猪股 伸一(イノマタ シンイチ)
- 論文
- ロピバカインとプロポフォールのヒト肝ミクロソームでの代謝における相互作用
猪股 伸一
Pharmacoanesthesiology/18(1), 38-39, 2006-01 - Clinical usefulness of remifentanil
S. Inomata
Masui/56(11)/p.1296-305, 2007-01 - 小児区域麻酔のテクニックとコツ
麻酔/57/p.214-219, 2008-01 - Two cases of difficult airway in patients after adenotonsilectomy.
Hosoya M; Yaguchi Y; Inomata S.
Masui/58(11), 2009-11 - A case of an infant who developed pneumothorax during laparoscopic gastroesophageal antireflux surgery
Yokouchi T Inomata S Tanaka M.
Masui/60(4)/p.490-492, 2011-04 - The laryngeal mask airway family: How can we use the newly devised tools skillfully?
S. Inomata
The J. Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia/31(1)/p.19-25, 2011-01 - Effective Shortening of the Administration Line for Intravenous Patient-Controlled Analgesia Improves Chronic Intractable Pain
Y. Hirose S. Inomata M. Tanaka
The J. Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia/31(3)/p.459-462, 2011-01 - 麻薬受容体遺伝子OPRM1(6q24-25, A118G)の人種差と多型による麻薬性鎮痛剤の必要量について
中村 貴子; 本田 克也; 猪股 伸一
DNA多型 = DNA polymorphism/19(0)/pp.245-249, 2011-05 - Rapid injection of propofol reduces vascular pain and facilitates Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion
Shimizu Takeru; Inomata Shinichi; Tanaka Makoto
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA/23(7)/pp.540-543, 2011-11 - フェンタニル静脈内PCAの輸液ラインを工夫して疼痛管理を行った2症例
廣瀬 優樹; 猪股 伸一; 田中 誠
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 = The Journal of Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia/31(3)/pp.459-462, 2011-05 - Minimum alveolar concentrations of sevoflurane for maintaining bispectral index below 50 in children
Tsuruta Shouhei; Satsumae Tsuyoshi; Mizutani Taro; Inomat...
PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA/21(11)/pp.1124-1127, 2011-11 - ラリンジアルマスクをスマートに使いこなす
猪股 伸一
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 = The Journal of Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia/31(1)/pp.19-25, 2011-01 - Pretreatment with small-dose ketamine reduces predicted effect-site concentration of propofol required for loss of consciousness and Laryngeal Mask Airway insertion in women
Okuyama Kazuhiko; Inomata Shinichi; Okubo Naomitsu; Watan...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA/23(2)/pp.113-118, 2011-03 - A novel association of alveolar capillary dysplasia, atypical duodenal atresia, and subglottic stenosis
Shimizu Takeru; Fukuda Taeko; Inomata Shinichi; Satsumae ...
JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA/25(2)/pp.298-300, 2011-04 - 体外心臓マッサージ用ポンプ(CardioPump^)を使用した肺胞蛋白症患者の肺洗浄
西川 昌志; 猪股 伸一; 小原 由記; 綾 大介; 豊岡 秀訓
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 = The Journal of Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia/24(7)/pp.270-273, 2004-09 - Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Plasma Ropivacaine for Assessing Pharmacokinetics of the Viscous Preparation(Biopharmacy)
KAWATA Takeshi; HOMMA Masato; KAKIUCHI Yoshihiro; INOMATA...
Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin/28(12)/pp.2271-2273, 2005-12 - Effect of propofol on ropivacaine metabolism in human liver microsomes
Journal of anesthesia/20(1)/pp.60-63, 2006-02 - 経食道心エコープローブが中咽頭を穿孔し前縦隔に逸脱した症例
田畑 江哉; 猪股 伸一
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 = The Journal of Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia/30(5)/pp.795-798, 2010-09 - MDR1 gene polymorphism in Japanese patients with schizophrenia and mood disorders including depression
Qian Wen; Homma Masato; Itagaki Fumio; Tachikawa Hirokaz...
BIOLOGICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN/29(12)/pp.2446-2450, 2006-12 - Convulsions after ropivacaine 300 mg for brachial plexus block
Satsumae T.; Tanaka M.; Saito S.; Inomata S.
BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA/101(6)/pp.860-862, 2008-12 - Effects of Mexiletine, a CYP1A2 Inhibitor, on Tizanidine Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Momo Kenji; Homma Masato; Osaka Yoshiko; Inomata Shin-ic...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY/50(3)/pp.331-337, 2010-03 - Progesterone decreases sevoflurane requirement in male mice: a dose-response study
Shimizu T.; Inomata S.; Tanaka M.
BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA/104(5)/pp.603-605, 2010-05 - Bilateral vocal cord paralysis in a patient with chronic renal failure associated with Alport syndrome
Watanabe Kazuhiro; Hagiya Keiichi; Inomata Shinichi; Miya...
JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA/24(3)/pp.472-475, 2010-06 - Effects of fentanyl infusion on tracheal intubation and emergence agitation in preschool children anaesthetized with sevoflurane
Inomata S.; Maeda T.; Shimizu T.; Satsumae T.; Tanaka M.
BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA/105(3)/pp.361-367, 2010-09 - Propofol does not inhibit lidocaine metabolism during epidural anesthesia
Nakayama S; Miyabe M; Kakiuchi Y; Inomata S; Osaka Y; Fukuda T...
ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA/99(4)/pp.1131-1135, 2004-10 - さらに表示...
- ロピバカインとプロポフォールのヒト肝ミクロソームでの代謝における相互作用