渋谷 彰(シブヤ アキラ)


  • 腸内細菌と呼吸器疾患
    藤山 聡; 渋谷 彰
    成人病と生活習慣病/45(12)/pp.1537-1544, 2015-12
  • Improved protocol for the isolation of naïve follicular dendritic cells
    Sato K; Honda SI; Shibuya A; Shibuya K
    Mol Immunol/78/pp.140-145, 2016-09
  • TLR4と免疫受容体MAIR-IIは炎症性単球の感染局所への集積を促進する
    戸塚 直也; 渋谷 彰
    医学のあゆみ/254((4)/pp.303-304, 2015-07
  • 常在菌叢によるバリア上皮の細胞死とアレルギー炎症応答の制御
    小田 ちぐさ; 渋谷 彰
    最新医学社/71(9)/pp.1815-1821, 2016-09
  • アポトーシスによる免疫制御
    中澤 優太; 小田(中橋)ちぐさ; 渋谷 彰
    Thrombosis Medicine/6(3)/pp.192-197, 2016-09
  • Successful multilineage engraftment of human cord blood cells in pigs after in utero transplantation
    Fujiki Y; Fukawa K; Kameyama K; Kudo O; Onodera M; Nakamu...
    Transplantation/75(7)/pp.916-922, 2003-01
  • 免疫応答におけるDNAM-1の役割
    金丸 由美; 渋谷 和子; 渋谷 彰
    臨床免疫・アレルギー科/66(2)/pp.177-183, 2016-08
  • Increased soluble CD155 in the serum of cancer patients
    Iguchi-Manaka A; Okumura G; Kojima H; Cho Y; Hirochika R; Band...
    PLoS One/11(4)/p.e0152982, 2016
  • Increased soluble CD155 in the serum of cancer patients
    Iguchi-Manaka A; Okumura G; Kojima H; Cho Y; Hirochika R; Band...
    PLoS One/11(4)/p.e0152982, 2016
  • Soluble DNAM-1, as a predictive biomarker for acute graft-versus-host disease
    Kanaya M; Shibuya K; Hirochika R; Kanemoto M; Ohashi K; O...
    PLoS One/11(6)/p.e0154173, 2016-06
  • CD155 (PVR/Necl5) Mediates a Costimulatory Signal in CD4+ T cells and Regulates Allergic Inflammation
    Yumi Kanemaru; Yuichi Takahashi; Yinan Wang; Satoko Taha...
    J Immunol, 2015-06
  • Increased CD112 expression in methylcholanthrene-induced tumors in CD155-deficient mice.
    Yoko Nagumo; Akiko Iguchi-Manaka; Kanemaru Yumi; Fumie Abe; G...
    PLos One/9(11), 2014-11
  • Establishment and characterization of a novel anti-DNAM-1 monoclonal antibody
    Kanemaru Yumi; Fumie Abe; Rei Hirochika; Satoko Tahara-H...
    Monoclonal Antibodies in Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy, 2013
  • Overexpression of RORγt under control of the CD2 promoter induces polyclonal plasmacytosis and autoantibody production in transgenic mice
    Keigyou Yoh; Naoki Morito; Masami Ojima; Kazuko Shibuya; Kane...
    Eur J Immunol, 2012-08
  • Critical role of DNAX accessory molecule-1 (DNAM-1) in the development of acute graft-versus-host disease in mice
    Tsukasa Nabekura; Kazuko Shibuya; Eri Takenaka; Hirayasu ...
    Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA, 2010-10
  • Accelerated tumor growth in mice deficient in DNAM-1 receptor
    Akiko Iguchi; Kai Hirayasu; Kanemaru Yumi; Kai Shibata; S...
    J Exp Med, 2008-12
  • LFA-1 decreases the antigen dose for T cell activation in vivo
    Yinan Wang; Kazuko Shibuya; Kanemaru Yumi; Jun Shirakawa...
    Int Immunol, 2008-09
  • Successful gene transfer into human CD4 positive naive T cells mediated by lentiviral vectors
    Shibuya K; Miyoshi H; Wang Y; Kai H; Honda S; Shibuya A
  • 活性化制御をになう正と負のNK細胞レセプター群
    渋谷和子; 渋谷彰
    組織培養工学/24/p.296-299, 1998-01
  • レンチウイルスベクターを用いた静止期免疫細胞への安定的遺伝子導入法とその応用
    渋谷和子; 三好浩之; 渋谷 彰
    細胞工学/22(11)/pp.1232-1239, 2003-01
  • 垢でアトピーが悪化するって本当ですか?
    渋谷 彰
    あとぴナビ夏号/(260)/pp.6-9, 2016-05
  • Activation of murine invariant NKT cells promotes susceptibility to candidiasis by IL-10-induced modulation of phagocyte antifungal activity
    Haraguchi N; Kikuchi N; Morishima Y; Matsuyama M; Sak...
    Eur J Immunol/46(7)/pp.1691-1703, 2016-05
  • アポトーシス細胞と結合して細胞の活性化を制御する免疫受容体―CD300a
    小田(中橋)ちぐさ; 渋谷 彰
    実験医学増刊/(7)/p.1106, 2016-05
  • Soluble DNAM-1, as a predictive biomarker for acute graft-versus-host disease
    Kanaya M; Shibuya K; Hirochika R; Kanemoto M; Ohashi K; O...
    PloS One/11(6)/p.e0154173, 2016-04
  • Marginal zone B cells exacerbate endotoxic shock via interleukin-6 secretion induced by Fcα/μR-coupled TLR4 signalling
    Honda S; Sato K; Totsuka N; Fujiyama S; Fujimoto M; ...
    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS/7(11498), 2016-05
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