柴田 靖(シバタ ヤスシ)
- 論文
- The predictive value of Diffusion tensor imaging in patients with hydrocephalus
S Oosuka; K Saotome; A Matsushita; Y Nagatomo; E Ishikaw...
Neuroradiology/49/p.602, 2007-01 - Differentiation between cerebellopontine angle meningioma and neurinoma by MRI and MRS
Q Yue; Y Shibata; T Kawamura; I Anno; T Isobe; A Matsumura
Neuroradiology/49/p.615, 2007-01 - Imaging of Cerebrospinal Fluid Space and Movement of Hydrocephalus Mice using Near Infrared Fluorescence
Y Shibata; JB Kruskal; MR Palmer
Neurol Sci/28/p.87-92, 2007-01 - T2 Corrected Quantification of L-p-Boronophenylalanine-Fructose Complex Using Proton MR Spectroscopy
Yamamoto Y; Shibata Y; Isobe T; Yamamoto T; Anno I; Nakai...
ICNCT proceeding, 2008-01 - Multi-modal imaging for CNS lymphoma
M Akimoto; Y Shibata; T Yamamoto; S Takano; Y Tsuboi; A ...
Neuroradiology/50/p.618, 2008-01 - Fusion imaging of 201Tl SPECT and MRI using new algorithm
Y Shibata; A Matsushita; M Akimoto; T Yamamoto; S Takano...
Neuroradiology/50/p.618-619, 2008-01 - Correlation of intraventricular pressure with fractional anisotropy in caudate nucleus
S Oosuka; A Matsushita; K Saotome; Y Nagatomo; E Ishikaw...
Neuroradiology/50/p.621, 2008-01 - Improvement of method for standardizing FA values in DTI using original software
A Matushita; S Oosuka; K Saotome; Y Shibata; Y Nagatomo; ...
Neuroradiology/50/p.621, 2008-01 - Orbital metastasis of thyroid follicular carcinoma –a case report-
N Sakamoto; Y Shibata; A Matsumura
Neuroradiology/50/p.636, 2008-01 - Usefulness and problems with standardized display conditions on diffusion-weighted imaging by using ASIST-Japan method in one hospital
R Onizawa; S Osuga; S Noguchi; M Kajiro; T Nagayama; H S...
Neuroradiology/50/p.647, 2008-01 - Central nervous system(CNS) Lymphomaの診断能の検討
秋本 学; 柴田 靖; 山本哲哉; 高野晋吾; 坪井康次; 松村 明
CI研究 : progress in computed imaging/30((3,4))/pp.129-133, 2009-03 - DIRECT COMPARISON OF Tl-201 AND Tc-99m MIBI SPECT OF GLIOMA BY A RECEIVER OPERATING CHARACTERISTIC ANALYSIS
Shibata Y; Yamamoto T; Takano S; Katayama W; Takeda T; Ma...
J Clinical Neuroscience/16/p.264-269, 2009-01 - 片頭痛を合併した脳動静脈奇形の3例
柴田 靖; 小沼邦之; 室井 愛; 鈴木謙介; 坪井康次; 松村 明
日本頭痛学会雑誌/36/p.264-267, 2010-01 - Characteristics of measurement methods for fractional anisotropy in diffusion tensor imaging
Matsushita A; Osuka S; Saotome K; Shinoda K; Okubo J; Aku...
Neuroradiology/53/p.814, 2011-01 - Lateral Orbital Wall intradiploic Meningioma
Shibata Y; Ohsuka S; Matsumura A.
Neuroradiology/53/p.820, 2011-01 - 刑務所受刑者の急性期脳梗塞入院加療:倫理的考察
柴田 靖; 遠藤 聖
脳卒中/33/p.150-153, 2011-01 - トリプタンとSSRI/SNRIの併用は危険か?
柴田 靖
日本頭痛学会雑誌/37/p.310-313, 2011-01 - Remote desktop based telemedicine system
Y Shibata
J Clin Neuroscience/18/p.661-663, 2011-01 - 術中蛍光血管撮影を施行した皮質下出血の1例
遠藤 聖; 柴田 靖
茨城県農村医学会雑誌/24/p.16-21, 2011-01 - Navigation-guided endoscopic biopsy for pathological diagnosis for intraparenchymal pure germinoma near the ventricular trigone
Onuma K; Ishikawa E; Matsuda M; Shibata Y; Satomi K; Yama...
Surg Neurol Int/3/p.9-12, 2012-01 - Diagnostic value of 123I-IMP SPECT in primary central nervous system lymphoma.
Akimoto M; Shibata Y; Takano S; Yamamoto T; Tsuboi K; Mat...
Neuroradiology/49/p.595, 2007-01 - Our clinical experience with migraine-triggered seizure
Shibata Y; Muroi A; Matsushita A; Tsunoda T; Kobayashi E...
Japanese Journal of Headache/35/p.76-78, 2009-01 - Combined use of sodium borocaptate and buthionine sulfoximine in boron neutron capture therapy enhanced tissue boron uptake and delayed tumor growth in a rat subcutaneous tumor model
Fumiyo Yoshida; Tetsuya Yamamoto; Kei Nakai; Hiroaki Kum...
Cancer Letters/263(2)/pp.253-258, 2008-01 - 原子炉を用いた悪性脳腫瘍の治療中性子捕捉療法
松村 明; 山本 哲哉; 柴田 靖; 能勢 忠男; 山本 和喜; 熊田 博明; 鳥居 義也
日本原子力学会誌 = Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan/43(10)/pp.957-963, 2001-10 - Agenesis of Bilateral Internal Carotid Arteries Led to the Development of Vertigo
Shibata Yasushi; Endo Kiyoshi; Mashiko Ryota
CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES/34(1)/pp.115-115, 2012-01 - さらに表示...
- The predictive value of Diffusion tensor imaging in patients with hydrocephalus