土屋 尚之(ツチヤ ナオユキ)


  • RFs from patients with rheumatoid arthritis react with b2m.
    Williams RCJr; Malone C; Tsuchiya N.
    1992 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1992-04-01
  • Simple detection of galactose deficiency in rheumatoid IgG using a new lectin, PVL.
    Tsuchiya N; Endo T; Matsuta K; Yoshinoya S; Shiota M; Fur...
    1992 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1992-04-01
  • Antibodies to cytomegalovirus Fcγ-binding protein in rheumatoid arthritis: possible involvement in rheumatoid factor production.
    Tsuchiya N; Murayama T; Shiota M; Furukawa T; Ito K
    1992 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1992-04-01
  • RAにおける抗パルボウイルスB19抗体価の測定
    三森明夫; 月橋洋子; 三崎義堅; 土屋尚之; 三田村忠行; 伊藤幸治
  • Fcγbinding and monoclonal-antibody-reactive epitope on gE, the Fcγ-binding glycoprotein of HSV-1 which simulate the internal image of rheumatoid factor.
    Williams RCJr; Kievit E; Tsuchiya N; Hutt-Fletcher L.
    1992 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1992-04-01
  • GlcNAc特異的レクチンPVLを用いた慢性関節リウマチ患者IgG糖鎖異常の解析
    土屋尚之; 遠藤玉夫; 松多邦雄; 吉野谷定美; 塩田倫子; 古川清; 巨智部直久; 伊藤幸治; 木幡陽
  • リウマトイド因子産生におけるcytomegalovirus Fc結合蛋白の関与:idiotypic mimicry説の検討
    土屋尚之; 村山次哉; 古川宣; 伊藤幸治
  • リウマトイド因子産生におけるcytomegalovirus Fc結合蛋白の関与:idiotypic mimicry説の検討
    土屋尚之; 村山次哉; 古川宣; 伊藤幸治
  • 喘息とRAに心室拡張を伴う心筋障害を合併したと思われる1例
    岡崎 仁; 木谷誠一; 佐藤武志; 土屋尚之; 村田一郎; 篠原 聡; 高石敏昭; 森田 寛; 井上哲文; 伊藤幸治
  • 慢性関節リウマチ患者関節液からのヒトサイトメガロウイルスDNAの検出
    村山次哉; 地崎赴美子; 綾田稔; 板室大徳; 古川宣; 土屋尚之; 伊藤幸治; 弘中孝史; 平井莞二
  • Possible involvement of cytomegalovirus Fcγ binding protein in rheumatoid factor production in the patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
    Tsuchiya N; Murayama T; Yoshinoya S; Furukawa T; Ito K.
    XIV International congress of allergology and clinical immunology/1991-04-01
  • Some rheumatoid factors may be anti-idiotypic antibodies to anti-viral Fc receptor antibodies.
    Williams RCJr; Tsuchiya N; Malone C; Hutt-Fletcher L.
    1991 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1991-04-01
  • HLA-B27抗原と一次配列を共有する微生物抗原の免疫学的交差反応性
    土屋尚之; Husby G; Williams RC Jr; Stieglitz H; Lipsky PE.
  • 反復性肺梗塞で発症した高安動脈炎の1例
    山口晃弘; 柴原道子; 浜崎健; 土屋尚之; 松多邦雄; 須甲松信; 滝沢始; 井上哲文; 伊藤幸治
  • 喘息発作に誘発されるてんかん発作を反復した1例
    柴原道子; 西岡雄一; 野上誠; 土屋尚之; 森田寛; 井上哲文; 伊藤幸治
  • リウマトイド因子とviral Fcγ binding protein. Anti-anti-Fcγ binding protein としての可能性
    土屋尚之; Williams RCJr; Hutt-Fletcher LM.
  • Rheumatoid factors may bear the internal image of the Fcγ binding protein of herpes family viruses.
    Tsuchiya N; Malone C; Hutt-Fletcher LM; Williams RCJr.
    1990 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1990-04-01
  • リウマトイド因子がヘルペスFc結合蛋白のinternal imageを持つ可能性の検討
    土屋尚之; 伊藤幸治; 吉野谷定美; Hutt-Fletcher LM; Williams RCJr.
  • Autoantibodies to HLA-B27 sequence cross react with the pHS-2 peptide from the arthritis-associated Shigella plasmid. A
    Tsuchiya N; Husby G; Williams RCJr; Stieglitz H; Lipsky ...
    1990 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1990-04-01
  • HLA-B27とShigella由来plasmid (pHS-2)の一次配列相同性と免疫学的交叉反応性
    土屋尚之; Husby G; Williams RCJr; Stieglitz H; Lipsky PE.
  • リウマトイド因子がヘルペスFcγ結合蛋白のinternal imageを持つ可能性の検討
    土屋尚之; Malone C; Hutt-Fletcher LM; Williams RC Jr.
  • Humoral and cell-mediated immunity to peptides shared by HLA-B27.1 and Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase in ankylosing spondylitis.
    Tsuchiya N; Husby G; Williams RCJr.
    1989 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting/1989-04-01
  • Detection and characterization of serum antibodies to peptides shared by HLA-B27.1 and Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase in ankylosing spondylitis.
    Tsuchiya N; Husby G; Williams RCJr.
    2nd annual meeting of Nobel Medica Research Forum " Immunological aspects of rheumatic diseases "/1988-08-25
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase cross-reactive epitope in articular tissues of HLA-B27 + patients with ankylosing spondylitis.
    Husby G; Tsuchiya N; Schwimmbeck PL; Keat A; Pahle JA; Ol...
    1988 Clinical Research/1988-04-01
  • Two-dimensional flow cytometry 法によるSLE末梢血リンパ球分画の検討
    土屋尚之; 三田村忠行; 後藤真; 宮本昭正; 木下牧子; 横張龍一
  • さらに表示...