土屋 尚之(ツチヤ ナオユキ)


  • Identification of CD22 gene variations: possible association with systemic lupus erythematosus.
    Hatta Y; Tsuchiya N; Matsushita M; Hagiwara K; Shiota M; ...
    1998 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1998-04-01
  • 慢性関節リウマチおよび全身性エリテマトーデスにおけるCD22およびSHP-1遺伝子多様性の解析
    松下正毅; 八田陽子; 土屋尚之; 塩田倫子; 徳永勝士
  • リウマチ性疾患患者におけるCD22遺伝子変異の集積
    八田陽子; 土屋尚之; 松下正毅; 徳永勝士
  • 日本人集団におけるMICAの多型解析およびMICA-MICB null ハプロタイプ
    涌井美紀; 石川善英; 柏瀬貢一; 土屋尚之; Daniel E. Geraghty; 椎名隆; 猪子英俊; 十字猛夫; 徳永勝士
  • 日本人HLA-B27陽性脊椎炎患者および健常者におけるHLA-DRB1およびMICA遺伝子タイピング
    土屋尚之; 古俣妙; 塩田倫子; 松下正毅; 徳永勝士; 森山哲; 小川篤子; 三井弘; Daniel G. Geraghty
  • CTLA-4 gene polymorphism in the Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
    Matsushita M; Tsuchiya N; Yamane A; Tokunaga K
  • HLA-DR and MICA allele typing of HLA-B27 positive Japanese patients with spondyloarthropathies and healthy individuals.
    Tsuchiya N; Matsushita M; Moriyama S; Ogawa A; Geraghty ...
  • HLA-DRB1 shared epitope may confer susceptibility to seronegative spondyloarthropathies in HLA-B27 positive Japanese individuals.
    Komata T; Tsuchiya N; Hatta Y; Matsushita M; Mitsui H; Og...
  • 日本人HLA-B27陽性強直性脊椎炎患者および健常者のMICA遺伝子多型性
    土屋尚之; 坂内 誠; 三井 弘; 徳永勝士
  • RA-associated HLA-DR shared epitope may confer additional susceptibility to seronegative spondyloarthropathies in HLA-B27 positive Japanese individuals.
    Komata T; Tsuchiya N; Hatta Y; Matsushita M; Mitsui H; Og...
    1997 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1997-04-01
  • CTLA-4 gene polymorphism determined by PCR-PHFA, a rapid method for the screening of disease susceptibility genes.
    Matsushita M; Tsuchiya N; Hatta Y; Komata T; Shiota M; Ya...
  • MICA allele typing of HLA-B27 positive Japanese patients with spondyloarthroipathies and healthy individuals: differential association with HLA-B27 subtypes.
    Tsuchiya N; Shiota M; Moriyama S; Ogawa A; Komatsu-Wakui ...
  • クリオグロブリン血症に伴う血管炎を合併した強直性脊椎炎の一例
    豊田信明; 土屋尚之; 石原桂子; 竹内二士夫; 伊藤幸治
  • Peptides eluted from HLA-B27 molecules of lymphoblastoid cell lines from identical twins discordant for ankylosing spondylitis.
    Tsuchiya N; Shiota M; Ito K.
    1996 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1996-04-01
  • リウマチ性疾患における可溶性HLA-class I 抗原
    土屋尚之; 塩田倫子; 三崎義堅; Huang; F; Yu DTY; 伊藤幸治
  • SLE血清およびRA関節液における可溶性HLA-class I 抗原の上昇
    土屋尚之; 三崎義堅; 伊藤幸治
  • 全身性エリテマトーデスにおける血清中可溶性HLA-class I 抗原の定量と産生機序の検討
    土屋尚之; 三崎義堅; 伊藤幸治; 徳永勝士
  • Bacteria invasion induces alternate splicing of HLA-B27.
    Yamaguchi A; Huang F; Tsuchiya N; Ikawa T; Tamura N; Gran...
    1996 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1996-04-01
  • Quantitation and characterization of soluble HLA-class I antigens in SLE and RA.
    Tsuchiya N; Shiota M; Misaki Y; Ito K.
    1996 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1996-04-01
  • 強直性脊椎炎患者由来B細胞株におけるHLA-B27抗原結合ペプチドの検討
    土屋尚之; 山口晃弘; 伊藤幸治
  • SLEの経過中に多発性肝海綿状血管腫の合併、増大を認めた4症例
    鈴木毅; 間藤卓; 土屋尚之; 伊藤幸治
  • HLA-B27 alleles in Japanese patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and healthy controls.
    Ogawa A; Yamaguchi A; Tsuchiya N; Tokunaga K; Mitsui H; T...
    21st Annual Meeting of American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics./1995-10-01
  • Elevated serum level of soluble HLA class I antigen in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
    Tsuchiya N; Yamaguchi A; Shiota M; Ito K.
    1995 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1995-04-01
  • HLA-B27 subtype of Japanese patients with seronegative spondylarthropathies.
    Yamaguchi A; Ogawa A; Tsuchiya N; Shiota M; Mitsui H; Tok...
    The 9th International Congress of Immunology/1995-04-01
  • HLA antigens in Japanese patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA).
    Mitsui H; Kanda T; Matsuura M; Watanabe N; Tsuchiya N; Ya...
    1995 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1995-04-01
  • さらに表示...