中島(神戸) 敏明(ナカジマ(カンベ) トシアキ)


  • Production of D-malate and D-citramalate by Arthrobacter pascens DMDC12 having stable citraconase
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Process Biotechnology/36/p.407-414, 2000-01
  • 固体合成高分子を分解する新規なエステラーゼ:ポリウレタン分解酵素の性質
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    油化学/48/p.663-669, 1999-01
  • Purification and properties of culture-broth-secreted esterase from polyurethane degrader Comamonas acidovorans TB-35
    Shigeno-Akutsu Y; 中島(神戸) 敏明; Nomura N; Nakahara T
    Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering/88(5)/pp.484-487, 1999-01
  • Decolorization of Molasses Wastewater by Bacillus sp. under Thermophilic and Anaerobic Conditions
    中島(神戸) 敏明; Shimomura M; Nomura N; Chanpornpong T; Nakahar...
    Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering/87(1)/pp.119-121, 1999-01
  • Microbial Degradation of Polyester Polyurethanes and Polyether Polyurethanes
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology/51/p.134-140, 1999-01
  • Biodegradation of dibenzothiophene and 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene by Sphingomonas paucimobilis strain TZS-7
    中島(神戸) 敏明; Lu J; Shigeno T; Ohbo A; Nomura N; Nakahara T
    Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering/88(3)/pp.293-299, 1999-01
  • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Polyurethane Esterase of Comanmonas acidovorans TB-35
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering/86(4)/p.339-345, 1998-01
  • Pufification and Properties of Polyester Polyurethane Degradation Enzyme from Comamonas acidovorans TB-35
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology/64/p.62-67, 1998-01
  • Specific desulfurization of dibenzothiophene by Mycobacterium sp. strain G3
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Biocatalyst and Biotransformation/14(1)/p.1-11, 1997-01
  • Determination of the Polyester Polyurethane Breakdown Products and Distribution of the Polyurethane Degrading Enzyme of Comamonas acidovorans Strain TB-35
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering/83(5)/p.454-458, 1997-01
  • Bioconversion of maleic acid to fumaric acid by Pseudomonas alcaligenes strain XD-1
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering/84(2)/p.165-168, 1997-01
  • Poly(β-malic Acid) production by the non-growing cells of Aureobasidium sp. strain A-91
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering/82(4)/p.411-413, 1996-01
  • 微生物脱硫 硫黄を抜き取る微生物
    生物工学会誌/73(2)/p.128, 1995-02
  • Purification and properties of NAD-linked 1,2-butanediol dehydrogenase from Rhodococcus sp. strain TB-42
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry/59(2)/p.262-265, 1995-01
  • Isolation and caracterization of a bacterium which utilizes polyester polyurethane as both a sole carbon and nitrogen source
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    FEMS Microbiology Letters/129(1)/p.39-42, 1995-01
  • Producction of 2-hydroxybutyric acid from 1,2-butanediol by resting cells of Rhodococcus sp. strain TB-42
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry/58(4)/p.683-686, 1994-01
  • Production of 2-ketobutylic acid from 1,2-butanediol by resting cells of Rhodococcus equi IFO 3730
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Biotechnology Letters/161(3)/p.263-268, 1994-01
  • Production of D-malic acid from maleic acid by resting cells of Ustilago sphaerogena strain S402
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry/57(3)/p.490-491, 1993-01
  • Role of heterotrophic bacteria in complete mineralization of trichloroethylene by Methylocystis sp. Strain M
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology/58(9)/p.3067-3071, 1992-01
  • Novel metabolite of trichloroethylene in a methanotrophic bacterium, Methylocystis sp. strain M and hypothetical depgradation pathway
    中島(神戸) 敏明; Uchiyama H; Yagi O; Nakahara T
    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry/56(3)/pp.486-489, 1992-01
  • Purification and properties of a soluble methane monooxygenase form Methylocysitis sp. M
    中島(神戸) 敏明; Uchiyama H; Yagi O; Nakahara T
    Bioscienece, Biothchnology, and Biochemistry/56(5)/pp.736-740, 1992-01
  • Aerobic degradation of trichloroethylene at high concentration by a methane-utilizing mixed culture
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Agricultural and Biological Chemistry/53/p.4, 1989-01
  • Aerobic degradation of trichloroethylene by a new type II methane-utilizing bacterium, strain M
    中島(神戸) 敏明
    Agricultural and Biological Chemistry/53/p.11, 1989-01