柴田 靖(シバタ ヤスシ)
- 論文
- 脳動脈瘤クリップが3DCTAに及ぼす影響についての基礎的検討 ーチタンクリップの有用性についてー
臼庭 等; 西田龍彦; 神長一浩; 松本昌男; 広瀬新一; 坂本幸雄; 柴田光生; 阿久津博義; 柴田 靖; 岡崎匡雄
茨城県画像診断研究会誌/9/p.74-77, 1998-01 - 出血性脳梗塞急性期に発症し治療に難渋した肺塞栓症の1例
菅谷忠幸; 中山 大; 天貝賢二; 武信秀史; 舛田博文; 紅露恒男; 阿久津博義; 柴田 靖; 岡崎匡雄
茨城循環器研究会雑誌/p.29-36, 1998-01 - 悪性脳腫瘍に対する中性子捕捉療法の基礎的及び臨床的研究
柴田 靖; 松村 明; 山本哲哉; 山田 隆; 中井 啓; 能勢忠男; 早川吉則; 中川義信; 阪田 功; 岡崎匡雄
平成9年度茨城県がん臨床研究報告書/7/p.85-89, 1998-01 - Manganese-metalloporphyrin (ATN-10) as a tumor-localizing agent: magnetic resonance imaging and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy study with experimental brain tumors
Yamamoto T; Matsumura A; Shibata Y; Fujimori H; Nakai K; ...
Neurosurgery/42/p.1332-1337, 1998-01 - 99mTc-MIBI SPECTによる脳腫瘍の悪性度診断 再発脳腫瘍と放射線壊死の鑑別診断
柴田 靖; 吉井与志彦; 能勢忠男; 佐藤始広
CI研究/20/p.11-16, 1998-01 - Persistent vegetative state
Matsumura A; Meguro K; Shibata Y; Nose T
J Neurosurg/89/p.895-896, 1998-01 - Development of new boronated metalloporphyrins for neutron capture therapy
Matsumura A; Shibata Y; Yamamoto T; Yoshida F; Nakai K; N...
Porphyrins/7/p.150-157, 1998-01 - Neutron capture therapy with a new boron-porphyrin compound in the rat 9L glioma model
Shibata Y; Matsumura A; Yamamoto T; Nakagawa K; Yoshii Y...
J Exp Clin Cancer Res/17/p.285-289, 1998-01 - Cell cycle dependency of porphyrin uptake in a glioma cell line
Shibata Y; Matsumura A; Yoshida F; Yamamoto T; Nakai K; N...
Cancer Lett/129/p.77-85, 1998-01 - Comparison of radiobiological effect of thermal and epithermal neutrons at KUR using 9L glioma cells
Matsumura A; Shibata Y; Yamamoto T; Nakai K; Yoshida F; I...
KURRI Progress Report 1998/p.176, 1999-01 - 小児脳動脈瘤について
柴田 靖
脳外誌/8/p.128-129, 1999-01 - 塞栓術中に痙攣発作と一過性皮質盲を来たした小脳AVMの一例:脳血管内手術に伴う出血性合併症とまぎらわしかった症候性一過性造影剤漏出
中居康展; 兵頭明夫; 岡崎匡雄; 柴田 靖; 松丸祐司; 能勢忠男
脳神経外科/27(3)/pp.249-253, 1999-01 - Boron neutron capture therapy for malignant glioma. Improvement of QOL by tumor selective single irradiation
Matsumura A; Yamamoto T; Shibata Y; Nose T
Neurooncology/9/p.88-93, 1999-01 - A new boronated porphyrin (STA-BX909) for neutron capture therapy: an in vitro survival assay and in vivo tissue uptake study
Matsumura A; Shibata Y; Yamamoto T; Yoshida F; Isobe T; N...
Cancer Lett/141/p.203-209, 1999-01 - Cytocidal effect on tumor cells treated with In-Phantom epithermal irradiation
Matsumura A; Yamamoto T; Shibata Y; Takano S; Yoshida F; ...
KURRI Progress Report 1999/p.155, 2000-01 - Intramedullary clear cell ependymoma in the cervical spinal cord: case report
Akutsu H; Shibata Y; Okazaki M; Hyodo A; Matsumura A
Neurosurgery/47/p.1434-1437, 2000-01 - Differential diagnosis of Angiolipoma
Shibata Y
Jpn J Neurosurg (Tokyo)/9/p.527-528, 2000-01 - Differentiation of mechanism and prognosis of traumatic brain stem lesions detected by magnetic resonance imaging in the acute stage.
Shibata Y; Matsumura A; Meguro K; Narushima K.
Clin Neurol Neurosurg/102/p.124-128, 2000-01 - Ruptured aneurysm at the origin of the median artery of the corpus callosum associated with accessory middle cerebral artery--case report.
Yanaka K; Shirai S; Shibata Y; Nose T
Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo)/40/p.511-514, 2000-01 - Intracranial hypotension
Matsumura A; Anno I; Nose T; Fujimoto A; Shibata Y; Okaza...
J Neurosurg/95(5)/p.914-6, 2001-11 - Intraoperative boron neutron capture therapy for malignant gliomas: First clinical results of Tsukuba phase I/II trial using JAERI mixed thermal-epithermal beam
Matsumura A; Yamamoto T; Shibata Y; Akutsu H; Yasuda S; M...
JAERI-review/p.449-451, 2001-01 - Competitive uptake of porphyrin and LDL via the LDL receptor in glioma cell lines: flow cytometric analysis.
Shibata Y; Matsumura A; Yoshida F; Yamamoto T; Nakai K; N...
Cancer Lett/166/p.79-87, 2001-01 - 原子炉を用いた悪性脳腫瘍の治療
松村 明; 山本哲哉; 柴田 靖; 能勢忠男; 山本和喜; 熊田博明; 鳥居義也
日本原子力学会誌/43(10)/p.957-963, 2001-01 - In-phantom two-dimensional thermal neutron distribution for intraoperative boron neutron capture therapy of brain tumours
Yamamoto T; Matsumura A; Yamamoto K; Kumada H; Shibata Y...
Phys Med Biol/47/p.2387-2396, 2002-01 - Effect of expression of P-glycoprotein on technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile single photon emission computed tomography of brain tumors
Shibata Y; Matsumura A; Nose T
Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo)/42(8)/pp.325-330, 2002-08 - さらに表示...
- 脳動脈瘤クリップが3DCTAに及ぼす影響についての基礎的検討 ーチタンクリップの有用性についてー