瀬古澤 由彦(セコザワ ヨシヒコ)
- 論文
- Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Scavenging in Hot Air Preconditioning Mediated Alleviation of Chilling Injury in Banana Fruits
Jane Ambuko; Geni Carmel Zanol; 瀬古澤由彦; 菅谷 純子; 弦間 洋
Journal of Agricultural Science/5(1)/pp.319-331, 2013-01 - Longitudinal NMR parameter measurements of Japanese pear fruit during the growing process using a mobile magnetic resonance imaging system
Yuto Geya; Takeshi Kimura; Hirotaka Fujisaki; Terada Yasuhik...
JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE/226/pp.45-51, 2013-01 - Hydrogen cyanamide enhances MRI-measured water status in flower buds of peach
Yooyongwech Suravoot; Horigane Akemi K.; Yoshida Mitsu...
Plant Omics Journal/5(4)/pp.400-404, 2012-07 - モモ香気成分の同定とそのせん孔細菌病菌の生育に与える影響評価
齋藤 隆徳; 瀬古澤 由彦; 菅谷 純子; 弦間 洋
筑波大学農林技術センター研究報告/0(25)/pp.9-18, 2012-03 - Hydrogen cyanamide enhances MRI-measured water status in flower buds of peach (Prunus persica L.) during winter
Yooyongwech; S.; Horigane; A.K.; Yoshida; M.; Sekozawa; Y.; Sugay...
PLANT OMICS/5(4)/p.400-404, 2012 - Effect of Postharvest Hot Air Treatments on Ripening and Soluble Sugars in Banana Fruits, Musa Spp. 'Williams'
Ambuko; JL.; Sekozawa; Y.; Sugaya; S.; Zanol; G.; Gemma; H; ; +瀬古澤 由彦
Acta Horticulturae/934/p.719-725, 2012 - A novel postharvest UV-C treatment to reduce chilling injury (membrane damage, browning and chlorophyll degradation) in banana peel
Pongprasert Nutthachai; Sekozawa Yoshihiko; Sugaya Sumik...
SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE/130(1)/pp.73-77, 2011-08 - Development of a mobile magnetic resonance imaging system for outdoor tree measurements
Kimura Takeshi; Geya Yuto; Terada Yasuhiko; Kose Katsumi...
REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS/82(5)/pp.0-0, 2011-05 - Effect of combined application of 1-MCP and low oxygen treatments on alleviation of chilling injury and lipid oxidation stability of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) under low temperature storage
Pathirana U. A. Prabath; Sekozawa Yoshihiko; Sugaya Sumi...
FRUITS/66(3)/pp.161-170, 2011-05 - 永久磁石を用いたモバイルMRIの開発
木村 武史; 下家 祐人; 巨瀬 勝美; 寺田 康彦; 拝師 智之; 冨樫 数馬; 弦間 洋; 瀬古澤 由彦
日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌/31(1)/pp.57-60, 2011-02 - Floral Primordia Necrosis Incidence in Mixed Buds of Japanese Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm.)Nakai var.culta) 'Housui' Grown under Mild Winter Conditions and the Possible Relation with Water Dynamics
Yamamoto Robson Ryu; Katsumi-Horigane Akemi; Yoshida Mit...
JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE/79(3)/pp.246-257, 2010-07 - L-プロリン葉面散布がキウイフルーツの果実肥大に及ぼす影響
大宮秀昭; 瀬古澤 由彦; 秋元晴香; 大島 泉; 酒井一雄; 比企 弘; 弦間 洋
筑波大学農林技術センター研究報告/(23)/p.23-35, 2010-03 - Differential adaptation of high- and low-chill dormant peaches in winter through aquaporin gene expression and soluble sugar content
Yooyongwech Suravoot; Sugaya Sumiko; Sekozawa Yoshihiko; ...
PLANT CELL REPORTS/28(11)/pp.1709-1715, 2009-11 - Alleviating sunburn injury in apple fruit using natural and fertilizer forms of S-abscisic acid and its underlying mechanism
Iamsub Kusol; Sekozawa Yoshiko; Sugaya Sumiko; Gemma Hir...
JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT/7(2)/pp.446-452, 2009-04 - A Possible Role and Mode of Action of UV-C Illumination on Inducing Chilling Stress Tolerance in Banana Peel
N.Pongprasert; Y.Sekozawa; S.Sugaya; H.Gemma
K. Iamsub; Y. Sekozawa; S. Sugaya; H. Gemma; Y. Kamuro
Acta Horticulturae/804, 2008-12 - Effect of oscillating temperature on the expression of two aquaporin genes (Pp-delta TIP1, Pp-PIP2) involved in regulating intercellular water status in flower buds of peach
Yooyongwech S.; Horigane A. K.; Yoshida M.; Sekozawa Y.; ...
JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE & BIOTECHNOLOGY/83(6)/pp.784-790, 2008-11 - Changes in aquaporin gene expression and magnetic resonance imaging of water status in peach tree flower buds during dormancy
Yooyongwech Suravoot; Horigane Akemi K.; Yoshida Mitsuru...
PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM/134(3)/pp.522-533, 2008-11 - 開花期のニホンナシ園における気温分布の推移
筑波大農林研報/21/p.1-14, 2008-03 - キウイフルーツの果実肥大に及ぼすL-プロリン葉面散布の影響
瀬古澤 由彦; 秋元 晴香; 大宮 秀昭; 大島 泉; 菅谷 純子; 弦間 洋
園芸学会雑誌. 別冊, 園芸学会大会研究発表/77(1)/p.89, 2008-03 - 夜間の低温とABA処理はブドウ果皮のアントシアニンの蓄積を促進する
掛澤 傑史; 菅谷 純子; 瀬古澤 由彦; 弦間 洋
園芸学会雑誌. 別冊, 園芸学会大会研究発表/77(1)/p.306, 2008-03 - Changes of Cell Wall Polysaccharides related to watercore in ‘Hosui’pear fruit (P. pyrifolia) grown in alluvial and volcanic soils.
Lee; S.H.; H.Gemma; S.Sugaya; Y. Sekozawa; W.S. Kim; +弦間 洋
Acta Horticulturae/772/p.327-331, 2008-01 - Postharvest characteristics of bananas cultivated under less chemical and conventional production systems during two seasons in Ecuador. J. Tropical Agriculture and Development.
Ambuko; J. L.; Y. Sekozawa; S. Sugaya; F. Itoh; K. Nakamu...
J. Tropical Agriculture and Development./52/p.43-49, 2008-01 - ニホンナシ'幸水'の樹体ジョイント仕立てにおける同化産物の動態の解明
弦間 洋; SIMKHADA E. P.; 瀬古澤 由彦; 菅谷 純子; 柴田 健一郎; 関 達哉; 伊上 博道...
園芸学会雑誌. 別冊, 園芸学会大会研究発表/76(2)/p.453, 2007-09 - P17-1 ニホンナシの樹体ジョイント仕立てにおける樹体間の窒素移行(17.園地・施設土壌肥よく度,2007年度東京大会)
井上 博道; 梅宮 善章; 弦間 洋; 関 達哉; 菅谷 純子; 瀬古澤 由彦; 喜多 正幸; 柴田 健一郎
日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集/0(53)/p.137, 2007-08 - さらに表示...
- Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Scavenging in Hot Air Preconditioning Mediated Alleviation of Chilling Injury in Banana Fruits