base editing CRISPR-Cas9 system.
    Kashojiya Sachiko; Heta Yumi; Miura Kenji; Nishida Keiji...
    Plant and Animal genome Conference XXV/2018-01-12--2018-01-17
  • The identification of parthenocarpic genes in tomato by the EMS mutagenesis approach.
    Harada Keiichi; Yano Ryoichi; Okabe Yoshinori; Ezura Hir...
    Plant and Animal genome Conference XXV/2018-01-12--2018-01-17
  • Trial for generating parthenocarpic tomato by the CRISPR/Cas9 system employed base editing enzyme.
    Narihiro Tsubasa; Kuwabara Kohsuke; Nishida Keiji; Kondo ...
    Plant and Animal genome Conference XXV/2018-01-12--2018-01-17
  • Genetic Engineering of Important Breeding Traits in Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae
    Nonaka Satoko; Ezura Hiroshi
    8th Joint Conference on Solanaceae Genomics (SOL) / 2nd International Cucurbit Genomics Initiative (ICuGI)/2011-11-28--2011-12-02
  • 遺伝子からトマトをデザインする
    江面 浩
  • NBT(New Plant Breeding Techniques)の現状と未来への展望
    江面 浩
  • 園芸作物のフード/セキュリティーを支える研究開発
    江面 浩
  • Designing and engineering tomato fruit performance using a comprehensive Micro-Tom tomato bioresources
    Ezura Hiroshi
    Vienna International Conferences in 2014-Applied Vegetable Genomics/2014-02
  • Effects of root-volume restriction and salinity on the fruit yield and quality of processing tomato
    Saito Takeshi; Fukuda Naoya; Iikubo Takuya; Inai Shuji; F...
    Spring Meeting of the Japanese-Society-for-Horticultural-Science