臼井 健郎(ウスイ タケオ)


  • 137(P-90) 両特異性プロテインホスファターゼVHR阻害剤の設計と合成(ポスター発表の部)
    袖岡 幹子; 小島 幸子; 城所 俊一; 臼井 健郎; 上田 和則; 長田 裕之
    天然有機化合物討論会講演要旨集/0(42)/pp.817-822, 2000-10
  • Synthesis of pironetin and related analogs: studies on structure-activity relationships as tubulin assembly inhibitors.
    Watanabe; H.; Usui; T.; Kondoh; M.; Osada; H.; and Kitahara; T.; +...
    J. Antibiot./53/p.540-545, 2000-01
  • Apoptosis induction via microtubule disassembly by an antitumour compound, pironetin.
    Kondoh; M.; Usui; T.; Nishikiori; T.; Mayumi; T.; and Osada; H.; +...
    Biochem. J./340/p.411-416, 1999-01
  • アポト-シス誘導性バイオプロ-ブの探索と作用機構 (特集 バイオプロ-ブ--微生物由来細胞機能調節物質の研究開発動向)
    長田 裕之; 臼井 健郎; 掛谷 秀昭
    バイオインダストリ-/15(7)/pp.14-21, 1998-07
  • Syntheses and bioactivities of acetophthalidin and its derivatives.
    Uchida; K.; Watanabe; H.; Usui; T.; Osada; H.; and Kitahara; T.; +...
    Heterocycles/48/p.2049-2060, 1998-01
  • Tryprostatin A, a specific and novel inhibitor of microtubule assembly.
    Usui; T.; Kondoh; M.; Cui; C. B.; Mayumi; T.; and Osada; H.; +臼井 健郎
    Biochem. J./333/p.543-548, 1998-01
  • Cell cycle arrest and antitumor activity of pironetin and its derivatives.
    Kondoh; M.; Usui; T.; Kobayashi; S.; Tsuchiya; K.; Nishikawa; K.; N...
    Cancer Lett./126/p.29-32, 1998-01
  • Effects of tryprostatin derivatives on microtubule assembly in vitro and in situ.
    Kondoh; M.; Usui; T.; Mayumi; T.; and Osada; H.; +臼井 健郎
    J. Antibiot./51/p.801-804, 1998-01
  • A novel HSP70 gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe that confers K-252a resistance.
    Usui; T; Yoshida; M.; Kasahara; K.; Honda; A.; Beppu; T.; and Hori...
    Gene/189/p.43-47, 1997-01
  • Biochemical differences between staurosporine- induced apoptosis and premature mitosis.
    Yoshida; M.; Usui; T.; Tsujimura; K.; Inagaki; M.; Beppu; T.; and ...
    Exp. Cell Res./232/p.225-239, 1997-01
  • A K-252a-resistance gene, sks1+, encodes a protein similar to the Caenorhabditis elegans F37 A4.5 gene product and confers multidrug resistance in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
    Usui; T..; Yoshida; M.; Honda; A.; Beppu; T.; and Horinouchi; S.; ...
    Gene/161/p.93-96, 1995-01
  • Phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase in fission yeast: a possible role in stress responses.
    Kimura; K.; Miyake; S.; Makuuchi; M.; Morita; R.; Usui; T.; Yoshida...
    Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem./59/p.678-682, 1995-01
  • Uncoupled cell cycle without mitosis induced by a protein kinase inhibitor, K-252a.
    Usui; T.; Yoshida; M.; Abe; K.; Osada; H.; Isono; K.; and Beppu; T....
    J. Cell Biol./115/p.1275-1282, 1991-01
  • Highly synchronous culture of fibroblasts from G2 block caused by staurosporine, a potent inhibitor of protein kinases.
    Abe; K.; Yoshida; M.; Usui; T.; Horinouchi; S.; and Beppu; T.; +臼井...
    Exp. Cell Res./192/p.122-127, 1991-01