礒田 博子(イソダ ヒロコ)
- 会議発表等
- 地中海食薬資源の機能性解析と有効利用
礒田 博子
第33回動物細胞工学シンポジウム 「食と健康」 プログラム/2014-09-26--2014-09-26 - Anti-allergy and melanogenesis regulatory effects of semi-arid and arid land plants
Huichia CHAO; Konomi MURAKAMI; Hanen NAJJA; Hideko MOTOJIMA; ...
Second International Conference on Arid Land Studies (ICAL2)/2014-09-10--2014-09-14 - Diterpenoid Hirsein-A Activate Nuclear P38 Through GADD45b Upregulation: Possible Route For Induction Of Melanoma Cell
M. Villareal; Isoda Hiroko
XXII International Pigment Cell Conference (IPCC2014)/2014-09-04--2014-09-07 - Suppressive effect of Caffeic acid and Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester on Oxidative Stress in B16 Mouse Melanoma and Human Epidermal Melanocytes
Sakura Eri B. Maezono; Myra O. Villareal; Junkyu Han; Isoda ...
The XXVIIth International Conference on Polyphenols & The 8th Tannin Conference (ICP2014 Nagoya)/2014-09-02--2014-09-06 - The metabolism-enhancement effect of cyanidin-3-glucoside derived from black soybean in C2C12 myotubes
Toshiya Matsukawa; Myra O. Villareal; Junkyu Han; Masaya Nag...
The XXVIIth International Conference on Polyphenols & The 8th Tannin Conference (ICP2014 Nagoya)/2014-09-02--2014-09-06 - Apigenin inhibits type I allergic reaction in RBL-2H3 cells through the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway
Hideko Motojima; Myra O. Villareal; Junkyu Han; Isoda Hiroko
The XXVIIth International Conference on Polyphenols & The 8th Tannin Conference (ICP2014 Nagoya)/2014-09-02--2014-09-06 - 黒豆由来Cyanidin-3-glucoside によるC2C12筋管細胞の代謝活性化作用の解析
松川 隼也; 本嶋 秀子; Myra; 韓 畯奎; 礒田 博子
日本プロテオーム学会2014年会(JHUPO第12回大会)/2014-07-17--2014-07-18 - 食薬資源由来新規機能成分の探索と分子メカニズム解明
礒田 博子
天然物ケミカルバイオロジー~分子標的と活性制御~第4回シンポジウム/2013-5-28--2013-5-29 - 筑波大学北アフリカ研究センターの取り組み
礒田 博子
日本モロッコ協会月例講演会/2014-01-21--2014-01-21 - 北アフリカイノベーション研究拠点
礒田 博子
チュニジア投資セミナー(東京)/2014-04-22--2014-04-22 - 日本でも研究が進むオリーブオイルの健康機能
礒田 博子
オリーブサミット国際オリーブシンポジウム/2014-04-25--2014-04-25 - Alliance for Research on North Africa (ARENA): Anti-depressant effect of Tunisian Rosmarinus officinalis polyphenols
Hiroko Isoda
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2013/2013-10-02--2013-10-4 - Argan oil inhibits melanin biosynthesis in B16 murine melanoma cells by activating MITF in B16 murine melanoma cells
Myra O. Villareal; Sayuri Kume; Thouria Bourhim; Fatima Zahr...
The 12th Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology 2013 (TJASSST 2013)/2013-11-15--2013-11-17 - Valorization of Bio-resources in Semi-Arid and Arid Land-Olives, Halophytes and aromatic plants
Junkyu Han; Feten Zar Kalai; Imen Samet; Mahmoud Ben Othman; ...
The 12th Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology 2013 (TJASSST 2013)/2013-11-15--2013-11-17 - Inhibitory effect of caffeic acid and its derivative, caffeic acid phenethyl ester on oxidative stress in human epidermal melanocytes
Maezono S.; Villareal M.O.; Han J.; Isoda Hiroko
先導的研究者体験者プログラム(ARE)第3回リサーチフェスタ - Cymbopogon shoenanthus ethanol extract has a melanogenesis-regulatory effect on human epidermal melanocytes
Maezono S; Villareal M.O.; Han J.; Isoda H
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2013/2013-10-2--2013-10-4 - Molecular mechanism analysis of insulin resistance improvement effect of Cyanidin-3-glucoside in 3T3-L1 adipocyte
Tosiya Matsukawa; Tetsuya Inaguma; Junkyu Han; Hiroko Isoda
The 12th Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology 2013 (TJASSST 2013)/2013-11-15--2013-11-17 - Antidepressant-like effect of rosmarinic acid through MKP-1 down-regulation
Shinji Kondo; Kazunori Sasaki; Junkyu Han; Hiroko Isoda
The 12th Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology 2013 (TJASSST 2013)/2013-11-15 - Mechanism of the melanogenesis stimulatory effect of Cymbopogon shoenanthus in B16 murine melanoma cells
Mai Maeda; Myra O. Villareal; Junkyu Han; Hiroko Isoda
The 12th Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology 2013 (TJASSST 2013)/2013-11-15--2013-11-17 - Inhibitory Effect of Caffeic acid and its Derivatives on Oxidative Stress in Human Epidermal Melanocyte
Sakura Eri B. Maezono; Myra O. Villareal; Junkyu Han; Hiroko...
The 12th Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology 2013 (TJASSST 2013)/2013-11-15--2013-11-17 - Molecular mechanism analysis of insulin resistance improvement effect of Cyanidin-3-glucoside in 3T3-L1 adipocyte
Toshiya Matsukawa; Tetsuya Inaguma; Junkyu Han; Hiroko Isoda
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2013/2013-10-02--2013-10-04 - Rosmarinus officinalis polyphenols produce anti-depressant like effect through monoaminergic and cholinergic functions modulation
Isoda H
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2013/2013-10-02--2013-10-04 - Effect of Argania spinosa press-cake on melanogenesis in B16 murine melanoma cells
Thouria Bourhim; Isoda H
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2013/2013-10-02--2013-10-04 - Inhibitory effect of olive oil-in water emulsions from Motpellier in Southern France on β-hexosaminidase release and characterization of their physicochemical properties
Hideko Motojima; Delphine Margout; Marcos Neves; Michel Larr...
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2013/2013-10-02--2013-10-04 - Downregulation of the MITF gene expression in human and murine melanoma cell lines: mechanism for the antimelanoma effect of daphnane diterpene hirsein B
Villareal M.O.; Han J.; Shigemori H.; Isoda H
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2013/2013-10-02--2013-10-04 - さらに表示...
- 地中海食薬資源の機能性解析と有効利用