小金澤 禎史(コガネザワ タダチカ)


  • 心臓血管運動調節プレモータ・ニューロンの機能分化
    小金澤 禎史; 照井直人
    薬理と臨床/14(2)/pp.125-126, 2004-1
  • 低酸素負荷に対する延髄吻側腹外側部ニューロンの反応
    小金澤 禎史; 照井直人
    日本生理学雑誌/66(1)/p.41, 2004-1
  • 2種類の延髄血管運動調節プレモータ・ニューロン
    小金澤 禎史; 照井直人
    薬理と臨床/pp.200-201, 2003-1
  • Baroreceptor-mediated activation of sympathetic nerve activity to salivary glands
    Sabino-Silva Robinson; Ceroni Alexandre; Koganezawa Tadachi...
    Physiology & Behavior/107(3)/pp.390-396, 2012-10
  • Downbeat nystagmus due to a paramedian medullary lesion
    Nakamagoe Kiyotaka; Shimizu Kitoe; Koganezawa Tadachika; ...
    Journal of Clinical Neuroscience/19(11)/pp.1597-1599, 2012-11
  • Blockade of GABAergic inputs into the RVLM neurons enhances respiratory modulation of the cardiovascular sympathetic nerve in the in situ arterially-perfused preparation of rats
    小金澤 禎史; 北崎 英晃
    The Journal of Physiological Sciences/63(1)/pp.S178-S178, 2013-04
  • Nuerogenic hypertension induced by cardiovascular sympathoexcitation
    小金澤 禎史; 照井直人
    The Journal of Physiological Sciences/p.S36, 2011-01
  • 冷却刺激による局所性皮膚血管収縮反応のin vivoでの解析
    石川智久; 藤田行代志; 小金澤禎史; 山下知也; 中山貢一
    第11回日本循環薬理学会要旨, 2001-11
  • Role of presynaptic purinergic P3-receptors on sympathetic nerve terminals in cooling-induced construction of rat cutaneous vessels
    Tadachika Koganezawa; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Yukiyoshi Fujit...
    The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology/88/p.274P, 2002-03
  • Effect of thermal stimulation of the preoptic area in the hypothalamus on reticulo-spinal neurons in the ventral medulla of rabbits
    Tadachika Koganezawa; Naohito Terui
    The Japanese Journal of Physiology/52/p.S78, 2002-01
  • Responses of sympathetic premotor neurons in the medulla oblongata to thermal stimulation of the preoptic area
    Tadachika Koganezawa; Naohito Terui
    Neuroscience Research/26/p.S83, 2002-01
  • Effect of thermal stimulation of preoptic area on the reticulo-spinal neurons on the rostroventral medulla in rabbits
    Tadachika Koganezawa; Naohito Terui
    Society for Neuroscience Abstract/p.858.12, 2002-01
  • Rhythmic activities of the sympatho-excitatory neurons in the medulla of the rabbits: neurons controlling cutaneous vasomotion
    Youichirou Ootsuka; Rong Weifang; Erika Kishi; Tadachika ...
    Autonomic Neuroscience/101(1-2)/pp.48-59, 2002-01
  • Responses of the barosensitive reticulospinal neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla during hypoxia
    Tadachika Koganezawa; Naohito Terui
    Neuroscience Research/46/p.S76, 2003-01
  • Effects of hypoxia on the barosensitive reticulospinal neurons of the rostral ventrolateral medulla in rabbits.
    Tadachika Koganezawa; Naohito Terui
    Society for Neuroscience Abstract/p.501.1, 2003-01
  • Three kinds of sympathetic premotor neurons in the ventral medulla of rabbits.
    Tadachika Koganezawa; Naohito Terui
    The Japanese Journal of Physiology/54/p.S100, 2004-01
  • 血圧の神経性調節
    小金澤禎史; 照井直人
    Brain Medical/17(2)/p.141 146, 2005-06
  • The contribution of sympathetic nerve terminals to local cooling-induced reduction of skin blood flow in rats.
    Takako Tajima; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Tadachika Koganezawa; T...
    Journal of Pharmacological Sciences,/97/p.115P, 2005-01
  • Modulation of sympathetic nerve discharge during eupnoea and gasping in the in situ arterially perfused preparation of rat
    Tadachika Koganezawa; Naohito Terui; Julian F.R. Paton
    Journal of Physiology/p.567P, 2005-01
  • Respiratory-sympathetic phase coupling in eupnea and hypoxia induced gasping.
    Tadachika Koganezawa; Naohito Terui; Julian F.R. Paton
    Society for Neuroscience Abstract/p.304.17, 2005-01
  • Control of contractile cardiac function in the rat.
    Eugene Nalivaiko; Vagner Antunes; Tadachika Koganezawa; J...
    FASEB Journal/20(4)/p.A368, 2006-01
  • Local regulation of skin blood flow during cooling involving presynaptic P2 purinoceptors in rats.
    Tadachika Koganezawa; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Yukiyoshi Fujit...
    British Journal of Pharmacology/148(5)/p.579-586, 2006-01
  • 脳幹網様体 Update
    小金澤禎史; 照井直人
    Clinical Neuroscience/25(4)/p.405-407, 2007-04
  • The role of the rostral ventrolateral medulla in the viscero-sympathetic reflex of rabbits
    Yuri Shimomura; Tadachika Koganezawa; Naohito Terui
    The Journal of Physiological Sciences/57/p.S207, 2007-01
  • Evoked vasomotion enhances tissue-capillary fluid exchange in the ear skin of the anesthetized rabbit.
    Terumi Sakurai; Tadachika Koganezawa; Naohito Terui
    International Symposium on Resistance Arteries Abstract/p.60, 2008-01
  • さらに表示...