YABAR Mostacero Helmut Friedrich(ヤバール モスタセロ ヘルムート フリドリッヒ)
- 所属
- 生命環境系
- 職名
- 准教授
- 性別
- 男性
- 科研費番号
- 90448100
- eメール
- +N676GaBDHI68:GDa=a@:XgcJaIHJ@J76a68a?E
- 研究室
- 筑波大学生命環境科学研究科環境系専攻
- 電話
- 4269
- 研究分野
環境材料・リサイクル 持続可能システム 環境技術・環境負荷低減 環境政策・環境社会システム 環境影響評価 - 研究キーワード
Renewable energy systems GIS based environmental management integrated resource management environmental policy and technology innovation scenario design towards a sustainable Asia waste management systems - 職歴
2005-04 -- 2006-03 大阪大学大学院工学研究科非常勤特任研究員 2006-04 -- 2007-03 大阪大学サステイナビリティ・サイエンス研究機構特任助手 2007-04 -- 2010-03 大阪大学サステイナビリティ・サイエンス研究機構特任助教 2010-04 -- (現在) 筑波大学大学院生命環境科学研究科准教授 - 学歴
1987-04 -- 1993-03 Trujillo (トルヒヨ) 大学 工学部 化学工学学科 2000-04 -- 2002-03 大阪大学大学院 工学研究科 環境・エネルギー工学専攻 2002-04 -- 2005-03 大阪大学大学院 工学研究科 環境・エネルギー工学専攻 - 取得学位
2005-03 Doctor of Engineering Osaka University 2002-03 Master of Engineering Osaka University 1994-03 Chemical Engineering Degree University of Trujillo, Peru - 免許資格等
2016-06 International Association for Impact Assessment - 所属学協会
2019-04 -- 2023-03 日本リモートセンシング学会 2011-04 -- 2023-03 日本地域学会 2011-04 -- 2014-03 日本環境共生学会 2012-04 -- 2014-03 環境科学会 - 受賞
2011-12 EcoDesign2011優秀講演 Best papers selected from International Conference on Eco Design - 論文
- Sustainable solar energy deployment: a multi-criteria decision-making approach for site suitability and greenhouse gas emission reduction
Richards Delmaria; Helmut Yabar; MIZUNOYA Takeshi; Koo...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2025-01 - Balancing Stakeholders' Perspectives for Sustainability: GIS-MCDM for Onshore Wind Energy Planning
Richards Delmaria; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi; Koo...
SUSTAINABILITY/16(22), 2024-11 - Analysis of Household Waste Generation and Composition in Mandalay: Urban–Rural Comparison and Implications for Optimizing Waste Management Facilities
Khin Zaw Win; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
waste/2(4)/pp.490-509, 2024-11 - Balancing Stakeholders’ Perspectives for Sustainability: GIS-MCDM for Onshore Wind Energy Planning
Richards Delmaria; Helmut Yabar; MIZUNOYA Takeshi; Koo...
Sustainability/16(22), 2024-11 - Geospatial Analysis of Malaria and Typhoid Prevalence Due to Waste Dumpsite Exposure in Kinshasa Districts with and without Waste Services: A Case Study of Bandalungwa and Bumbu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Okin Yllah Kang; Helmut Yabar; Kevin Karume Lubula; MI...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health/21(11), 2024-11 - Application of GIS in Introducing Community-Based Biogas Plants from Dairy Farm Waste: Potential of Renewable Energy for Rural Areas in Bangladesh
Aktar Kohinur; Helmut Yabar; MIZUNOYA Takeshi; Islam ...
Geomatics/4(4)/pp.384-411, 2024-11 - Enhancing Solid Waste Management in Fiji: A Comprehensive Approach with LCA, GIS, and Waste Treatment Strategies
Matagi Laisa; DelMaria Richards; YABAR Mostacero Helmu...
Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances/23, 2024-09 - Managing dam breach and flood inundation by HEC-RAS modeling and GIS mapping for disaster risk management
Phyo Aung Pyae; YABAR Mostacero Helmut Friedrich; DelMa...
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2023-12 - Mitigation policies evaluation in the electric power sector for carbon neutrality, water conservation, and economic growth in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region: a simulation with multi-regional dynamic CGE model
Zhou Qian; Peng Ying; Wu Wenchao; YABAR Mostacero Hel...
ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY/26(5)/pp.11431-11453, 2023-05 - Decarbonizing polyamide textile production in China: Footprints and mitigation pathways from life cycle perspective
He Bailing; Duan Haiyan; Yang Wei; YABAR Mostacero He...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling/208/pp.1-11, 2024-05 - GIS-Based Identification of Potential Optimal Locations for Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Mongolia
Uranchimeg Batdelger; Helmut Yabar; MIZUNOYA Takeshi
Open Access Library Journal, 2024-07 - Leveraging Life Cycle Assessment and System Dynamics Model Analysis for an Integrated Household E-Waste Management System in Yaoundé, Cameroon
Esopere Yannick; Helmut Yabar; Mizunoya Takeshi
Urban Science/8(3), 2024-07 - Spatial Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Eutrophication Potential from Livestock Manure in Bangladesh
Mahal Zinat; Helmut Yabar; Mizunoya Takeshi
SUSTAINABILITY/16(13), 2024-06 - Optimal landfill site selection using ArcGIS Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Kinshasa City
Okin Yllah Kang; Helmut Yabar; Mizunoya Takeshi; Higan...
Environmental Challenges, 2024-01 - Prospects and Challenges of Good Agricultural Practices for Vegetables Production: In Context of Sustainable Agriculture in Banglades
Islam Md Shazzadul; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
日本地域学会第60回 (2023年) 年次大会学術発表論文集, 2023-10-05 - Integrated crop-livestock-bioenergy system brings co-benefits and trade-offs in mitigating the environmental impacts of Chinese agriculture
Xing Jiahao; Song Junnian; Liu Chaoshuo; Yang Wei; Du...
NATURE FOOD/3(12)/pp.1052-1064, 2022-12 - Potential of Renewable Energy in Jamaica’s Power Sector: Feasibility Analysis of Biogas Production for Electricity Generation
DelMaria Richards; Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
Sustainability/14(11), 2022-05 - Simulation of sewage sludge air gasification and application of electricity and steam generation: Case study of Pantai 1 sewage treatment plant
Quan Le Minh; Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich; IDAA ...
Energy Conversion and Management/pp.1-17, 2022-09 - Green Energy Optimization in Dinajpur, Bangladesh: A Path to Net Neutrality
Sultana Sharmin; Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich; De...
Sustainability/15(2)/pp.1-29, 2023-01 - Integrated crop–livestock–bioenergy system brings co-benefits and trade-offs in mitigating the environmental impacts of Chinese agriculture
Xing Jiahao; Song Junnian; Liu Chaoshuo; Yang Wei; Du...
Nature Food/pp.1052-1064, 2022-12 - Promoting energy and resource recovery from livestock waste: Case study Yuge Farm, Japan
DelMaria Richards; Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering/pp.1-9, 2023-01 - Spatial Mapping of Jamaica's High-Resolution Wind Atlas: An Environmental-Sociotechnical Account
Richards Delmaria; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
SUSTAINABILITY/14(19), 2022-10 - Environmental and economic performances of municipal solid waste management strategies based on LCA method: A case study of kinshasa
Okin Yllah Kang; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi; Higan...
HELIYON/9(3), 2023-03 - Potential of Renewable Energy in Jamaica’s Power Sector: Feasibility Analysis of Biogas Production for Electricity Generation
Richards Delmaria; Yabar Helmut
Sustainability/14(11)/pp.1-19, 2022-05 - GIS-Based Cluster and Suitability Analysis of Crop Residues: A Case Study in Yangon Region, Myanmar
Htoo Tin Min; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL/12(22), 2022-11 - さらに表示...
- Sustainable solar energy deployment: a multi-criteria decision-making approach for site suitability and greenhouse gas emission reduction
- 著書
- Why Has Nigeria's Energy Deficit Persisted? A Literature Review on the Prevailing Factors Affecting Power Generation
Ogbonna Toochukwu C; DelMaria Richards; YABAR Mostacer...
Conference Proceedings of the 2023 3rd International Joint Conference on Energy, Electrical and Power Engineering/Springer/pp.721-729, 2023-11 - GIS-Based Analysis of Energy Recovery Potential from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch in Southern Thailand
Farungsang Linux; YABAR Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
EcoDesign for Sustainable Products, Services and Social Systems II/Springer/pp.291-303, 2024-04 - A Dual Input-Output Approach for Optimal Tax-Subsidy Policy to Reduce Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollutants Emission: Comparison in 1997 and 2000
Mizunoya Takeshi; Nozaki Noriko; Singh Rajeev Kumar; Cabr...
