猪股 伸一(イノマタ シンイチ)


  • 良性疾患が原因と考えられた慢性肛門周囲痛に神経破壊薬を用いた上-下腹神経叢ブロック(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    ペインクリニック/13/p.530-532, 1992-01
  • Early detection of airway obstruction by monitoring of expiratory CO2 with a capnographic probe attached to an oxygen mask.(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia/39/p.744, 1992-01
  • Plasma lidocaine concentrations during epidural blockade with isoflurane or halothane anesthesia.(共著)
    Nishikawa T; 猪股 伸一; Igarashi M; Goyagi T; Naito H
    Anesthesia and Analgesia/75(6)/pp.885-888, 1992-01
  • アトロピンの心拍増加作用に及ぼす頸部および腰部硬膜外麻酔の影響(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    麻酔/42/p.990-994, 1993-01
  • 自己心拍再開時の酸素摂取および炭酸ガス排出動態を記録し得た心肺蘇生症例(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    日本臨床麻酔学会誌/14/p.77-80, 1994-01
  • Continuous monitoring of mixed venous oxygen saturation for detecting alterations in cardiac output after discontinuation of cardiopulmonary bypass.(共著)
    猪股 伸一; Nishikawa T; Taguchi M
    British Journal of Anaesthesia/72(1)/pp.11-16, 1994-01
  • End-tidal sevoflurane concentration for tracheal intubation and minimum alveolar concentration in pediatric patients.(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    Anesthesiology/80/p.93-96, 1994-01
  • Bleeding from the SVO2 monitoring port of PA catheter during cardiac surgery.(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia/41/p.877-878, 1994-01
  • Blister formation on the thumb following the second intravenous regional reserpine in the hand.(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    Regional Anesthesia/19/p.59-61, 1994-01
  • End-tidal sevoflurane concentration for tracheal intubation (MACEI) and minimum alveolar concentration(MAC)in adults.(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    Anesthesia and Analgesia/79/p.378-381, 1994-01
  • End-tidal sevoflurane concentration for laryngeal mask airway insertion and for tracheal intubation in children.(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    Anesthesiology/81/p.628-631, 1994-01
  • Intraoperative combined administration of indomethacin and buprenorphinesuppositories as prophylactic therapy for post-open-cholecystectomy pain.(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    Anesthesia and Analgesia/79/p.85-88, 1994-01
  • 子宮外妊娠によるショック後ARDSを併発した一例(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    日本産婦人科関東連合地方部会会報/32/p.313-316, 1995-01
  • Enhancement of pressor response to intravenous phenylephrinefollowing oral clonidine medication in awake and anaesthetized patients.(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia/42/p.119-125, 1995-01
  • Transient bilateral vocal cord paralysis after insertion of a laryngeal mask airway.(共著)
    猪股 伸一; Nishikawa T; Suga A; Yamashita S
    Anesthesiology/82(3)/pp.787-788, 1995-01
  • Determination of end-tidal sevoflurane concentration for tracheal intubation in children with the rapid method.(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia/43/p.1-6, 1996-01
  • Hemodynamic effects of intravenous ephedrine in infants and children anesthetized with halothane and nitrous oxide.(共著)
    Taguchi N; Nishikawa T; 猪股 伸一; Taguchi M; Yamashita S; Na...
    Anesthesia and Analgesia/82(3)/pp.568-573, 1996-01
  • Vocal cord paralysis and a laryngeal mask airway.(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    Anaesthesia, 1996-01
  • "Best" PEEP during one-lung ventilation. (共著)
    猪股 伸一; Nishikawa T; Saito S; Kihara S
    British Journal of Anaesthesia/78(6)/pp.754-756, 1997-01
  • Anaesthetic induction time for tracheal intubation using sevoflurane or halothane in children.
    猪股 伸一; Yamashita S; Toyooka H; Yaguchi Y; Taguchi M; Sato S
    Anaesthesia/53(5)/pp.440-445, 1998-01
  • Pressure guide method for identification of the epidural space in children.
    猪股 伸一
    Anesthesiology/89/p.546-548, 1998-01
  • Vital capacity rapid inhalational induction by triple-breath method with 5% sevoflurane.
    猪股 伸一
    The Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Anesthesia/18/p.265-270, 1998-01
  • 心・血管疾患を合併したSeckeil症候群患者の麻酔経験(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    日本臨床麻酔学会誌/19(2)/p.149-151, 1999-01
  • 術後肺塞栓の治療時に硬膜外カテーテルを抜去した後に発生した脊椎硬膜外血腫(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    日本臨床麻酔学会誌/19(2)/p.140-143, 1999-01
  • 一側肺換気中に血管内持続血液ガスモニターを利用した動脈血酸素分圧変化の予測方法(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    人工呼吸/16(2)/p.237, 1999-01
  • さらに表示...