松山 茂(マツヤマ シゲル)
- 論文
- Chemical ecology of Astigmatid mites XL. Identification of the alarm pheromone and new C17 hydrocarbons from Tortonia sp. , a pest attacking the nest of Osmia cornifrons.
Yasumasa Kuwahara; Miki Ohshima; Masashi Sato; Kazuyoshi ...
Appl. Entomol. Zool./30(1)/pp.177-184, 1995-01 - Structurally Hybridized Compounds Between the Aggregation and Alarm Pheromones of Mite triggering Conflicted Behavior of Carpoglyphus lactis.
Lidia Yuka Honma; Yasumasa Kuwahara; Masashi Sato; Shiger...
J. Pesticide Sci./20/pp.265-271, 1995-01 - Quercimeritrin: The Third Oviposition Stimulant of the Azuki Bean weevil from the Host Azuki Bean.
Shin-ichi Tebayashi; Shigeru Matsuyama; Takahisa Suzuki; ...
J. Pesticide Sci./20/pp.299-305, 1995-01 - Chemical Ecology of Astigmatid Mites XLIV. Identification of (Z, Z, Z)-5,9,12-Octadecatrieoic Acid and (Z, Z)-5, 9-Octadecadi enoic Acid as Possible Biosynthetic Precursors of New Hydrocarbons(Z, Z, Z)-4, 8, 11-Heptadecatriene and(Z, Z)-4, 8-Heptadecadiene found in the Astigmatid Mite, Tortonia sp.
Yasumasa Kuwahara; Muneaki Samejima; Tomoyo Sakata; Kazuy...
Appl. Entomol. Zool./30(3)/pp.433-441, 1995-01 - Secretion of thrips VIII. Secretions of the Two Ponticulothrips Species(Thysanoptera : Phaeothripidae).
Takahisa Suzuki; Kazuo Haga; Masaru Kataoka; Tadaaki Tsu...
Appl. Entomol. Zool./30(4)/pp.509-519, 1995-01 - (E)-2-(4'-Methly-3'-pentenylidene)-4-butanolide, named β-Acariolide : A new monoterpene lactone from the Mold mite, Tyrophagus putrscentiae (Acarina : Acaridae)
Atsushi Morino; Yasumasa Kuwahara; Shigeru Matsuyama; and...
Biosci. Biotech. Biochem./61(11)/pp.1906-1908, 1997-01 - Sex pheromone activity of 2-hydroxy-6-methyl benzaldehyde analogs agalnst males of twe Astigmatid mites, Aleuroglyphus ovatus and Acarus immobilis.
Shizuka Shibata; Yasumasa Kuwahara; Masashi Sato; Shigeru...
J. Pesticide Sci./23/pp.34-39, 1998-01 - Identification of (+)-acoradiene as an aggrgation pheromone for Gnatocerus cornutus (F.)(Coleoptera : Tenebrionidae)
Shin-ichi Tebayashi; Nobuhisa Hirai; Takahisa Suzuki; Shi...
J. Stored Prod. Res./34(2-3)/pp.99-106, 1998-01 - α-Cedren-14-al: Minor aggregation pheromone component of Gnatocerus cornutus (F.) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae).
Shin-ichi Tebayashi; Nobuhisa Hirai; Takahisa Suzuki; Shi...
J. Pesticide Sci./23/pp.402-406, 1998-01 - Chemical analysis and comparison of acid components of anal secretions of idolothripine thrips.
Takahisa Suzuki; Kazuo Haga; Tadaaki Tsutsumi; Shigeru M...
Journal of Chemical Ecology/26(10)/pp.2449-2458, 2000-01 - Parasitic wasp, Dinarmus basalis, utilizes oviposition-marking pheromone of host azuki bean weevils as host-recognizing kairomone.
Motonari Kumazaki; Shigeru Matsuyama; Takahisa Suzuki; Ya...
Journal of Chemical Ecology/26(12)/pp.2677-2695, 2000-01 - Analysis of fungal P450foxy (CYP505), a fused protein of cytochrome P450 and its reductase.
