礒田 博子(イソダ ヒロコ)


  • Estrogenic Potency Assessments in a Context of Treated Wastewater Reuse for Artificial Groundwater Recharge
    Etteieb Selma; Kawachi Atsuchi; Tarhouni Jamila; Isoda...
    1st Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI)/2017-11-22--2017-11-25
  • Bioassay screening and molecular approach on valorization of food and medicinal plants
    礒田 博子
    Aptorum Group and University of Oxford 2018 Life Sciences Conference/2018-01-11--2018-01-11
  • Bioassay screening and molecular approach on valorization of food and medicinal plants
    Aptorum Group and University of Oxford 2018 Life Sciences Conference/2018-01-11--2018-01-11
  • Bioassay screening and molecular approach on valorization of food and medicinal plants
    Aptorum Group and University of Oxford 2018 Life Sciences Conference/2018-01-11--2018-01-11
  • 植物由来ポリフェノールの機能性
    礒田 博子
  • 地中海オリーブ成分の機能性と有効利用
    礒田 博子
  • チュニジアのハーブライブラリーからの生理活性物質の検索
    礒田 博子
  • Argan oil extraction press-cake as a source of a natural emulsifier
    Taarji N.; da Silva C. A. R; Khalid N.; Hafidi A.; Kobaya...
    The 18th Annual Meeting, Japan Society for Food Engineering/2017-08-07--2017-08-08
  • 触媒化学による未活用生物資源からの機能性化学品合成
    嶋本康広; 礒田 博子; 富永健一
    第4回機能性バイオ ミニシンポ/2018-03-28--2018-03-28
  • 食薬資源機能性解析と触媒化学技術の融合研究
    礒田 博子
  • 地中海食薬資源の機能解析と有効利用
    礒田 博子
  • 地中海食薬資源由来機能性成分の探索と評価
    礒田 博子
    通研共同プロジェクト研究会ワークショップ(情報バイオトロニクス研究会 共催)/2017-11-17--2017-11-17
  • フェルラ酸のエネルギー代謝促進作用を介した抗うつ様効果
    岩田 望; 佐々木 一憲; 礒田 博子
  • 微細藻類由来スクアレンの神経保護作用を介した空間学習記憶改善効果の解明
    酒井 宏子; 佐々木 一憲; 吉田昌樹; 出村 幹英; 渡邉 信; 礒田 博子
  • Japanese Consumer Behaviour on Argan Oil and Development of Women’s Cooperative in Morocco
    Kashiwagi; Benabdellah Majid; Isoda Hiroko
    The 4th Congres International sur L'Arganier/2017-12-15--2017-12-17
  • 3,4,5-tri-O-caffeoylquinic acid as a potential candidate to induce hair growth and hair pigmentation
    Bejaoui Meriem; Orlina VILLAREAL Myra; Isoda Hiroko
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology (TJASSST 2017)/2017-11-24--2017-11-26
  • New strategies to prevent aging: Modulation of Neurogenesis by Nutraceuticals
    Geribaldi Noelia; Sasaki; J. Davis F. Szele; Isoda Hiroko
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology (TJASSST 2017)/2017-11-24--2017-11-26
  • The Center of Innovation Program of "Food and Healthcare Master
    Isoda Hiroko
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology (TJASSST 2017)/2017-11-24--2017-11-26
  • Melanogenesis Regulatory effect of argan (Argan spinosa) oil and by-products from argan fruit on melanogenesis in B16 murine melanoma cells
    Orlina VILLAREAL Myra; Isoda Hiroko
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology (TJASSST 2017, Gammarth, Tunisia),/2017-11-24--2017-11-26
  • Effect of certain byproducts of the Argan tree on hyper pigmentation of the skin
    Bourhim T. Makbal R. Hafidi A. Gadhi C.; Orlina VILLAR...
    4th edition of the Argan International Congress/2017-11-20--2017-11-22
  • Antidepressant-like effect of Verbena officinalis phenylpropanoid glucoside
    Sabti Mouad; Sasaki Kazunori; Isoda Hiroko
    International conference on polyphenols and health (ICPH 2017)/2017-10-03--2017-10-06
  • 3,4,5-tri-O-caffeoylquinic acid as a potential candidate to induce hair growth and hair pigmentation
    Isoda Hiroko
    International conference on polyphenols and health (ICPH 2017)/2017-10-03--2017-10-06
  • Melanogenesis Regulatory Effect of Tara tannin
    Isoda Hiroko
    International conference on polyphenols and health (ICPH 2017)/2017-10-03--2017-10-06
  • Alleviating effect of Isorhamnetin on progression of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
    Ganbold Munkhzul; Owada Yohei; Ozawa Yusuke; Ohkohchi No...
    International conference on polyphenols and health (ICPH 2017)/2017-10-03--2017-10-06
  • In vitro and in vivo Anti-Melanoma Effect of T. hirsuta Extract and Its Bioactive Component Daphnane Diterpenoid Gnidilatidin
    Orlina VILLAREAL Myra; Sato; Isoda Hiroko
    International Pigment Cell Conference/2017-08-26--2017-08-30
  • さらに表示...