猪股 伸一(イノマタ シンイチ)


  • The effects of clonidine premedication on sevoflurane requirements and anesthetic induction time.
    猪股 伸一; Yaguchi Y; Toyooka H
    Anesthesia and analgesia/89(1)/pp.204-208, 1999-01
  • End-tidal sevoflurane concentration for tracheal extubation(MAC-EX)in adults : comparison with isoflurane.
    猪股 伸一; Yaguchi Y; Taguchi M; Toyooka H
    British J of Anaesthesia/82(6)/pp.852-856, 1999-01
  • Landiolol increases a dysrhythmogenic does of epinephrine in dogs during halothane anesthesia(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    Can J Anaesth/46(6)/p.599-604, 1999-01
  • The effect of clonidine premedication on sevoflurane requirements and anesthetic induction time.(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    Anesth Analg/89(1)/p.204-208, 1999-01
  • 麻酔前投薬の工夫とその臨床的効果及び薬物相互作用について(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    日本臨床麻酔学会誌/20(5)/p.287-290, 2000-01
  • 麻酔前投薬に用いる塩酸クロニジン口腔内崩壊錠の調整と臨床評価(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    *EMPTY*/120/p.652-656, 2000-01
  • Modification of the hemodynamic consequences of theophylline intoxication with landiolol in halothane-anesthetized dogs.(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    Can J Anaesth/47(3)/p.265-272, 2000-01
  • Reduction in standard MAC and MAC for intubation after clonidine premedication in children.(共著)
    猪股 伸一; Kihara S; Yaguchi Y; Baba Y; Kohda Y; Toyooka H
    Br J Anaesth/85(5)/pp.700-704, 2000-01
  • The awakening concentration of sevoflurane in children.(共著)
    Kihara S; 猪股 伸一; Yaguchi Y; Toyooka H; Baba Y; Kohda Y
    Anesthesia and analgesia/91(2)/pp.305-308, 2000-01
  • 心臓移植を前提とした左心室補助人工心臓着装術の麻酔管理(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    麻酔/50(2)/p.150-153, 2001-01
  • 強皮症による指尖部潰瘍に持続硬膜外ブロックが有効であった1症例(共著)
    猪股 伸一
    ペインクリニック/22(2)/p.269-270, 2001-01
  • Plasma lidocaine concertration during continuous thoracic epidural anesthesia after clonidine premedication in children.
    猪股 伸一
    Anesth Analg/p.93: 1147-1151, 2001-01
  • The hypnotic and analgesic effects of oral clonidine during sevoflurane anesthesia in children: a dose-response study.
    猪股 伸一
    Anesth. Analg/p.94: 1479-83, 2001-01
  • 小児患者における肺切除術の麻酔経験.
    猪股 伸一
    麻酔/p.51巻 162~165頁, 2002-01
  • 小児硬膜外麻酔の研修を受けて.
    猪股 伸一
    麻酔/p.51巻 927~930頁, 2002-01
  • Epinephrine does not reduce the plasma concentration of lidocaine during continuous epidural infusion in children.
    Miyabe Masayuki; Kakiuchi Yoshihiro; 猪股 伸一; Ohsaka Yoshi...
    Can J Anaesth/49(7)/pp.706-710, 2002-01
  • The reduction in minimum alveolar concentration for tracheal extubation after clonidine premedication in children. Anesth. 94: 863-866, 2002
    猪股 伸一
    Anesth Analg/(94)/p.863-866, 2002-01
  • The reduction in minimum alveolar concentration for tracheal extubation after clonidine premedication in children. Anesth. ,
    Yaguchi Yuichi; 猪股 伸一; Kihara Shin-ichi; Baba Yasuyuki; K...
    Anesthesia and analgesia/94(4)/p.863-6, table of contents, 2002-01
  • Cerbral hypoperfusion with systemic hypoperfusion during common carotid Iigation
    猪股 伸一
    Anaesthesia/p.58:819-820, 2003-01
  • Artifactual dextrocardia associated with a defct in the ECG Labeling
    猪股 伸一
    Anesth Analg/p.96:1230-1242, 2003-01
  • Pulmonary artery catheter sutured to Pulmonary artery trunk during cardiac surgery
    猪股 伸一
    Anesth Analg/(97)/p.60-608, 2003-01
  • Seddation and plasma concentration of clonidine hydrochloride for per-anesthetic medication in pediatric suergery
    猪股 伸一
    Biol. Pharm. Bull/p.26(4):421-423, 2003-01
  • 全身麻酔後: 譫妄・不穏
    猪股 伸一
    麻酔科診療プラクティス/pp122-123, 2004-01
  • 患者に吸入投与されるガス
    猪股 伸一
    J Med Gases/7(1), 35-38, 2005-01
  • Cautious use of Trachlight In Infants
    猪股 伸一
    Anesth Analg/102 (4), 2006-01
  • さらに表示...