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis in Environmental Economics. New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspective/SPRINGER-VERLAG TOKYO/pp.117-146, 2019-05 - Guidelines for Siting Community-based Solid Waste Facilities in Beijing, China
Aijun Zhu; Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich; Yoshiro Higano
Design for Innovative Value Towards a Sustainable Society/Springer, 2012-6 - How Policies Stimulate Innovations– Evidence from Dioxin Emissions and Home Appliances Recycling
Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich; Michinori Uwasu; Keishi...
Design for Innovative Value Towards a Sustainable Society/Springer, 2012-6 - Introducing Socio-Environmental Management Policy Guidelines for the Financing of Electric Power Projects in Bangladesh
Yoshiro Higano; Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich; Abu Tah...
Design for Innovative Value Towards a Sustainable Society/Springer, 2012-6 - Introducing a new and integral EPR system in China: Case study of e-waste in HangZhou city
Wang QiJun; Yoshiro Higano; Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
Design for Innovative Value Towards a Sustainable Society/Springer, 2012-6 - A New approach for municipal solid waste governance aiming to become green city bases on a sound material – cycle society initiative in Hanoi, Vietnam
Ngo Thi Lan Phuong; Yoshiro Higano; Yabar Mostacero Helmut...
Design for Innovative Value Towards a Sustainable Society/Springer, 2012-6 - Scenario analysis of cement production in China: the role of policy and technology in the pathway to sustainable society
Michinori Uwasu; Keishiro Hara; Yabar Mostacero Helmut Fr...
Design for Innovative Value Towards a Sustainable Society/Springer/pp.593-598, 2012-6 - Energy Consuming Comparison of Wastewater Treatment Technologies through Life Cycle Assessment A Case Study of Intelligent Controlled Sequencing Batch Biofilm
Shuang Sun; Yoshiro Higano; Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
Design for Innovative Value Towards a Sustainable Society/pp.1113-1117, 2012-6 - Transition to a Resource-circulating Society: Strategies and Initiatives in Asia
Morioka T; Haruki K; Yabar H; +YABAR MOSTACERO HELMUT FR...
Osaka University Press, 2007-01 - Eco-efficiency analysis of the plastic recovery systems in Hyogo eco-town project
In: Quantified Eco-Efficiency: an Introduction with Applications, Springer, 2007-01 - 環境政策と技術革新―ダイオキシン排出削減および家電リサイクルにおける日本の経験から
Yabar H.
In: サステイナビリティ・サイエンスを拓く-環境イノベーションへ向けて; 大阪大学出版会, 2011-05 - Research and networking initiatives on resource circulation in Asia
In: Establishing a resource-circulating society in Asia: challenges and opportunities; United Nations University, 2011-01
- Why Has Nigeria's Energy Deficit Persisted? A Literature Review on the Prevailing Factors Affecting Power Generation
- 会議発表等
- Sustainable Horizons: Japan's Transition to Renewable Energy Technologies and Evolving Policies
YABAR Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
APEC Workshop on Promotion of Multifunctional Ocean Space Usage for Renewable Energies Combination/2024-02-20--2024-02-21 - Prospects and Challenges of Good Agricultural Practices for Vegetables Production: In Context of Sustainable Agriculture in Banglades
Islam Md Shazzadul; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
日本地域学会第60回 (2023年) 年次大会/2023-10-08--2023-10-09 - Spatial Mapping of Jamaica's High- resolution Wind Atlas An Environmental- socio-economical Account
Richards Delmaria Delina; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Technology (GEET-22)/2022-07-27--2022-07-28 - GIS-Based Suitability Analysis of Waste-to-Energy from Sugarcane Bagasse plus Cow and Pig Manures for Electricity Generation in Jamaica
Richards Delmaria Delina; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Technology (GEET-22)/2022-07-27--2022-07-28 - THE DETERMINANTS OF RESIDENTS' POST-FLOOD RECOVERY IN THE COASTAL PLAIN DISTRICTS, CENTRAL OF VIETNAM
Vo Hoang Ha; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
日本地域学会第59回 (2022年) 年次大会/2022-10-08--2022-10-09 - Monitoring and evaluation climate change adaptation at provincial level contributing to implement National Adaptation Plan in Vietnam
Diep Be Ngoc; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