Tatsuya Kitazume; Akinori Tanaka; Shigeru Matsuyama; Naok...
International Congress Series 1233 (Oxygen and Life),/1233/pp.143-149, 2002-01 - Kinetic analysis of hydroxylation of saturated fatty acids by recombinant P450foxy produced by an Escherichia coli expression system.
Kitazume Tatsuya; Tanaka Akinori; Naoki Takaya; Akira Na...
European Journal of Biochemistry/269(8)/pp.2075-2082, 2002-01 - Host-recognizing kairomones for parasitic wasp, Anisopteromalus calandrae, from larvae of azuki bean weevil, Callosobruchus chinensis.
Junko Onodera; Shigeru Matsuyama; Takahisa Suzuki; Koichi...
Journal of Chemical Ecology/28(6)/pp.1209-1220, 2002-01 - Analysis of Anal Secretions from Phlaeothripine Thrips.
Takahisa Suzuki; Kazuo Haga; Tadaaki Tsutsumi; Shigeru M...
Journal of Chemical Ecology/30(2)/pp.409-423, 2004-01 - 4, 8-Dimethyldecanal, the aggregation pheromone of Tribolium castaneum, is biosynthesized through the fatty acid pathway.
Junheon Kim; Shigeru Matsuyama; Takahisa Suzuki
Journal of Chemical Ecology/31(6)/pp.1381-1400, 2005-01 - Isolation of ambiguine D isonitrile from Hapalosiphon sp. and characterization of its phytotoxic activity
Intira Koodkaew; Yukari Sunohara; Shigeru Matsuyama; Hiro...
PLANT GROWTH REGULATION/68(2)/pp.141-150, 2012-11 - Hapalocyclamide: a novel phytotoxic hexapeptide of the cyanobacterium Hapalosiphon sp.
Koodkaew I.; Matsuyama S.; Sunohara Y.; Matsumoto H.
Tetrahedron Letters/53(8)/pp.977-979, 2012-02 - C229 熱帯ヤマイモから分離した2種のlsoquinuclidineアルカロイドのコナガ幼虫に対する摂食阻害活性と毒性(生理活性物質)
Banaag A; 本田 洋; 永田 啓一; 正野 俊夫; 松山 茂
日本応用動物昆虫学会大会講演要旨/0(41)/p.83, 1997-04 - J12 トラフカミキリ雄成虫の香り物質(フェロモン)
桑原 保正; 松山 茂; 鈴木 隆久
日本応用動物昆虫学会大会講演要旨/0(30)/p.108, 1986-06 - E3 クワ生葉に含まれるクワノメイガの産卵刺激物質(生理活性物質)
松山 茂; 桑原 保正; 中村 茂子; 鈴木 隆久
日本応用動物昆虫学会大会講演要旨/0(33)/p.154, 1989-03 - C40 クワ生葉に含まれるクワノメイガの産卵刺激物質(生理活性物質)
松山 茂; 桑原 保正; 中村 茂子; 鈴木 隆久
日本応用動物昆虫学会大会講演要旨/0(34)/p.114, 1990-03 - J35 コクガの性フェロモン成分の同定(生理活性物質)
大島 美紀; 松山 茂; 鈴木 隆久; 桑原 保正
日本応用動物昆虫学会大会講演要旨/0(35)/p.285, 1991-09 - J53 マメコバチを加害するコナダニの一種Tortonia sp.の警報フェロモン(生理活性物質)
桑原 保正; 鈴木 隆久; 松山 茂
日本応用動物昆虫学会大会講演要旨/0(35)/p.294, 1991-09 - オソアシブトコナダニの 2 種の性フェロモンについて(第 20 回ダニ類研究会大会講演要旨)
佐藤 正資; 桑原 保正; 鈴木 隆久; 松山 茂; 松本 克彦; 岡本 雅子
日本ダニ学会誌/1(1)/p.73, 1992-05 - さらに表示...
- Chemical ecology of Astigmatid mites XL. Identification of the alarm pheromone and new C17 hydrocarbons from Tortonia sp. , a pest attacking the nest of Osmia cornifrons.