高谷 直樹(タカヤ ナオキ)


  • PB-36 Pseudomonas aeruginosaにおける細胞間情報伝達シグナルの脱窒への関与(共生/相互作用,ポスターセッションB,ポスター発表)
    豊福 雅典; 野村 暢彦; 高谷 直樹; 藤井 達也; 中島 敏明; 内山 裕夫
    日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集/0(21)/p.156, 2005-10
  • 低酸素環境下でのカビの呼吸と発酵
    高谷 直樹; 祥雲 弘文
    バイオサイエンスとインダストリー = Bioscience & industry/63(4)/pp.233-236, 2005-04
  • 微生物を用いた廃水からの窒素除去システム(バイオミディア)
    佐々木 康幸; 高谷 直樹; 祥雲 弘文
    生物工学会誌 : seibutsu-kogaku kaishi/83(4)/p.202, 2005-04
  • 研究課題'04-15 真菌の低酸素条件への適応機構(平成16年度 共同利用研究報告)
    祥雲 弘文; 中村 顕; 高谷 直樹; 山口 正視
    千葉大学真菌医学研究センター報告/9(0)/pp.76-77, 2005-01
  • Cloning and Enhanced Expression of the Cytochrome P450nor Gene (nicA ; CYP55A5) Encoding Nitric Oxide Reductase from Aspergillus oryzae
    KAYA Masahiko; MATSUMURA Kengo; HIGASHIDA Katsuya; HATA ...
    Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry/68(10)/pp.2040-2049, 2004-10
  • Structural evidence for direct hydride transfer from NADH to cytochrome P450nor
    Oshima R; Fushinobu S; Su F; Zhang L; Takaya N; Shoun H
    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY/342(1)/pp.207-217, 2004-09
  • Production and detoxification of nitric oxide during nitrate respiration by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum
    Fujii T; Shoun H; Nakamura A; Hoshino T; Takaya N
    NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY/11(1)/pp.88-89, 2004-08
  • A novel metabolism in actinomycetes mineralizing organic nitrogen and possible involvement of NO as an intermediate
    Sasaki Y; Takaya N; Nakamura A; Shoun H
    NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY/11(1)/pp.89-89, 2004-08
  • D88A mutant of cytochrome P450nor provides kinetic evidence for direct complex formation with electron donor NADH
    Umemura M; Su F; Takaya N; Shiro Y; Shoun H
    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY/271(14)/pp.2887-2894, 2004-07
  • Involvement of a Glu71-Arg64 Couple in the Access Channel for NADH in Cytochrome P450nor
    SU Fei; FUSHINOBU Shinya; TAKAYA Naoki; SHOUN Hirofumi
    Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry/68(5)/pp.1156-1159, 2004-05
  • Isolation of flavohemoglobin from the actinomycete Streptomyces antibioticus grown without external nitric oxide stress
    Sasaki Y; Takaya N; Nakamura A; Shoun H
  • Involvement of a Glu71-Arg64 couple in the access channel for NADH in cytochrome P450nor
    Su F; Fushinobu S; Takaya N; Shoun H
  • Functional analysis of the small subunit of the putative homoaconitase from Pyrococcus horikoshii in the Thermus lysine biosynthetic pathway
    Lombo T; Takaya N; Miyazaki J; Gotoh K; Nishiyama M; Kosu...
    FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS/233(2)/pp.315-324, 2004-04
  • Unusual transcription regulation of the niaD gene under anaerobic conditions supporting fungal ammonia fermentation
    Takasaki K; Shoun H; Nakamura A; Hoshino T; Takaya N
  • Fungal ammonia fermentation, a novel metabolic mechanism that couples the dissimilatory and assimilatory pathways of both nitrate and ethanol - Role of acetyl CoA synthetase in anaerobic ATP synthesis
    Takasaki K; Shoun H; Yamaguchi M; Takeo K; Nakamura A; Ho...
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY/279(13)/pp.12414-12420, 2004-03
  • Nitrous Oxide-forming Codenitrification Catalyzed by Cytochrome P450nor
    SU Fei; TAKAYA Naoki; SHOUN Hirofumi
    Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry/68(2)/pp.473-475, 2004-02
  • Nitrous oxide-forming codenitrification catalyzed by cytochrome P450nor
    Su F; Takaya N; Shoun H
  • A Possible Role of NADPH-Dependent Cytochrome P450nor Isozyme in Glycolysis under Denitrifying Conditions(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
    WATSUJI Tomo-o; TAKAYA Naoki; NAKAMURA Akira; SHOUN Hiro...
    Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry/67(5)/pp.1109-1114, 2003-05
  • Denitrification of Nitrate by the Fungus Cylindrocarpon tonkinense(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
    WATSUJI Tomo-o; TAKAYA Naoki; NAKAMURA Akira; SHOUN Hiro...
    Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry/67(5)/pp.1115-1120, 2003-05
  • Hybrid Respiration in the Denitrifying Mitochondria of Fusarium oxysporum
    TAKAYA Naoki; KUWAZAKI Seigo; ADACHI Yoshiaki; SUZUKI Sa...
    The journal of biochemistry/133(4)/pp.461-465, 2003-04
  • Formate-forming Fungal Catabolic Pathway to Supply Electrons to Nitrate Respiration(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
    KUWAZAKI Seigo; TAKAYA Naoki; NAKAMURA Akira; SHOUN Hiro...
    Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry/67(4)/pp.937-939, 2003-04
  • Aerobic denitrifying bacteria producing low levels of nitrous oxide. 69, 3152-3157 (2003)
    Takaya; N.; Sakairi; M.A.C.; Kato; I.; Sakaguchi; Y.; Zhou; Z.; and...
    Appl. Environ. Microbiol./69(6)/pp.3152-3157, 2003-01
  • 低酸素状態でのカビの生き残り戦略 : わかってきたカビ脱窒系の役割.呼吸系の進化や窒素サイクルを考えるヒントに
    高谷 直樹; 祥雲 弘文
    化学と生物/40(6)/pp.356-358, 2002-06
  • Codenitrification and denitrification are dual metabolic pathways through which dinitrogen evolves from nitrate in Streptomyces antibioticus.
    Kumon Yasuyuki; Sasaki Yasuyuki; Kato Isao; 高谷 直樹; Shoun ...
    J. Bacteriol./184(11)/pp.2963-2968, 2002-01
  • Kinetic analysis of hydroxylation of saturated fatty acids by recombinant P450foxy produced by an Escherichia coli expression system.
    Kitazume Tatsuya; Tanaka Akinori; Naoki Takaya; Akira Na...
    European Journal of Biochemistry/269(8)/pp.2075-2082, 2002-01
  • さらに表示...