高谷 直樹(タカヤ ナオキ)
- 論文
- The B’-helix determines specificity of cytochrome P450nor with the electron donors NADH and NADPH(共著)
高谷 直樹
J. Biol. Chem./277(37)/pp.33842-33847, 2002-01 - Purification and cDNA cloning of nitric oxide reductase cytochrome P450nor (CYP55A4) from Trichosporon cutaneum
Zhang L; Takaya N; Kitazume T; Kondo T; Shoun H
European journal of biochemistry/268(11)/pp.3198-3204, 2001-06 - A positively charged cluster formed in the heme-distal pocket of cytochrome P450nor is essential for the interaction with NADH
Kudo T; Takaya N; Park S Y; Shiro Y; Shoun H
J. Biol. Chem./276(7)/pp.5020-5026, 2001-01 - Fusarium oxysporum fatty acid subterminal hydroxylase(CYP505)is a membrane-bound eukaryotic counterpart of Bacillus megaterium cytochrome P450BM3.(共著)
高谷 直樹
J.Biol.Chem., 2000-01 - Nitric oxide reduction, the last step in denitrification by Fusarium oxysporum, is obligatorily mediated by cytochrome P450nor
高谷 直樹; Shoun H
Molecular & general genetics : MGG/263(2)/pp.342-348, 2000-01 - Cytochrome P450nor, a novel class of mitochondrial cytochrome P450 involved in nitrate respiration in the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. (共著)
高谷 直樹
Arci. Biochem. Biophys./372/p.340-346, 1999-01 - Intracellular chitinase gene from Rhizopus oligosporus : Molecular cloning and characterization(共著)
高谷 直樹
Microbiology/180/p.4413-4415, 1998-01 - Denitrification by actinomycetes and purification of dissimilatory nitrite reductase and azurin from Streptomyces thioluteus. (共著)
Shoun H; Kano M; Baba I; 高谷 直樹; Matsuo M
J. Bacteriol./180(17)/pp.4413-4415, 1998-01
- The B’-helix determines specificity of cytochrome P450nor with the electron donors NADH and NADPH(共著)