猪股 伸一(イノマタ シンイチ)


  • スマートフォンを気管支鏡のモニターとして使うためのデバイス(i-NTER LENSTM)の共同開発
    梅﨑 健司; 猪股 伸一
    日臨麻会誌/38(3)/pp.310-314, 2018-06
  • A new device which enables us to use a smartphone as a monitor of a bronchoscope, i-NTER LENS™( Micronet Corporation).
    Inomata Shinichi
    Eur J Anaesth. 2017 June; 34, e-Supplement 55, www.ejanaesthesiology.com., 2017-6
  • The MAC-BIS50-tetanus of desflurane decreases by aging.
    Inomata Shinichi
    Eur J Anaesth. 2017 June; 34, e-Supplement 55, www.ejanaesthesiology.com., 2017-6
  • The ropivacaine concentration required for ultrasound-guided rectus sheath block in pediatric patients undergoing laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair surgery.
    Inomata Shinichi
    Eur J Anaesth. 2017 June; 34, e-Supplement 55, www.ejanaesthesiology.com., 2017-6
  • Iliac fossa block is useful for postoperative analgesia of total hip arthroplasty.
    Inomata Shinichi
    Eur J Anaesth. 2017 June; 34, e-Supplement 55, www.ejanaesthesiology.com., 2017-6
  • Brain connectivity of chronic pain patients.
    Inomata Shinichi
    Eur J Anaesth. 2017 June; 34, e-Supplement 55, www.ejanaesthesiology.com., 2017-6
  • 脳動脈瘤クリッピング術(早期手術)における低血圧麻酔の予後に及ぼす影響
    福田 妙子; 猪股 伸一
    麻酔/41(2)/pp.207-213, 1992
  • The effects of A118G gene mutation on the fentanyl dose needed for postoperative analgesia in the patients undergoing gynecological malignant tumor surgery.
    Inomata Shinichi; Masahide Kikuchi
    Eur J Anaesth./33(e-Supplement 54), 2016-6
  • The MAC-BIS50 of desflurane during tetanic stimulation.
    Inomata Shinichi; Masahide Fujita
    Eur J Anaesth./33(e-Supplement 54), 2016-6
  • The minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of sevoflurane for maintaining the bispectral index below 50 during noxious stimulation.
    Inomata Shinichi; Kusumoto Atsuhiro
    Eur J Anaesth./33(e-Supplement 54), 2016-6
  • The relationship between age and minimum alveolar concentration of sevoflurane for maintaining bispectral index below 50 in children.
    猪股 伸一
    Anaesthesia, 2014-10
  • 血液および唾液から抽出したDNAからのHuman herpes virus 6(HHV-6)DNA検出とDR領域繰り返し配列の個体差
    猪股 伸一
    DNA多型/22(1)/pp.195-200, 2014-7
  • 超音波ガイド区域麻酔のための新しい教育用モデル
    猪股 伸一
    麻酔/64巻(6号)/pp.671-674, 2015-6
  • ストレッチ動作後に生じた脳脊髄液減少症に対する硬膜外腔への生理食塩液持続投与の効果(
    猪股 伸一
    日本ペインクリニック学会誌/22巻(1号)/pp.50-53, 2015-2
  • 超音波ガイド区域麻酔のための新しい教育用モデル
    猪股 伸一
    麻酔/64(6)/pp.671-674, 2015-06
  • ストレッチ動作後に生じた脳脊髄液減少症に対する硬膜外腔への生理食塩液持続投与の効果
    村田 雄哉; 猪股 伸一; 山口 哲人; 渡辺 雅彦; 玉岡 晃; 田中 誠
    日本ペインクリニック学会誌/22(1)/pp.50-53, 2015
  • The efficacy of the "BURP" maneuver during laryngoscopy and training period necessary for residents in anesthesiology.
    猪股 伸一
    Masui/61(4)/pp.444-447, 2012-4
  • The efficacy of the "BURP" maneuver during laryngoscopy and training period necessary for residents in anesthesiology.
    猪股 伸一
    Masui/61(4)/pp.444-447, 2012-4
  • Magnesium sulfate attenuates tourniquet pain in healthy volunteers.
    猪股 伸一
    J Anesth/7/pp.Epub-Epub, 2012-10
  • The effects of catheter size and fixation device on central venous catheter fixation.
    猪股 伸一
    Masui/61/pp.1153-1155, 2012-12
  • The effects of catheter size and fixation device on central venous catheter fixation.
    猪股 伸一
    Masui/61/pp.1153-1155, 2012-12
  • The effects of catheter size and fixation device on central venous catheter fixation.
    猪股 伸一
    Masui/61/pp.1153-1155, 2012-12
  • The effects of catheter size and fixation device on central venous catheter fixation.
    猪股 伸一
    Masui/61/pp.1153-1155, 2012-11
  • The effects of catheter size and fixation device on central venous catheter fixation.
    猪股 伸一
    Masui/61/pp.1153-1155, 2012-11
  • The effects of catheter size and fixation device on central venous catheter fixation.
    猪股 伸一
    Masui/61/pp.1153-1155, 2012-12
  • さらに表示...