日本地域学会第59回 (2022年) 年次大会/2022-10-08--2022-10-09 - Determinant Factors of Households' Willingness to Pay for the Conservation Fund of the Phou Chom Voy Protected Area in Lao PD Lao PDR
Sengkhamyong Xaysompheng; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
日本地域学会第59回 (2022年) 年次大会/2022-10-08--2022-10-09 - Harvesting Renewable Energy to Meet Jamaica’s Electricity Demand by 2030: The Case for Solar Energy
Richards Delmaria Delina; Mizunoya Takeshi; Yabar Helmut
日本地域学会第59回 (2022年) 年次大会/2022-10-08--2022-10-09 - Impact of Postharvest Losses of Rice on the Economy of Ghana
Baffoe Jonathan Darkwah; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
日本地域学会第59回 (2022年) 年次大会/2022-10-08--2022-10-09 - Assessing the potential of Jamaica’s renewable energy systems through geospatial, remote sensing, and cost-benefit analyses to meet Jamaica’s energy demand by 2030
Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the next generation -Poster Session- Location: Tsukuba International Congress Center/2022-03-22--2022-03-23 - Waste-to-Energy: Biogas Potential for Electricity Generation and Site Suitability in Jamaica
Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
Resources, Environment, and Life The 13th Japan-China-Korea International Postgraduate Academic Forum/2021-09-24--2021-09-25 - "GIS-based Suitability Analysis of Waste-to-energy from Sugarcane Bagasse, and Cow and Pig Manures for Electricity Generation in Jamaica
Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
The 4th International Conference on Recent Advancements in Sustainable Management of Livestock Waste and Rural Environment/2021-03-27--2021-03-28 - Optimization of Integrated Waste Management in Vietnam: Geographic Information System and Life Cycle Assessment based Scenario Design: Case study in Hanoi City – Vietnam
Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
Yannick Esopere; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
International Conference on Environmental Science and Green Technology 2022 (IC-EGT 2022)/2022-03-14--2022-03-15 - SPATIAL MAPPING OF JAMAICA’S HIGH-RESOLUTION WIND ATLAS: AN ENVIRONMENTAL-SOCIOTECHNICAL ACCOUNT
Richards Delmaria; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
International Conference on Environmental Science and Green Technology 2022 (IC-EGT 2022)/2022-03-14--2022-03-15 - An Ex-Post Economic Evaluation of Small Hydropower Project: A Case Study of Nam Che 1 Hydropower Plant, Thathom District
Nhiakao Kongyang; Helmut Yabar; Mizunoya Takeshi
日本地域学会第58回 (2021年) 年次大会/2021-10-09--2021-10-10 - 統合的流域管理による包括的環境負荷削減:宮城県鳴瀬川の例
水野谷 剛; Yabar Helmut
日本地域学会第58回 (2021年) 年次大会/2021-10-09--2021-10-10 - Dynamic Impact Assessment Model of River Restoration project in Bangladesh based on System Dynamics and Inclusive Wealth
Kumar Bipul; Helmut Yabar; Mizunoya Takeshi
日本地域学会第58回 (2021年) 年次大会/2021-10-09--2021-10-10 - Sustainable Management of Bio-resources Based on Geographical Information System (GIS): Case Study in Hanoi, Vietnam
Khue Dao Minh; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
The 4th International Conference on Recent Advancements in Sustainable Management of Livestock Waste and Rural Environment/2021-03-27--2021-03-28 - GIS-based Suitability Analysis of Waste-to-energy from Sugarcane Bagasse, and Cow and Pig Manures for Electricity Generation in Jamaica
Richards Delmaria; Yabar Helmut; Mizunoya Takeshi
The 4th International Conference on Recent Advancements in Sustainable Management of Livestock Waste and Rural Environment/2021-03-27--2021-03-28 - Rice Farmers’ Post-Harvest Losses: An Economic value of degraded Swampy Wetlands in the Northern and Ashanti Region of Ghana
DARKWAH Baffoe Jonathan; Helmut Yabar; Mizunoya Takeshi
日本地域学会 第57回(2020年)年次大会/2020-12-12--2020-12-13 - Assessing Tourists’ Preferences for the Conservation of Moeyungyi Wetland Wildlife Sanctuary, Myanmar
PHYOE Suu Suu; Helmut Yabar; Mizunoya Takeshi
日本地域学会 第57回(2020年)年次大会/2020-12-12--2020-12-13 - A Study on Economic Impacts of the Namche 1 Hydropower Project in Laos
NHIAKAO Kongyang; Helmut Yabar; Mizunoya Takeshi
日本地域学会 第57回(2020年)年次大会/2020-12-12--2020-12-13 - Sustainability Understanding of Buriganga River Restoration in Bangladesh by Inclusive Wealth and System Dynamics Modelling
Kumar BIPUL; Yabar Helmut; Takeshi Mizunoya
日本地域学会 第57回(2020年)年次大会/2020-12-12--2020-12-13 - さらに表示...
