柴田 靖(シバタ ヤスシ)
- 論文
- Extracranial internal carotid arterial dissection with hypoglossal nerve palsy caused by cervical self-massage: a case report.
Shibata Yasushi
CUREUS JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE/15(9)/p.e45516, 2023-9 - 見逃してはいけない二次性頭痛を見逃さないために
柴田 靖
日本頭痛学会誌/50/pp.131-134, 2023-10 - 大建中湯とcalcitonin遺伝子関連ペプチドの相互作用の文献的考察
柴田 靖
脳神経外科と漢方/8/pp.21-24, 2023-10 - Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus With Multiple Sulcus Enlargements but No Ventricular Enlargement Resembling Brain Atrophy Over a Long Period Before Diagnosis: A Case Report
Watanabe Shinya; Shibata Yasushi; Ishikawa Eiichi
CUREUS JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE/15(11), 2023-11-01 - Brain Abscess Due to Dental Sinusitis: A Case Report on Incomplete Infection Defense Associated With a Post-Fusion Linear Skull Fracture
Watanabe Shinya; Yasushi Shibata; Eiichi Ishikawa
Cureus/15(8)/p.e43941, 2023-08 - Associations between adherence to evidence-based, stroke quality indicators and outcomes of acute reperfusion therapy
Shibata Yasushi
Stroke/53(11)/pp.3359-3368, 2022-06 - 二次性頭痛のトピックス
柴田 靖; 松村明
日医雑誌/151/pp.1603-1607, 2022-12 - 知りたいがわかる頭痛診療
柴田 靖
治療/104, 2022-12 - 片頭痛の新薬
柴田 靖
治療/104/pp.996-1002, 2022-12 - 頭部外傷
柴田 靖
治療/104/pp.958-961, 2022-12 - 頭頚部外傷・損傷による頭痛
柴田 靖; 松村明
臨床と研究/99/pp.823-827, 2022-12 - 特発性頭蓋内圧亢進症と宇宙頭痛
柴田 靖; 後藤正幸
日本頭痛学会誌/49/pp.157-160, 2022-12 - 頭部外傷による持続性頭痛 拡散画像による病態解析
柴田 靖; 石山すみれ
日本頭痛学会誌/49/pp.78-80, 2022-12 - 国内医学部における頭痛教育の現状と今後の改革
柴田 靖; 石川栄一; 松村明
日本頭痛学会誌/49/pp.36-38, 2022-12 - Epidemiology of post-suboccipital craniotomy headache: A multicentre retrospective study
Shibata Yasushi; Hatayama Toru; 松田真秀; Yamazaki Tomosato; Y...
Journal of Perioperative Practice/33(7-8)/pp.233-238, 2022-4 - Conservative Treatment of Chronic Subdural Hematoma with Gorei-san
Nakao Junzo; Marushima Aiki; Fujita Keisi; Fujimori H...
NEUROLOGIA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA/63(1)/pp.31-36, 2023-01-15 - The modifying of functional connectivity induced by peripheral nerve field stimulation using electroacupuncture for migraine: a prospective clinical study.
Shibata Yasushi; Sumire Ishiyama; S Ayuzawa; A Matsushit...
Pain Medicine/23(9)/pp.1560-1569, 2022-3 - 一次性頭痛に対する加味逍遥散の臨床効果
柴田 靖
脳神経外科と漢方/7/pp.36-39, 2022-6 - Migraine Pathophysiology Revisited: Proposal of a New Molecular Theory of Migraine Pathophysiology and Headache Diagnostic Criteria
Shibata Yasushi
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES/23(21)/p.13002, 2022-10 - Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Neurite Orientation Density Dispersion Imaging Analysis of Post-traumatic Headache
Shibata Yasushi; Ishiyama Sumire
BRAIN INJURY/36(1:SI)/pp.63-64, 2022-01 - Influence of hospital capabilities and prehospital time on outcomes of thrombectomy for stroke in Japan from 2013 to 2016.
Shibata Yasushi; Kurogi Ai; Iihara Koji
Scientific Reports/12/p.3252, 2022-6 - Epidemiology of post-craniotomy headache (EPoCH): a multicenter retrospective study.
Shibata Yasushi; Hatayama Toru; Masahide Matsuda; Tomosato...
Brain and Spine/pp.100716-100716, 2021-10 - 特発性頭蓋内圧亢進症の診断と治療
柴田 靖
脳神経外科/50/pp.455-466, 2022-6 - Intensive or standard blood pressure control in patients with a history of ischemic stroke: RESPECT post hoc analysis.
Shibata Yasushi; Kazuo Kitagawa
Hypertension Research/45/pp.591-601, 2022-6 - Long term sustaining enhanced infundibulum-hypophysitis
Shibata Yasushi
Int J Radiology/8(1)/pp.1-2, 2021-4 - さらに表示...
- Extracranial internal carotid arterial dissection with hypoglossal nerve palsy caused by cervical self-massage: a case report.