谷口 俊介(ヤグチ シュンスケ)
- 論文
- Troponin-I is present as an essential component of muscles in echinoderm larvae
Yaguchi Shunsuke; Yaguchi Junko; Tanaka Hiroyuki
Scientific reports/7, 2017-03 - Cooperative Wnt-Nodal Signals Regulate the Patterning of Anterior Neuroectoderm
Yaguchi Junko; Takeda Noriyo; Inaba Kazuo; Yaguchi Sh...
PLOS GENETICS/12(4), 2016-04 - Early development and neurogenesis of Temnopleurus reevesii
Yaguchi Shunsuke; Yamazaki Atsuko; Wada Wakana; Tsuchiya Yas...
Development Growth and Differentiation/57(3)/pp.242-250, 2015-04 - bicaudal-C is required for the formation of anterior neurogenic ectoderm in the sea urchin embryo.
Yaguchi Shunsuke; Yaguchi Junko; Inaba Kazuo
Scientific Reports/4, 2014-10 - Imaging neural development in embryonic and larval urchins.
Krupke O; Yaguchi S; Yaguchi J; Burke RD.
Methods in Molecular Biology/(1128)/pp.147-160, 2014-02 - Glutathione transferase theta in apical ciliary tuft regulates mechanical reception and swimming behavior of Sea Urchin Embryos
Jin Yinhua; Yaguchi Shunsuke; Shiba Kogiku; Yamada Lixy; ...
CYTOSKELETON/70(8)/pp.453-470, 2013-08 - Lynne M. Angerer: An originator of RNA in situ hybridization
Yaguchi Shunsuke; Burke Robert D.
MOLECULAR REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT/80(6)/pp.I-I, 2013-06 - Zinc finger homeobox is required for the differentiation of serotonergic neurons in the sea urchin embryo
Yaguchi Junko; Angerer Lynne M.; Inaba Kazuo; Yaguchi Sh...
DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY/363(1)/pp.74-83, 2012-03 - Fez function is required to maintain the size of the animal plate in the sea urchin embryo
Yaguchi Shunsuke; Yaguchi Junko; Wei Zheng; Jin Yinhua; A...
DEVELOPMENT/138(19)/pp.4233-4243, 2011-10 - The evolution of nervous system patterning: insights from sea urchin development
Angerer Lynne M.; Yaguchi Shunsuke; Angerer Robert C.; Bu...
DEVELOPMENT/138(17)/pp.3613-3623, 2011-09 - The Conserved Rieske Oxygenase DAF-36/Neverland Is a Novel Cholesterol-metabolizing Enzyme
Yoshiyama-Yanagawa Takuji; Enya Sora; Shimada-Niwa Yuko; ...
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY/286(29)/pp.25756-25762, 2011-07 - ankAT-1 is a novel gene mediating the apical tuft formation in the sea urchin embryo
Yaguchi Shunsuke; Yaguchi Junko; Wei Zheng; Shiba Kogiku...
DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY/348(1)/pp.67-75, 2010-12 - TGFbeta signaling positions the ciliary band and patterns neurons in the sea urchin embryo.
Yaguchi; S.; Yaguchi; J.; Angerer; R.C.; Angerer; L.M.; Burke; R.D...
Dev Biol/347/p.71-81, 2010-11 - TGF beta signaling positions the ciliary band and patterns neurons in the sea urchin embryo
Yaguchi Shunsuke; Yaguchi Junko; Angerer Robert C.; Anger...
DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY/347(1)/pp.71-81, 2010-11 - Development of a dopaminergic system in sea urchin embryos and larvae.
Katow; H.; Suyemitsu; T.; Ooka; S.; Yaguchi; J.; Jin-Nai; T.; Kuwah...
J Exp Biol/213/p.2808-2819, 2010-09 - Excision and Transposition Activity of Tc1/mariner Superfamily Transposons in Sea Urchin Embryos
Sasakura Yasunori; Yaguchi Junko; Yaguchi Shunsuke; Yajim...
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE/27(3)/pp.256-262, 2010-03 - Spatiotemporal expression pattern of an encephalopsin orthologue of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus during early development, and its potential role in larval vertical migration
Ooka Shioh; Katow Tomoko; Yaguchi Shunsuke; Yaguchi Junk...
DEVELOPMENT GROWTH & DIFFERENTIATION/52(2)/pp.195-207, 2010-02 - The sea urchin animal pole domain is a Six3-dependent neurogenic patterning center.
Z.Wei; J.Yaguchi; S.Yaguchi; R.C.Angerer; L.M.Angerer; +谷口 俊介
Development/136/p.1179-1189, 2009-04 - A Wnt-FoxQ2-nodal pathway links primary and secondary axis specification in sea urchin embryos.
S. Yaguchi; J. Yaguchi; R. C. Angerer; L. M. Angerer
Dev Cell/14/p.97-107, 2008-01 - Sp-Smad2/3 mediates patterning of neurogenic ectoderm by nodal in the sea urchin embryo.
S. Yaguchi; J. Yaguchi. R. D. Burke
Dev. Biol./302/p.494-503, 2007-02 - Serotonin stimulates [Ca2+]i elevation in ciliary ectodermal cells of echinoplutei through a serotonin receptor network in the blastocoel.
H. Katow; S. Yaguchi; K. Kyozuka
J. Exp. Biol./210/p.403-412, 2007-02 - A global view of gene expression in lithium and zinc treated sea urchin embryos: new components of gene regulatory networks.
A. J. Poustka A. Kü hn D. Groth V. Weise S. Yagu...
Genome Biol./8/p.R85, 2007-01 - A genomic view of the sea urchin nervous system
R. D. Burke; L. M. Angerer; M. R. Elphick; G. W. Humphre...
Dev. Biol./300/p.434-460, 2006-12 - The genome of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus.
Sea Urchin Genome Sequencing Consortium; +谷口 俊介
Science./314/p.941-952, 2006-11 - Embryonic expression of engrailed in sea urchins
S. Yaguchi; Y. Nakajima; D. Wang; R. D. Burke
Gene Expr. Patterns./6/p.566-571, 2006-06 - さらに表示...
- Troponin-I is present as an essential component of muscles in echinoderm larvae