- Sustainable Horizons: Japan's Transition to Renewable Energy Technologies and Evolving Policies
- 担当授業科目
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1F 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 2F 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Thesis Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1S 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 環境学実践実習II 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 環境学実践実習II 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-06 Fundamental Environmental Engineering Laboratory 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-06 環境工学基礎実験 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 International Field Appraisal II 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 International Field Appraisal II 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 環境科学セミナー2 筑波大学 さらに表示... - 授業以外の教育活動
2022-05 -- 2022-05 Lecture on sustainable solid waste management Brawijaya University, Indonesia 2021-11 -- 2021-11 Lecture on Integrated Resource Management Osaka University 2020-04 -- 2021-03 令和2年年生物資源学類 編入学試験 学力検査委員 2020-11 -- 2020-12 10th Regional 3R and Circular Economy Forum in Asia and the Pacific United Nations Center for Regional Development, Ministry of Environment, Government of Japan 2013-02 -- 2013-02 Lecturer and Commentator JICA CHUBU 2013-01 -- 2013-01 Lecturer and Commentator 2012-11 -- 2012-11 Lecturer JICA CHUBU 2012-10 -- 2012-10 Commentator JICA CHUBU 2012-02 -- 2012-02 Lecturer and Commentator JICA CHUBU 2012-01 -- 2012-01 Lecturer and Commentator JICA CHUBU - 一般講演
- Integrated Waste Management Systems –An Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
Integrated Waste Management Systems –An Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)/2012-7-17--2012-7-17 - Assessment of Sustainable Development: The Capital Approach and other Tools
Yabar Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
Assessment of Sustainable Development: The Capital Approach and other Tools/2011-12-14--2011-12-14
- Integrated Waste Management Systems –An Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
- 学協会等委員
2023-04 -- 2024-03 環境安全管理室 年度環境安全管理室 委員会委員 委員 2023-08 -- 2024-06 環境系学位プログラム入試実施 委員長 2021-04 -- 2022-03 竹園高校PTA 竹園高校PTA竹園支部長 2020-02 -- 2020-02 教育推進部 入試 課群 委嘱 2020-04 -- 2021-03 生物資源学類 編入学試験 学力検査委員 委員 2019-04 -- 2020-03 生物資源学類 編入学試験 学力検査委員 委員 - 学内管理運営業績
2021-04 -- 2022-03 環境科学学位プログラム(博士前期課程及び博士後期及び)英語プログラム(SUSTEP) 委員会 2021-04 -- 2022-03 環境工学コース 運営委員 2020-04 -- 2021-03 環境工学コース 2年次担任 2020-04 -- 2021-03 国際交流事業・留学⽣⽀援国際化推進WG(含むG30) 委員会委員 2020-04 -- 2021-03 生物資源学類 学類入学者選考委員 2021-04 -- 2022-03 生物資源学類 学類運営委員会委員 2021-04 -- 2022-03 生物資源学類 学類教育課程委員 2021-04 -- 2022-03 環境工学コース 運営委員 2021-04 -- 2022-03 環境工学コース 学類教育(3年次担任・コース主任) 2021-04 -- 2022-03 環境安全管理室 年度環境安全管理室 企画室員 さらに表示... - その他の活動
2021-04 -- 2022-03 竹園高校PTA竹園支部長 2012-06 -- 2014-03 Editorial Board Member of the “Journal of Reviews on Global Economics”
(最終更新日: 2024-09-06)