礒田 博子(イソダ ヒロコ)


  • Molecular basis of the lightening effect on the skin of Argan oil and some by-products of the Argan
    Bourhim T. Makbal R. Hafidi A. Gadhi C.; VILLAREAL Myra...
    1st International Symposium on the beneficial effects of Argan oil on human health/2017-05-04--2017-05-06
  • オリーブ葉茶の継続飲用によるヒトの健康増進効果に関する探索的検討
    荒木 理沙; 藤江 敬子; 中田 由夫; 鈴木 浩明; 松井 幸一; 植松 勝太郎; 柴﨑 博行; 安藤 貴彦; 植山 ゆかり; ...
  • Anti-cancer effect of Thymelaea hirsuta in vitro
    Yamano Yuki; VILLAREAL Myra O.; Isoda Hiroko
    TJS2016 & SATREPS Joint Symposium under Tsukuba Global Science Week 2016 (TGSW2016)/2016-09-17--2016-09-18
  • Anti-melanoma effect of Tunisian aromatic plant Thymelaea hirsuta (L.)
    Sato Yuki; VILLAREAL Myra O.; ISODA Hiroko
    TJS2016 & SATREPS Joint Symposium under Tsukuba Global Science Week 2016 (TGSW2016)/2016-09-17--2016-09-18
  • The anti-melanoma activity of the polyphenol in Crithmum maritimum
    Hataoka Yukino; VILLAREAL Myra O.; Neffati Mohamed; Isoda...
    TJS2016 & SATREPS Joint Symposium under Tsukuba Global Science Week 2016 (TGSW2016)/2016-09-17--2016-09-18
  • 食薬資源由来新規機能成分の探索と分子メカニズム解明
    礒田 博子
  • Analyses of Olive Oil Processing, Nanofiltration of Oleuropein, and Polyphenol Recovery from Olive Mill Water
    Nakajima Mitsutoshi; Dammak Ilyes; Sayadi Sami; Isoda Hi...
    TJS2016 & SATREPS Joint Symposium under Tsukuba Global Science Week 2016 (TGSW2016)/2016-09-17--2016-09-18
  • Roadmap for Functional Foods and Drugs in North Africa
    Wagatsuma Yukiko; Isoda Hiroko
    TJS2016 & SATREPS Joint Symposium under Tsukuba Global Science Week 2016 (TGSW2016)/2016-09-17--2016-09-18
  • Rosmarinus officinalis extracts produce anti-depressant like effect through the enhancement of monoaminergic and cholinergic functions
    Sasaki Kazunori; Omri Abdelatteh El; Kondo Shinji; Han J...
    TJS2016 & SATREPS Joint Symposium under Tsukuba Global Science Week 2016 (TGSW2016)/2016-09-17--2016-09-18
  • Elucidation of the anti-cancer effect of luteolin in vitro using DNA microarray
    VILLAREAL Myra O.; ISODA Hiroko
    TJS2016 & SATREPS Joint Symposium under Tsukuba Global Science Week 2016 (TGSW2016)/2016-09-17--2016-09-18
  • The enhancement of dopaminerigic functons through the promotion of enegy production activity behind the anti-stress effect of Aurntiochytrium and Botyococcus braunii
    Sasaki Kazunori; Othman Mahmoud Ben; Isoda Hiroko
  • Argan fruit shell ethanol extract induces melanogenesis by MITF and TYR up-regulation via MAPK signaling pathway
    MAKBAL Rachida; VILLAREAL Myra O.; GADHI Chemeseddoha; HA...
    TJS2016 & SATREPS Joint Symposium under Tsukuba Global Science Week 2016 (TGSW2016)/2016-09-17--2016-09-18
  • Cyanidin-3-glucoside enhances the metabolisum of human hepatocyte derived Huh7 cells
    Mogalli Rashad; Matsukawa Toshiya; Shimomura Osamu; Isoda...
  • ヒト胃消化シミュレーターを用いたジェランガムゲルのサイズ減少挙動の解析
    神津 博幸; 小林 功; 植村邦彦; 礒田 博子; 市川創作
  • The Center of Innovation Program of “Food and Health Master
    Isoda Hiroko
    Tsukuba Global Science Week 2016 (TGSW2016)/2016-09-17--2016-09-19
  • Serotonergic and noradrenergic regulation of orexin neuron and possibility for modulation by natural product
    Muraki Yo; Yamanaka Akihiro; Isoda Hiroko
  • Evaluating the neuroprotective effect of the algae extracts on SH-SY5Y cells
    Sakai Hiroko; Sasaki Kazunori; Isoda Hiroko
  • Effect of 3,4,5-tri-O-caffeoylquinic acid on hair graying
    Bejaoui Meriem; Villareal Myra; Isoda Hiroko
  • Cyanidin-3-glucoside enhances exercise performance by increasing of skeletal muscle PGC-1α expression
    Matsukawa Toshiya; Motojima Hideko; Sato Yuki; Takahashi ...
  • Melanogenesis Regulatory effect of natural compounds
    Chaochaiphat Thanyanan; Villareal Myra; Isoda Hiroko
  • Elucidation of the preventive and therapeutic effect of luteolin on melanoma in vitro
    Villareal Myra; Sanchez Ana Barragan; Larroque Michel; Is...
  • 高齢者に対する全身運動トレーニングとオリーブ果実エキス摂取に膝痛改善・緩和効果の検討
    本嶋 秀子; 尹 之恩; 大藏 倫博; 礒田 博子
  • Cyanidin-3-glucosideのPGC-1α発現増加による運動パフォーマンス向上効果
    松川 隼也; 佐藤 薫; 本嶋 秀子; 礒田 博子
  • 胃消化シミュレーターを利用したゲル状食品の胃内微細化挙動と力学的特性との相関解明
    王在天; 神津 博幸; Isoda Hiroko; 植村邦彦; 小林 功; 市川創作
  • β-カロテンを内包したエマルションおよびエマルションゲルの in vitro 胃腸消化特性
    王 政; DAS NEVES MARCOS ANT; 小林 功; Isoda Hiroko; 中嶋光敏
  • さらに表示...