大川 敬子(オオカワ ケイコ)
- 論文
- Especially Polymorphonuclear leulcocytes but also monomorphormclear leukocytes, roll spontaneously in veuules of intact rat skin : involvement of E-selectin
oude Egbrink MGA; Janssen GHGW; Ookawa K; Slaaf DW; Renem...
Journal of Investigative Dermatology/118/p.323-326, 2002-01 - 管内流れの動態と内皮細胞の増殖能に及ぼすステントの形状の影響
赤川英毅; 大川敬子; 大島宣雄
日本バイオレオロジー学会誌B&R/19/p.142-151, 2005-01 - Evaluation of polydimethylsiloxane scaffolds with physiologically-relevant elastic moduli: interplay of substrate mechanics and surface chemistry effects on vascular smooth muscle cell response.
Brown XQ; Ookawa K; Wong JY.
Biomaterials/26/pp.3123-3129, 2005-01 - Intravital microscopic observation of hemodynamic changes of vasa nervorum accampanying local heat stimulation
Takagi K; Yamaguchi S; Ookawa K; Ohshima N
Microcirc Ann/21/p.65-66, 2005-01 - Blood flow velocity is reduced in a tumor micro-dissemination in the visceral pleura in anesthetized open-chest rat lung
Wang Y; Iguchi K; Ito H; Ookawa K; Kobayashi N; Nakamura ...
in vivo/23(2)/p.291-296, 2009-01 - 細胞の分化を誘導する力学的 niche の検索
大川 敬子
人工臓器/37(1)/pp.21-22, 2008-06 - In vivo observation of pulmonary micrometastasis of colon cancer in normal rats
Iguchi Kesato; Oh Gan; Ookawa Keiko; Yanagi Kenichi; Saka...
MICROVASCULAR RESEARCH/73(3)/pp.206-213, 2007-05 - Effects of oncostatin M on secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor and reconstruction of liver-like structure by fetal liver cells in monolayer and three-dimensional cultures
Ehashi Tomo; Koyama Toshie; Ookawa Keiko; Ohshima Norio; Miyo...
JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A/82A(1)/pp.73-79, 2007-07 - Blood Flow Velocity is Reduced in a Tumor Micro-dissemination in the Visceral Pleura in Anesthetized Open-chest Rat Lung
Wang Yan; Iguchi Kesato; Ito Hiromichi; Ookawa Keiko; Kob...
IN VIVO/23(2)/pp.291-295, 2009-03 - Endovascular stent configuration affects intraluminal flow dynamics and in vitro endothelialization
Akagawa E; Ookawa K; Ohshima N
BIORHEOLOGY/41(6)/pp.665-680, 2004-01
- Especially Polymorphonuclear leulcocytes but also monomorphormclear leukocytes, roll spontaneously in veuules of intact rat skin : involvement of E-selectin