礒田 博子(イソダ ヒロコ)
- 会議発表等
- 黒豆成分シアニジン-3-グルコシドによるインスリン抵抗性改善効果の分子メカニズム
松川隼也; 稲熊哲也; 韓畯奎; 礒田 博子
日本動物細胞工学会2013年度大会 (JAACT2013)/2013-07-18--2013-07-19 - MKP-1発現抑制を介したロズマリン酸の抗うつ薬様効果
近藤真司; 佐々木一憲; 韓畯奎; 礒田 博子
日本動物細胞工学会2013年度大会 (JAACT2013)/2013-07-18--2013-07-19 - Effect of carotenoids capsanthin and β-cryptoxanthin on mouse and human melanoma cells
Tanja Tomic; Myra O. Villareal; 韓畯奎; Delphine Margout; Michel...
日本動物細胞工学会2013年度大会 (JAACT2013)/2013-07-18--2013-07-19 - 南フランスモンペリエ産ピチョリン・オリーブオイルにおけるI型アレルギー抑制効果
本嶋秀子; Delphine Margout; Marcos Neves; Michel Larroque; 韓畯奎; 中嶋...
日本動物細胞工学会2013年度大会 (JAACT2013)/2013-07-18--2013-07-19 - 地中海薬用植物Artemisia herba-albaのⅠ型アレルギー抑制効果の評価とメカニズム解析
村上果; 本嶋秀子; 韓畯奎; 河内敦; Mohamed Neffati; 礒田 博子
日本動物細胞工学会2013年度大会 (JAACT2013)/2013-07-18--2013-07-19 - Downregulation of the MITF gene expression and activation of ERK pathway in human and murine melanoma cell lines - possible mechanism for the anti-melanoma effect of daphnane diterpene hirsein B
Villareal M.O.; J. Han; Isoda Hiroko
23rd European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) Meeting/2013-06-23--2013-06-26 - Differentiation induction of K562 cells to erythrocytes by flavonoid apigenin
Isoda Hiroko; Villareal M.O.; J. Han
23rd European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) Meeting/2013-06-23--2013-06-26 - 黒豆種皮成分の脂肪細胞小型化による糖尿病改善効果の解析
松川隼也; 稲熊哲也; 韓畯奎; 長谷川季男; 永尾雅哉; 礒田博子
日本農芸化学会2014年度大会/2014-03-28--2014-03-30 - Regulatory effect of terpene compounds on melanogenesis signal transduction pathways in B16 murine melanoma cells
Villareal M.O.; Han J.; Shigemori H.; H. Isoda
日本農芸化学会2014年度大会/2014-03-28--2014-03-30 - ローズマリー(Rosmarinus officinalis)精油成分の神経分化促進作用による抗ストレス作用
池谷亜有美; 韓 畯奎; NEFFATI Mohamed; 礒田 博子
日本農芸化学会2014年度大会/2014-03-28--2014-03-30 - 身近な食品・化粧品、その成分と機能性
礒田 博子
福島県立磐城桜ヶ丘高等学校「半日総合大学」/2012-07-12 - 北アフリカの機能性食品素材・バイオアッセイ技術
礒田 博子
オリエンタル酵母工業株式会社/2012-01-20 - 北アフリカの植物・ハーブについて
礒田 博子
ジャパンハーブスクール/2010-09-25 - Inhibitory effect of tannins from galls of Carpinus tschonoskii on the degranulation of RBL-2H3 Cells
Yamada Parida; Ono Takako; Shigemori Hideyuki; Han Junkyu; Is...
23rd Annual and International Meeting of the Japanese-Association-for-Animal-Cell-Technology (JAACT) on Animal Cell Technology from Asia to World/2010-09-01--2010-09-04 - Down regulation effect of Rosmarinus officinalis polyphenols on cellular stress proteins in rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells
Omri Abdelfatteh E. L.; Han Junkyu; Ben Abdrabbah Manef; ...
23rd Annual and International Meeting of the Japanese-Association-for-Animal-Cell-Technology (JAACT) on Animal Cell Technology from Asia to World/2010-09-01--2010-09-04 - 3,4,5-tri-O-caffeoylquinic acid inhibits amyloid beta-mediated cellular toxicity on SH-SY5Y cells through the upregulation of PGAM1 and G3PDH
Miyamae Yusaku; Han Junkyu; Sasaki Kazunori; Terakawa Mi...
22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese-Association-for-Animal-Cell-Technology (JAAC T2009)/2009-09-24--2009-09-25 - Microarray analysis of immediate-type allergy in KU812 cells in response to fulvic acid
Motojima Hideko; Villareal Myra O.; Han Junkyu; Isoda Hi...
22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese-Association-for-Animal-Cell-Technology (JAAC T2009)/2009-09-24--2009-09-25 - MTT Reduction by Flavonoids in the Absence of Cells: Influence of Medium Type and Serum
Talorete Terence P. N.; Bouaziz Mohamed; Sayadi Sami; Iso...
19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese-Association-for-Animal-Cell-Technology/2006-09-25--2006-09-28 - Effect of Tunisian Plant Extract on Melanogenesis
Matsuyama Kyoko; Kawano Mitsuko; Kchouk Mohamed; Shinmoto...
19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese-Association-for-Animal-Cell-Technology - Differentiation of Human Leukemia Cell Line HL-60 by a Polyacetylenic Compound from Hedera Rhombea
Kurita Yui; Yamada Parida; Shigemori Hideyuki; Isoda Hiroko
19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese-Association-for-Animal-Cell-Technology/2006-03-19 - Screening of Various Tunisian Olive Oils for Their Inhibitory Effect on Beta-Hexosaminidase Release by Basophilic Cells
Yamada Parida; Zarrouk Moktar; Isoda Hiroko
19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese-Association-for-Animal-Cell-Technology - Protein Expression by Human Intestinal Epithelial Cells in Response to Wastewater Constituents
Isoda Hiroko; Han Junkyu; Talorete Terence P. N.; Narita ...
19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese-Association-for-Animal-Cell-Technology - Potential effects of consumption of olive leaf tea on hematological parameters: results of a preliminary study
Ferdousi Farhana; Araki R; Hashimoto K; H Isoda
The Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology (TJASSST)/2019-11 - In vitro study of luteolin effects on human neural stem cells (hNSCs) fate determination
Achour M; Sasaki K; Ferdousi Farhana; H Isoda
The Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology, Sousse, Tunisia (TJASSST)/2019-11 - Isorhamnetin induces differentiation of human amnion epithelial cells to hepatocyte-like cells
Uchida Y; Ferdousi Farhana; Shimamoto Y; Tominaga K; Zhen...
The Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology, Sousse, Tunisia (TJASSST)/2019-11 - さらに表示...
- 黒豆成分シアニジン-3-グルコシドによるインスリン抵抗性改善効果の分子メカニズム