柴田 靖(シバタ ヤスシ)


  • Cell cycle dependence of boron uptake from two boron compounds used for clinical neutron capture therapy.
    Yoshida F; Matsumura A; Shibata Y; Yamamoto T; Nakauchi ...
    Cancer Lett/187/p.135-141, 2002-01
  • 熱熱外混合ビームを用いた術中硼素中性子捕捉療法
    山本哲哉; 松村明; 高野晋吾; 柴田靖; 山本和喜; 熊田博明; 能勢忠男
    Neuro-Oncology/12/p.88-90, 2002-01
  • Characterization of neutron beams for boron neutron capture therapy: in-air radiobiological dosimetry
    Yamamoto T; Matsumura A; Yamamoto K; Kumada H; Hori N; To...
    Radiat Res/160/p.70-76, 2003-01
  • Preliminary treatment planning and dosimetry for a clinical trial of neutron capture therapy using a fission converter epithermal neutron beam.
    Kiger WS 3rd; Lu XQ; Harling OK; Riley KJ; Binns PJ; Kapl...
    Appl Radiat Isot./61(5)/p.1075-81, 2004-01
  • 軽症脳梗塞に対するクリティカルパスの臨床効果
    柴田 靖; 松下明; 小林栄喜
    医療マネジメント学会雑誌/5(3)/p.431-435, 2004-01
  • Analysis of intracellular distribution of Boron and Gadolinium in 9L sarcoma cells using a single-ended accelerator(Micro-PIXE)
    K Endo; Y Shibata; H Yoshida; K Nakai; Y Yamamoto; A Mat...
    JAERI-review 2004-025, 2004-01
  • Neuroradiological imaging of mice cerebrospinal space and flow using near infrared fluorescence
    Y Shibata; A Matsumura; J Kruskal; M Palmer
    Neuroradiology/47/p.469, 2005-01
  • 軽症脳梗塞に対するクリティカルパスの経済効果
    柴田 靖; 松下 明; 小林栄喜
    医療マネジメント学会雑誌/5(4)/p.497-500, 2005-01
  • 脳梗塞リハビリテーションのクリティカルパス アウトカム評価とバリアンス分析
    塩見典子; 斉藤秀之; 金森毅繁; 酒井芳美; 井上喜美子; 柴田 靖
    医療マネジメント学会雑誌/6(2)/p.408-413, 2005-01
  • 近赤外線蛍光によるマウス髄液腔、髄液循環の画像化
    柴田靖; 松村明
    CI研究/27/p.91-96, 2005-01
  • 悪性グリオーマに対する放射線治療の検討
    松田真秀; 山本哲哉; 坪井康次; 高野晋吾; 柴田 靖; 松村 明
    Neuro-Oncology/15(2)/p.45-49, 2005-01
  • 筑波記念病院におけるクリティカルパスへの取り組み
    柴田 靖
    Medical QOL/137/p.54-57, 2006-01
  • Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopyによる脳室内腫瘍の診断
    柴田 靖; 川村 拓; 阿武 泉; 片山 亘; 中村和弘; 松田真秀; 室井 愛; 山本哲哉; 高野晋吾; 坪井康次; 松村 明
    Neuro-Oncology/16(1), 2006-01
  • Analysis of intracellular distribution of boron and gadolinium in 9L sarcoma cells using a single-ended accelerator (Micro PIXE)
    K Endo; K Nakai; Y Yamamoto; Y Shibata; A Matsumura; K I...
    JAEA-Review 2005-001/p.316-317, 2006-01
  • Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and 201Thallium-, Technetium 99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography findings of a patient with choroids plexus papilloma: case report
    Y Shibata; W Katayama; I Anno; H Kawamura; A Matsumura
    Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology, 2006-01
  • Evaluation of MR Spectroscopic changes before and after radiation therapy
    A Matsumura; Y Shibata; T Isobe; I Anno; H Kawamura; M O...
    Neuroradiology/48/p.568, 2006-01
  • Proton-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and 201Tl-, Tc99mMIBI SPECT findings for choroid plexus papilloma
    Y Shibata; H Kawamura; I Anno; S Oosuka; T Isobe; A Mats...
    Neuroradiology/48/p.560, 2006-01
  • Proton-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and findings for initial glioma.
    Y Shibata; W Katayama; I Anno; H Kawamura; A Matsumura
    Neuroradiology/48/p.557, 2006-01
  • Evaluation of glioma malignancy with 201Tl/Tc99mMIBI SPECT.
    W Katayama; Y Shibata; T Yamamoto; S Takano; A Matsumura
    Neuroradiology/48/p.560-561, 2006-01
  • Relationship between quantitative proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and pathological diagnosis for initial cases of glioma
    S Osuka; Y Shibata; T Isobe; H Kawamura; A Matsushita; W ...
    Neuroradiology/48/p.577-578, 2006-01
  • 201Tl/99mTc-MIBI SPECT to Evaluate Therapy Effect of BNCT with BSH and BPA for malignant brain tumor
    Yasushi Shibata; Wataru Katayama; Tetsuya Yamamoto; Kei ...
    Advances in Neutron Capture Therapy 2006 (Proceeding of 12th ICNCT), 2006-01
  • Analysis of Boron Distribution in 9L Gliosarcoma cells Using Particle Induced γ-ray Emission (PIGE).
    Kiyoshi Endo; Tetsuya Yamamoto; Yasushi Shibata; Kouji...
    Advances in Neutron Capture Therapy 2006 (Proceeding of 12th ICNCT), 2006-01
  • 急性期軽症脳梗塞クリティカルパスのバリアンス分析
    柴田靖; 松下明; 小林栄喜
    医療マネジメント学会雑誌/6(4)/p.604-607, 2006-01
  • Quantitative Proton-Magnetic resonance Spectroscopy to evaluate therapy effect for Glioma
    Y Shibata; H Kawamura; I Anno; T Isobe; A Matsushita; A ...
    Neuroradiology/49/p.593, 2007-01
  • Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis of 201Tl SPECT and 99mTc-MIBI SPECT for initial glioma
    Y Shibata; W Katayama; T Yamamoto; S Takano; K Tsuboi; A ...
    Neuroradiology/49/p.594, 2007-01
  • さらに表示...