繁森 英幸(シゲモリ ヒデユキ)


  • Potassium lespedezate and potassium isolespedezate, bioactive substances concerned with the circadian rhythm in nyctinastic plants
    繁森 英幸
    <i>Tetrahedron Lett.</i>/30/p.3991-3994, 1989-01
  • Total syntheses of potassium lespedezate and potassium isolespedezate, bioactive substances concerned with circadian rhythm in nyctinastic plants
    繁森 英幸
    <i>Tetrahedron Lett.</i>/30/p.6389-6392, 1989-01
  • Bioactive substances from Lespedeza cuneata L. G. Don and their biological activities
    繁森 英幸
    <i>Tetrahedron</i>/46/p.383-394, 1990-01
  • Natural products syntheses using anodic oxidation of phenols as a key step
    繁森 英幸
    <i>Tetrahedron</i>/47/p.635-644, 1991-01
  • Manzacidins A-C, novel tetrahydropyrimidine alkaloids from the Okinawan marine sponge Hymeniacidon sp.
    繁森 英幸
    <i>J. Org. Chem.</i>/56/p.4574-4576, 1991-01
  • Eudistomidins E and F, new β-carboline alkaloids from the Okinawan marine tunicate Eudistoma glaucus
    繁森 英幸
    <i>Tetrahedron Lett.</i>/32/p.3539-3542, 1991-01
  • Purealidins B and C, new bromotyrosine alkaloids from the Okinawan marine sponge Psammaplysilla purea
    繁森 英幸
    <i>Tetrahedron</i>/47/p.6617-6622, 1991-01
  • Amphidinolides G and H : New potent cytotoxic macrolides from the cultured symbiotic dinoflagellate Amphidinium sp.
    繁森 英幸
    <i>J. Org. Chem.</i> //56/p.5221-5224, 1991-01
  • Amphidinolide F, a new cytotoxic macrolide from the marine dinoflagellate Amphidinium sp..
    繁森 英幸
    <i>J. Antibiot.</i> (/44/p.1259-1261, 1991-01
  • Keramamides B-D, novel peptides from the Okinawan marine sponge Theonella sp..
    繁森 英幸
    <i>J. Am. Chem. Soc.</i>/113/p.7812-7813, 1991-01
  • Keramamide A, a novel peptide from the Okinawan marine sponge Theonella sp..
    繁森 英幸
    <i>J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1</i>/p.2609-2611, 1991-01
  • Fellutamides A and B, cytotoxic peptides from a marine fish-possessing fungus Penicillium fellutanum
    繁森 英幸
    <i>Tetrahedron</i>/47/p.8529-8534, 1991-01
  • Agelasine G, a new antileukemic alkaloid from the Okinawan marine sponge Agelas sp.
    繁森 英幸
    <i>Chem. Pharm. Bull.</i>/40/p.766-767, 1992-01
  • Ircinals A and B from the Okinawan marine sponge Ircinia sp. : Plausible biogenetic precursors of manzamine alkaloids
    繁森 英幸
    <i>J. Org. Chem.</i>/57/p.2480-2483, 1992-01
  • New pentacyclic compounds from the Okinawan marine sponge Xestospongia sapra
    繁森 英幸
    <i>J. Nat. Prod.</i>/55/p.994-998, 1992-01
  • Purealidin D, a new pyridine alkaloid from the Okinawan marine sponge Psammaplysilla purea
    繁森 英幸
    <i>Tetrahedron Lett.</i>/33/p.2597-2598, 1992-01
  • Niphatesines E-H, new pyridine alkaloids from the Okinawan marine sponge Niphates sp.
    繁森 英幸
    <i>J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1</i>/p.1291-1294, 1992-01
  • Plakotenin, a new cytotoxic carboxylic acid from the Okinawan sponge Plakortis sp.
    繁森 英幸
    <i>Tetrahedron Lett.</i>/33/p.2579-2580, 1992-01
  • Luffariolides A-E, new sesterterpenes from the Okinawan marine sponge Luffariella sp.
    繁森 英幸
    <i>J. Org. Chem.</i>/57/p.3503-3507, 1992-01
  • Purealidins E-G, new bromotyrosine alkaloids from the Okinawan marine sponge Psammaplysilla purea
    繁森 英幸
    <i>J. Nat. Prod.</i>/55/p.1325-1327, 1992-01
  • Alteramide A, a new tetracyclic alkaloid from a bacterium Alteromonas sp. associated with the marine sponge Halichondria okadai
    繁森 英幸
    <i>J. Org. Chem.</i>/57/p.4317-4320, 1992-01
  • Keramamide F, a new thiazole-containing peptide from the Okinawan marine sponge Theonella sp.
    繁森 英幸
    <i>J. Org. Chem.</i>/57/p.5540-5542, 1992-01
  • Aplysidine, a new nucleoside from the Okinawan marine sponge Aplysina sp.
    繁森 英幸
    <i>Tetrahedron</i>/48/p.7145-7148, 1992-01
  • Metachromins D-H, new cytotoxic sesquiterpenoids from the Okinawan marine sponge Hippospongia metachromia
    繁森 英幸
    <i>J. Org. Chem.</i>/57/p.5773-5776, 1992-01
  • Theoneberine : the first brominated benzyltetrahydroprotoberberine alkaloid from the Okinawan marine sponge Theonella sp.
    繁森 英幸
    <i>J. Org. Chem.</i>/57/p.6682-6684, 1992-01
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