三浦 謙治(ミウラ ケンジ)


  • Importance of Ser403 of ICE1 in stabilization and regulation of cold signaling and tolerance in Arabidopsis
    Kenji Miura; Masaru Ohta; Paul M. Hasegawa
    International Symposium on Cell Functions Mediated by Small Molecules/2010-11-08
  • SUMO E3 ligase high ploidy2 regulates endocycle onset and meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis.
    akashi Ishida; Sumire Fujiwara; Kenji Miura; Nicola Stac...
    21th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research/2010-06-06
  • Structural and functional analyses of volatile compounds- and heavy metals-induced arabidopsides in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Haruyuki Nakajyo; Kosumi Yamada; Kojioto Hasegawa; Nobuha...
    21th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research/2010-06-06
  • Enhancement of ICE1 activity for cold tolerance by substitution of serine 403, which regulates ubiquitylation of ICE1
    Kenji Miura; Masaru Ohta; Paul M. Hasegawa
    21th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research/2010-06-06
  • Calmodulin-like CML10 regulates cold tolerance through interaction with the transcription factor ICE1 in Arabidopsis
    Mickael Lissarre; Masaru Ohta; Kenji Miura
    若手フェスティバル2010 in 菅平/2010-05-13
  • Three MYC-type transcription factors, interactors of ICE1 negatively regulate cold signaling and tolerance
    Masaru Ohta; Aiko Sato; Jian-Kang Zhu; Paul M. Hasegawa; ...
    若手フェスティバル2010 in 菅平/2010-05-13
  • Enhancement of ICE1 activity for cold tolerance by substitution of serine 403, which regulates ubiquitylation of ICE1
    Kenji Miura; Masaru Ohta; Paul M. Hasegawa
    若手フェスティバル2010 in 菅平/2010-05-13
  • Regulatory mechanisms of ICE1 for cold signaling and cold tolerance
    Kenji Miura; Masaru Ohta; Mickael Lissarre; Aiko Sato; Ji...
    若手フェスティバル2010 in 菅平/2010-05-13
  • Sumoylation in plant responses to abiotic stresses
    Kenji Miura
    RIKEN Seminar/2009-06-12
  • 重金属処理したシロイヌナズナにおけるArabidopside類の生成と機能
    中城治之; 山田小須弥; 長谷川宏司; 後藤伸治; 三浦謙治; 繁森英幸
  • ICE1活性化による凍結耐性の向上
    三浦謙治; 太田賢; Paul M. Hasegawa
  • 翻訳後修飾SUMO化による環境ストレス応答機構
  • Identification and characterization of raphanusanin-induced genes in etiolated radish hypocotyls
    Moehninsi; Kosumi Yamada; Kenji Miura; Hideyuki Shigemori
  • HPY2は核内倍加周期への移行とメリステム維持の制御に関わる新規SUMO E3 ligaseである
    石田喬志; 藤原すみれ; 三浦謙治; Stacey Nicola; 吉村美香; Schneider Katja; 安達澄子...
  • SIZ1はサリチル酸蓄積の調節を行って細胞及び植物の成長を制御する
    三浦謙治; Jiyoung Lee; 三浦友子; Paul M. Hasegawa
  • ICE1と相互作用するMYC67, 70, 71は低温応答の負の制御因子である
    太田賢; Jian-Kang Zhu; Paul M. Hasegawa; 三浦謙治
  • Sumoylation in plant response to abiotic stresses
    Kenji Miura
    INRA Tsukuba TIL Joint Lab Seminar/2009-12-04
  • 植物SUMO E3 ligase SIZ1によるアブシジン酸シグナル伝達機構の調節およびSIZ1内に存在するPHDドメインの役割
  • Sumoylation of ABI5 by Arabidopsis SUMO E3 ligase SIZ1 negatively regulates abscisic acid signaling.
    Kenji Miura; Jiyoung Lee; Jin-Bo Jin; Chan-Yul Yoo; Tomok...
    20th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research/2009-07-01
  • ABI5のSUMO化によるアブシジン酸シグナルの調節
    三浦謙治; Jiyoung Lee; Jing Bo Jin; Chan Yul Yoo; 三浦友子; Paul M...
  • セリン残基のICE1活性化における役割
    太田賢; Paul M. Hasegawa; 三浦謙治
  • SIZ1によるICE1のSUMO化が低温ストレス応答を調節する
    三浦謙治; Jing Bo Jin; Jiyoung Lee; Chan Yul Yoo; Vicki Stirm...
  • SUMO E3リガーゼSIZ1によるリン酸欠乏応答機構
  • Arabidopsis SIZ1, a SUMO E3 ligase, regulates cold signaling and tolerance through sumoylation of ICE1
    Kenji Miura; Paul M. Hasegawa
    Iwate University-UGAS, IU-GSA, IU-COE Joint Symposium/2008-10-29
  • 植物のSUMO化による環境ストレス応答機構―SIZ1 SUMO E3 ligaseの機能
  • さらに表示...