谷口 俊介(ヤグチ シュンスケ)


  • Specification of ectoderm restricts the size of the animal plate and patterns neurogenesis in sea urchin embryos
    S. Yaguchi; J. Yaguchi; R. D. Burke
    Development./133/p.2337-2346, 2006-06
  • Neuron-specific expression of a Synaptotagmin gene in the Sea Urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
    R. D. Burke; L. Osborne; D. Wang; N. Murabe; S. Yaguchi; ...
    J. Comp. Neurol./496/p.244-251, 2006-05
  • The 5-HT receptor cell is a new member of secondary mesenchyme cell descendants and forms a major blastocoelar network in sea urchin larvae
    H. Katow; S. Yaguchi; M. Kiyomoto; M. Washio
    Mech. Dev./121/p.325-337, 2004-04
  • Expression of tryptophan 5-hydroxylase gene during sea urchin neurogenesis and role of serotonergic nervous system in larval behavior
    S. Yaguchi; H. Katow
    J. Comp. Neurol./466/p.219-229, 2003-11
  • Initial analysis of immunochemichal cell surface properties, location and formation of the serotonergic apical ganglion in sea urchin embryos
    S. Yaguchi; K. Kanoh; S. Amemiya; H. Katow
    Develop. Growth Differ./42/p.479-488, 2000-10