奈佐原(西田) 顕郎(ナサハラ(ニシダ) ケンロウ)
- 会議発表等
- A new feature-based algorithm for detecting the rice phenology at large scale
Xin Zhao; Kazuya Nishina; Yuji Masutomi; Tomoko K Aki...
JpGU 2022/2022-05-29--2022-06-03 - Estimation of leaf-level SIF from observed SIF for the reliable GPP calculation by remote sensing data in a cool temperate-deciduous broadleaf forest
Yuma Sakai; Hideki Kobayashi; Tomomichi Kato; Tomoki ...
JpGU 2022/2022-05-29--2022-06-03 - Why does the leaf of Japanese Cypress in temperate region experience transient leaf reddening under winter excessive light stress
Siyu Chen; Yoshiko Kosugi; Linjie Jiao; Tatsuro Nakaj...
EGU22, the 24th EGU General Assembly/2022-05-23--2022-05-27 - Retrieving solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from multilayers in a deciduous forest with low resolution field-measured spectra over the past decade
Naohisa Nakashima; Tomomich Kato; Tomoki Morozumi; Kat...
AGU Fall meeting 2021/2021-12-15 - Seasonal variation in Solar Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence from canopy-top, middle and bottom layers as a potential proxy of gross primary productivity in a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest in Takayama, Japan
Tomoki Morozumi; Tomomichi Kato; Kanokrat Buareal; Nao...
AGU Fall meeting 2021/2021-12-15 - Investigation of the relationship between observed SIF and broadband SIF for the reliable GPP calculation in a cool temperate-deciduous broadleaf forest
Yuma Sakai; Hideki Kobayashi; Tomomichi Kato; Tomoki ...
AGU Fall meeting 2021/2021-12-13--2021-12-17 - Ground based observation of solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence using a fine resolution spectrometer across multiple sites in cool temperate to sub-tropical ecosystems, Japan
Tomoki Morozumi; Tomomichi Kato; Naohisa Nakashima; Bu...
iLEAPS-Japan 研究集会2021/2021-12-01--2021-12-02 - 開花季節を利用したスダジイ・マテバシイの分布図作成
篠原 碧; 奈佐原 顕郎; 永井 信
日本リモートセンシング学会学術講演会/2021-11-16 - 多時期光学・SAR衛星の複合利用による日本域高解像度土地被覆図 (version21.03) の作成
平出 尚義; 今村 功一; 田殿 武雄; 平山 颯太; 大木 真人; 水上 陽誠; 奈佐原 顕郎; ...
日本リモートセンシング学会学術講演会/2021-11-16 - Sentinel-1およびSentinel-2画像を用いた沖縄本島土地被覆図の作成
奈佐原(西田) 顕郎; 泉澤 遥; 水上 陽誠; 奈佐原 顕郎
日本リモートセンシング学会学術講演会/2021-11-16 - Seasonal variation in Solar Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence detected by multi-vertical layer spectroscopy in a canopy of cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest in Takayama, Gifu
Tomoki Morozumi; Tomomichi Kato; Kanokrat Buareal; Nao...
JpGU Meeting 2021/2021-05-30--2021-06-06 - GCOM-C/SGLIから得られるNDVI及びPRIによるフェノロジーの解析
笹川大河; 秋津 朋子; 奈佐原 顕郎
日本リモートセンシング学会学術講演会/2021-05-17 - Accuracy assessment of phenological reflectance index derived from GCOM-C/SGLI with in-situ data
笹川 大河; 秋津 朋子; 奈佐原 顕郎
International Symposium on Agricultural Meteorology (ISAM2021)/2021-03-18--2021-03-31 - 3D radiative transfer model to estimate the observed Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from top of canopy
Yuma SAKAI; Hideki KOBAYASHI; Tomomichi KATO; Tomoki Mor...
日本生態学会第68回全国大会/2021-03 - 複数の森林型における森林3次元観測システム「OWL」の精度検証および今後の展望
笹川 大河; 清柳 優里; 秋津 朋子; 中路 達郎; 奈佐原 顕郎
第132回日本森林学会大会/2021-03 - Detection of solar-induced fluorescence from lower resolution field-measured spectra over the past decade in deciduous broad-leaf forest in Japan
Naohisa Nakashima; Tomoki Morozumi; Tomomichi Kato; Katsu...
AGU Fall Meeting 2020/2020-12-01--2020-12-17 - Update of GCOM-C/SGLI Leaf Area Index & fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation products
小林 利行; 小林 秀樹; Wei Yang; 本多 嘉明; 小野 祐作; 永井 信; 秋津 朋子; 奈佐原 顕...
日本地球惑星科学連合2020年大会/2020-07-12--2020-07-16 - Challenging the detection of solar-induced fluorescence from lower resolution field-measured spectrum in Japan
Nakashima Naohisa; Morozumi Tomoki; Buareal Kanokrat; Kat...
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020/2020-07-12--2020-07-16 - 陸上の日射環境の指標となる波長
久米篤; 秋津朋子; 奈佐原顕郎
日本生態学会第67回全国大会/2020-03-04--2020-03-08 - Phenological Eyes Network (PEN): a platform supporting AsiaFlux remote sensing activity by long-term continuous in-situ spectral / imaging observations
Nasahara (Nishida) Kenlo
AsiaFlux Workshop 2019/2019-10-02--2019-10-04 - 入射日射スペクトルの変化から植物が得られる情報
久米篤; 秋津朋子; 奈佐原顕郎
日本植物学会第83回大会/2019-09-15--2019-09-17 - Detection of vegetation dynamics using spaceborne precipitation radars
Nasahara (Nishida) Kenlo
2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium/2019-07-29--2019-07-29 - Validating GCOM-C terrestrial ecology products: How should in-situ observation be performed at satellite scale?
Akitsu Tomoko; Nasahara Kenlo Nishida; Tatsuro Nakaji; H...
2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium/2019-07-29--2019-08-02 - ひまわり8号による広域植生モニタリングの実現性評価
林航大; 市井和仁; 吉岡博貴; 村上和隆; 井手玲子; 奈佐原顕郎; 秋津 朋子; 三浦知昭
日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会/2019-05-26--2019-05-30 - Introduction of GCOM-C/SGLI Leaf Area Index & Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation products
Kobayashi Toshiyuki; Honda Yoshiaki; Ono Yuhsaku; Kobayas...
日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会/2019-05-26--2019-05-30 - さらに表示...
- A new feature-based algorithm for detecting the rice phenology at large scale